Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 267: The golden-eyed eagle is angry!

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A flash of lightning flashed, and then, the sound of rolling thunder wafted from the sky.


The pouring rain fell on the top of Dita Peak.

In the dense steam, Gu Shaoshang looked indifferently at Fan Qinghui, who was kneeling on the ground, and the resentful disciples of Cihang Jingzhai around him.

For Buddhism, Gu Shaoshang has no ill will.

If he wasn't the emperor, he wouldn't care how these nuns made trouble.

But their positions are different. When the entire Great Sui Dynasty has been regarded by Gu Shaoshang as something in his pocket, he dares to come out and stir up the storm.

Gu Shaoshang naturally wouldn't forgive him lightly.

"From now on, Cihang Jingzhai will be disbanded, and all the nuns will be dismissed, and they will enter the palace as palace maids."

Gu Shaoshang put his hands down and looked down at Fan Qinghui: "Do you have something to say?"

"Qinghui obeys Mr. Gu's arrangement."

Fan Qinghui raised his head, his eyes darkened.

She never thought that Cihang Jingzhai would cease to exist on the first day when her master had just died.

"Master Zhai!"

A group of Jingzhai disciples spoke out one after another, looking at Gu Shaoshang angrily.

"Being a palace maid naturally doesn't require any profound martial arts."

Gu Shaoshang ignored the angry eyes of the surrounding disciples and said lightly, "Do you understand what I mean?"

"Qinghui understands."

Fan Qinghui restrained her face with sadness, and replied lightly.

"Get up."

Gu Shaoshang turned around and walked into the wind and rain again, a faint voice drifting in the wind and rain:

"Afterwards, go to Daxing, and someone will arrange for you to wait."


Fan Qinghui stood up and looked at Gu Shaoshang's retreating back wetly, sighing inwardly.

"Master Zhai!"

A group of Jingzhai disciples gathered around, their faces pale and gloomy.

"Senior sister! What should we do?"

A young woman wearing a green shirt with a peerless appearance walked up to Fan Qinghui and asked.

"Xiu Xin, go find Shi Zhixuan yourself. He is a celebrity in front of Yang Guang, so he must be able to protect you."

Fan Qinghui glanced at the woman in front of her, and said with a complicated expression: "There is only one chance. If I go against his will, I really have no hope for Jingzhai."

"Maybe it's not without a chance."

Bi Xiu frowned slightly, and said softly, "If Senior Sister, you become Yang Guang's concubine, Buddhism might not have a chance."


Fan Qinghui did not answer Bi Xiuxin, but folded his hands together and whispered a Buddha's name.

Looking around the group of Jingzhai disciples in the hazy words, he said calmly: "Wait a moment to prepare, and then follow me down the mountain to Daxing."

"Yes, Master Zhai."

All Jingzhai disciples bowed in response.

Even though they felt resentment in their hearts, they knew in their hearts that Buddhism's general trend was over, and even if they ran away, they were lucky enough to escape the terrifying black-robed youth.

The second half of his life will be spent in fear of running for his life.

Until all the disciples dispersed, Fan Qinghui and Bi Xiuxin were still standing in the heavy rain, silent.

"Going to Daxing here, good or bad luck is unpredictable, Senior Sister Wanwang is careful."

After a long time, Bi Xiu Xin sighed: "If I knew today, why should I wait to stir the tiger's beard."

"The world is impermanent, who would have known that there is such a master beside Yang Guang."

Fan Qinghui's eyes were erratic, and an inexplicable look appeared on his beautiful face: "Yang Guang."


At this time, a crisp child's voice came.

At the gate of Jingzhai, a girl about four or five years old came up in the rain and hugged Fan Qinghui's thigh.


Fan Qinghui leaned over and picked up the girl, the rain swept across her face, showing a beautiful smile.

He said to the girl, "How about the master take you down the mountain to play?"

"Master, don't cry."

The girl stretched out her fleshy little hand and wiped it on Fan Qinghui's face.

"Silly girl!"

Fan Qinghui tapped her forehead with her slender fingers and scolded with a smile.



With the wind whistling, Gu Shaoshang and Xiang Yutian descended the Emperor Stepping Peak one after the other.

"Unfortunately, Cihang Jingzhai doesn't have any experts."

Gu Shaoshang shook his head.

I thought that some hidden masters would pop up in Cihang Jingzhai, but I never thought that there were only three masters.

"With the strength of Cihang Jingzhai, it has surpassed Jingnian Temple, and it can be called the top force in today's martial arts."

Xiang Yutian glanced at Gu Shaoshang, and said speechlessly: "Cihang Jingzhai's "Sword Canon" has its own flaws, once you step into a great master, you can only retreat, so it is impossible to have a great master level. master."

In today's martial arts, the master warrior can sit on one side, which is already the strongest level in the world.

Grandmaster, how many are there?

Even under the pressure of Gu Shaoshang, with Song Que's talent, he was only able to reach the realm of a great master.

Gu Shaoshang smiled dumbly. After coming to the Tang Dynasty, none of the people he played against were lower than the master level.

"You're gone like this, aren't you afraid these nuns will run away?"

Xiang Yutian understands that for monsters like Gu Shaoshang, the great master is not in the eyes of him. In his opinion, the master is really not a master.

"I'm on the Emperor's Stepping Peak this time. In the world, there won't be any forces that dare to accept them. Fan Qinghui is a smart person and naturally understands this truth."

Gu Shaoshang's voice was flat and unconcerned.

Apart from the Four Great Sages who were defeated by him in the first battle, no one in Buddhism was looked down upon by him.

Cihang Jingzhai, the group of nuns, naturally he would not take it seriously.

If you're in a good mood, stay, you don't know what to look like, and you'll be crushed to death!


Gu Shaoshang finished speaking, a little under his feet, a white trace was pulled out from the wind and rain, and he went to the foot of the mountain:

"Let's go, do you still want to be in the rain all the time?"

Although he is not afraid of wind and rain, there is nothing to stay in this desolate mountain.

"Unfortunately, the inheritance of Dini has been cut off."

Xiang Yutian looked back at Cihang Jingzhai, who was on the top of the Emperor's Stepping Peak, and felt a little regretful.

Immediately, infuriating shivered, chasing after Gu Shaoshang.


The wind and rain in summer come and go quickly. Not long after Gu Shaoshang and the two descended from the Emperor Tap Peak, the wind stopped and the rain stopped, and the scorching sun hung high.

A rainbow across the sky, beautiful.

Immediately, the two walked all the way, not in a hurry, and after ten days, they came to the prairie.


The summer wind blew past, setting off a green wave on the endless prairie.

Gu Shaoshang stopped their horses and watched the grassy waves roll over under the breeze.

"After a few years, I came here again."

Gu Shaoshang straddled the horse and looked into the distance.

The last time he came here was in the middle of winter. He was accompanied by Yuwen Tuo and came here.

"The Ruma Plain is still a few days away from here, but I don't know what the situation is in the battle to destroy the Turks."

Xiang Yutian did not sigh, but frowned.

After more than a hundred years of pursuit, the Temple of War has almost become his inner demon, even if it may not be useful to it, but if he does not set foot in it, he will be unwilling.

Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly, but instead of answering, he let out a long howl.


The sound waves were turbulent, but they didn't burst like usual. Instead, they sounded like eagles chirping.




Not long after, there was a loud eagle cry in the distant sky, and a golden light appeared in the distant sky.

The first tweet was still out of reach, and when the third tweet was made, it was already straight at Gu Shaoshang.

The fierce wind blew past, and Gu Shaoshang, who was blowing straight, had black hair fluttering all over his head, and his clothes rattled.



The horses under Gu Shaoshang's seat were frightened, they neighed continuously, and they wanted to escape like crazy.


He let out a light hum to Yutian, and pressed his palm on the horse's head. No matter how frantic the horse was, he couldn't move at all.


Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly, and as soon as his body moved, the horses under the seat could not move.

But even so, the horse's eyes were still full of horror. If it wasn't for Gu Shaoshang's real pressure control, he would have fallen to his knees and shivered.


In the strong wind, a golden eagle bird with wings spread more than six feet in length circled slightly above Gu Shaoshang's head and landed on Gu Shaoshang's arm.


The young bird of the golden-eyed eagle finally had a little bit of the power of a monster at this time, and there was a kind of domineering that the adult golden-eyed eagle did not have.

Although the wingspan is only six feet, less than one-tenth of his mother's, but his strength is already close to surpassing his mother's.

Its speed has surpassed that of ordinary golden-eyed eagles, and it is much faster than Gu Shaoshang's own power to fly into the air with the power of the sea.

"Not bad!"

Gu Shaoshang sighed a few times, but after a few years, his anger grew a little bit.

Sure enough, the sky is the final environment for its growth, and the captive monsters never have the domineering arrogance to roam freely and look down on the world.

"Gu boy! You eagle is really handsome!"

Xiang Yutian clicked his tongue in admiration, and his angry eyes lighted up slightly.

Ordinary eagles are definitely not so fast, nor so domineering, to make the horses under him so afraid.

"That's natural."

Gu Shaoshang nodded with a smile, without explaining too much.

The anger is still small at this time, not to mention the activation of the bloodline of the golden-winged Dapeng bird, and its size is not as big as an ordinary monster.

"Let's go! Take us to find Yang Su's army."

Gu Shaoshang touched the furious feathers with his palms, and said lightly.

This young bird was baptized by Gu Shaoshang's blood, and was connected to Gu Shaoshang's spirit. Hearing the words, it made a chirping and flew away.


Anger set off an air current, soaring above the sky, making a loud chirping.

"Let's go!"

Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly and jumped off the horse.

Together with Xiang Yutian, they whistled and ran after "Anger".

Behind him, two horses were crouching on the ground, shivering, not to mention riding, even if they wanted to stand up, it was not something they could do in a short time.


Following the guidance of "Anger", the two went all the way to the depths of the grassland.

Gradually, the two saw a large pile of rotting corpses of Turkic soldiers wrapped in animal skins and thin armor by the road.

Gray wolves with green eyes gnawed at carrion.

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