Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 268: Jingyan Palace!

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"evil creature!"

Xiang Yutian raised his eyebrows, his sleeve robes fluttered, and his infuriating energy was billowing.

He naturally didn't like the Turks, but he was still displeased when he saw these beasts eating human flesh.

"Let's go!"

Gu Shaoshang shook his head and walked on.

Along the way, I encountered more and more corpses, and the wolves also formed in groups. Later, unless it was easy, Xiang Yutian was too lazy to do it.


Gu Shaoshuang tapped lightly on his feet, and the surrounding wind vibrated, killing more than a dozen gray wolves. Looking at it from a distance, dozens of miles away, the army was covered in darkness, and the flag of Sui was held high.


Anger screamed in the sky, swooped down with rolling air, and landed on Gu Shaoshang's arm.

"The front is the army led by Yang Su."

Gu Shao fondly stroked his angry head and said.


He nodded to Yutian, stepped down a little, and went straight to the army.

Gu Shaoshang shook his head and followed slowly.


In the tent of the Great Sui marching army.

"Looking for Jingyan Palace?"

Yang Su frowned, looking at Gu Shaoshang who were sitting in the big tent, frowning.

Of course, he is no stranger to the name of Jingyan Palace's "Book of the God of War".

Where did the God of War catalogue first come from, when did it appear, and who left it, it is impossible to know how many people have seen it, and no one knows.

According to word of mouth, for many years, countless martial artists have been looking for Jingyan Palace and War God Temple.

"Is there an edict from His Majesty?"

Yang Su's heart moved, and she was very interested.

But it is about the movement of the hundreds of thousands of troops. If there is no emperor's hand, he would never dare to mobilize the army without permission.

The first battle to pacify the East and West Turks is naturally a great achievement, but if you mobilize the army privately, I am afraid that after returning, not only will there be no success, but you may lose your head.


Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly and stretched his palms into his arms. In fact, he took out a roll of plain yellow silk from Jiuding Space and handed it to Yang Su.

He has worked with Yang Su for many years, and he naturally knows Yang Su's personality. Since he has not exposed his thoughts, he must be prepared.

"Sure enough, it is His Majesty's handwriting."

Yang Su stood up abruptly, and said with a laugh, "It's just right, this Taishi is also interested in this ancient God of War catalogue!"

Now that there is a manual, Yang Su naturally doesn't mind going together.

Immediately, a few days later, Yang Su dispatched Yu Guluo, Shi Wansui, and Zhang Xutuo to lead a 300,000-strong army to **** the prisoners, cattle, sheep, gold, silver and bronze trophies to Daxing.

Afterwards, together with Gu Shaoshang, Xiang Yutian, Yu Wentuo and others, they led the remaining army and headed straight for the Liuma Plain.

After the mighty army entered the Ruma Plain, they dispersed and searched everywhere.

The Ruma Plain occupies a huge area, and Xiang Yutian was unable to determine the exact location, so the army launched a search, while Gu Shaoshang and others waited peacefully in the tent.


in the tent.

call! Suck!

Gu Shaoshang sat cross-legged on the bed, grinding the seeds of infuriating energy, and the air flowed endlessly between his breaths.

The wisps of the yang qi are instilled in Gu Shaoshang's whole body, and when the meridians flow, it is transformed into pure yang true qi, which returns to the dantian to nourish the true qi seeds.

After being promoted to Qi Zong, even though Gu Shaoshang's previous savings were deep, the progress would inevitably slow down.

But Gu Shaoshang wasn't in a hurry, or in other words, he couldn't be in a hurry.

The realm of contemplation, also known as the realm of the gods, is very different from the realm of contemplation, and is called the difference between humans and gods by the warriors of the vast continent.

It means that if you cross this border, you will no longer be a mortal, and you will be considered a backbone among the ten thousand races in the vast continent!

Only stepping into the realm of the gods is the first step towards the forest of the strong.


As Gu Shaoshang's bones trembled, the space around him rippled slightly.

"The spiritual energy of the Tang Dynasty is still too thin, and it is not comparable to the vast continent in terms of level, but it is enough for my current practice."

Gu Shao's thoughts turned in his sadness. Naturally, the more full of spiritual energy, the better, but in fact, even in the ocean of spiritual energy, the amount of spiritual energy absorbed every day is limited.

The spiritual energy of the Tang Dynasty is naturally not comparable to that of the vast continent, but it is naturally more than enough to support Gu Shaoshang's cultivation at this time.

Gu Shaoshang thought about it, closed his eyes and concentrated,

Check the dantian, infuriating seeds rising and falling in infuriating.

Compared with the time when it was just condensed, it was already more than ten times larger.

Gu Shaoshang's spiritual sense gradually penetrated into the extremely subtle parts of the human body, and he saw the acupoints that were shining like stars in the sky.

The first impact on the acupuncture point was impacted by the energy contained in the He's jade, and it did not consume Gu Shaoshang's infuriating energy.

And Gu Shaoshang has been promoted to Qi Zong for several years, and the true qi seeds he has cultivated are enough for Gu Shaoshang to impact the acupoints.

After all, when he took his life, he had accumulated a huge amount of information, even if Gu Shaoshang wanted to open up the most top acupoints, it was enough.


Under the guidance of Gu Shaoshang's spiritual sense, the true qi seeds in the dantian trembled suddenly.

Immediately, a stream of pure infuriating energy erupted all over the body, heading straight for the star-like acupoints in the body.


Gu Shaoshang's mind roared!




Gu Shaoshang stretched his strength, and his true qi suddenly exploded, colliding three times in a row!


Gu Shaoshang's spirit was shaken, and the acupuncture hole finally opened!


The whole body's true qi surged, and it was swallowed by the acupuncture points.


After all the infuriating energy was exhausted, Gu Shaoshang's spiritual sense moved and entered the acupuncture hole.

Covered by the red creation energy, the space of the acupoints continued to expand until it reached the limit of Gu Shaoshang.

This time will take a month, and Gu Shaoshang can't change it.


The power of the sea of ​​consciousness touches.

The Qi of Creation gathered and condensed into God's motionless figure.


Gu Shaoshang stepped forward and pointed at God's eyebrows, instilling the power of sea-consciousness.

This time, of course, it is not the innate twelve entanglement. Since the opening of the acupoints to the present, the boxing skills of the dragon and snake world have basically been instilled into God's mind.

However, although every time Gu Shaoshang's sea-consciousness power is exhausted, the condensed figure will dissipate.

But what Gu Shaoshang instilled will not change. After Gu Shaoshang condenses again, God still has the previous martial arts experience.


With the instillation of the power of the sea of ​​consciousness, God's figure solidified and practiced boxing.


God's figure wandered, and the fists roared with the dense creation energy. The fists were so powerful that they reached the sun. It was Gu Shaoshang's self-created fists.

After the power of sea-consciousness was exhausted to the critical point, Gu Shaoshang took the initiative to eliminate God's figure and exited the acupoint space.


Gu Shaoshang stretched out his hand and kneaded his aching temples.

Since the power of the sea of ​​consciousness was consumed for the first time, Gu Shaoshang never used up the power of the sea of ​​consciousness again.

The power of the sea of ​​consciousness comes from the soul. Although the power of the sea of ​​consciousness still increases a little after it is exhausted, it is actually squeezing the soul, which is not worth the loss.


More than a month passed in a blink of an eye, and in Xiang Yutian's urgent mood, the army finally found the clue.

Immediately, Gu Shaoshang and others went to the place where the soldiers found clues.

"If I can't find it again, the old man can only go back to the court."

Yang Su was slightly relieved.

The army of 600,000 people, in addition to those killed in battle and those taken away by Shi Wansui and others, had more than 100,000 troops.

What a huge amount of grass is consumed every day. If it weren't for the defeat of the Turks this time, there would be a lot of food and grass seized, and this place is a grassland, and the horses would not be able to support it without special feeding.

"If the Jingyan Palace is found, the Grand Master can teach him to return to the court."

Gu Shaoshang smiled and looked into the distance, full of mountains: "It's called Ruma Plain, but there are so many mountains."

"You don't know, in ancient times, this place was an endless plain, where did the mountains come from."

Xiang Yutian was in a happy mood, and the conversation was full of excitement. He laughed and said: "In the vicissitudes of life, not only the plains have become mountain peaks, but the Jingyan Palace, which has always been erected on the Ruma Plain, is also buried in the mountains. Recreate the world."

"The God of War Catalog."

Xiang Yutian smiled slightly, and his eyes lit up: "After more than a hundred years of hard search, I have finally appeared in front of me."

Gu Shaoshang understood Xiang Yutian somewhat.

As far as he knows, "The Secret of Longevity", "Dao Heart Seeds of Demons", "Cihang Sword Canon" and "The God of War Catalog", although they are listed as the four great feats of the Tang world.

But in fact, several other divine arts, including the longevity art, were created by later generations inspired by the God of War catalogue.

Unlike Yan Fei's self-created golden pill after the pill-eating calamity, the foundation of Xiang Yutian's Dao-hearted demon is actually derived from the God of War catalog. it goes without saying.

Therefore, Yan Fei put the God of War catalog in his eyes without seeing it, but Xiang Yutian was extremely urgent.

Even if he is now stronger than Yan Fei before the shattering.

Several people were talking, and under the guidance of "anger" above their heads, they came to the place where the soldiers found clues.

In the distance, I saw a group of cavalry soldiers who were resolute and resolute, blocking the front of a mountain like a steel city wall.

When they came to the bottom of the mountain, everyone saw that this mountain was neither high nor short, covered with forest plants, unusually emerald green, mixed in the surrounding mountains, and there was nothing special about it.

"Master! It's here. I'm waiting to search. Every time I enter, I will come out involuntarily."

Yuwen Tuo, who was in golden armor, stepped forward and said respectfully.


Xiang Yutian frowned slightly, but he didn't find any doubts.

Hearing Yuwen Tuo's words, he stepped forward, whistling into the mountains.


Gu Shaoshang raised his brows, and saw Xiang Yutian step into the jungle, and then set foot on the mountain peak in an instant, but it was time for a cup of tea, and he came down the mountain.

"It's really weird!"

A smile appeared on Xiang Yutian's face: "But it can't be difficult for me, you come with me."

"Yuwen, please go back to the court, and you go back to the court, the old man will visit the temple of war with the two gentlemen."

Yang Su's eyes lit up, turned around, and commanded.

"Yes, Master!"

Yu Wentuo's eyes fluctuated slightly, and he glanced at the mountain peak.

Turning around and getting on the called out the soldiers and walked away, seemingly not interested in this ancient temple of war.

Both Yang Su and Gu Shaoshang knew that Yuwen Tuo's family-owned true qi was extremely exclusive, and it was difficult for him to practice any extraordinary skills.

Therefore, if there are people who are not interested in the Temple of War at all, then there is only Yuwen Tuo.


Gu Shaoshang raised his arm, and the young bird hovering in the air roared and landed on his arm.

Immediately, Gu Shaoshang and Yang Su followed Xiang Yutian one after the other and entered the mountain.

"This Shocking Wild Goose Peak has an exquisite layout. It seems that someone in the later generations has re-arranged the formation. It does not seem to be an ancient formation."

There was Xiang Yutian leading the way, and after a few people, they came to the mountain peak.

Turning around the mountain, his vision suddenly brightened.

A quaint, majestic, imposing palace comes into view at first glance.

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