Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 316: bang

The Adriatic seaside city of Venice.

In Venice, there is an ancient castle that has been standing for hundreds of years, the Red Fort.

This is where the ancient Redmayne family of Europe is located.

Red Fort, in a wide hall.

In the quaintly decorated hall, there was an old man with brown-red hair and a young man with short brown-red hair and an indifferent face.

"Alexander, the yellow man who suddenly appeared, have you investigated it clearly?"

The old man sat upright, with his hands stacked, holding a short silver staff, his face was meticulous.

"Father, for many days, I have mobilized all the forces in the family and contacted all underground organizations such as the Hand of Darkness, but I can't find the origin of the yellow Asian."

The indifferent brown-haired young man Alexander bowed and replied, "He first appeared in Siberia. Before that, there was no news."


The old man tapped the short staff lightly, frowning: "In this world, there can be no SS-level powerhouses without origins! Could it be that the master of internal boxing from China?"

The old man thought in his heart.

In the dark world, there are eight SS-level masters, two of them are in Huaxia.

In China, as well as overseas Chinese Neijia boxing masters, they are also SS-level powerhouses.

In the world, there are only SS-level masters, with the most Asians.

Alexander bowed without saying a word, quietly listening to the old man's self-talk.


The old man stood up, and the silver short staff tapped Alexander on the shoulder: "Alexander, my child, you have to remember one thing."

"It's ours, even if we throw it away, throw it away, or even kill it! No one can take anything from the great Redmayne family!"

The old man's delicate beard trembled and his voice was low, but it contained angry flames: "No one can provoke the great Redmayne family, a SS-level master! Kill him!"

"Yes, Father!"

With his right arm across his chest, Alexander responded in a low voice.


After taking Teng Qingshan into his family, Gu Shaoshang used his blood to make up for the loss of his body, but he just let him stand first, without teaching him any boxing techniques.

Because the training camp and the previous killer training had already squeezed his body and mind too much, it was really not suitable for him to learn boxing immediately.

The only way to warm up his body and mind is to first use the horse stance, the three-body posture and other methods.

Until a few months later, the children kidnapped by the killer group from all over the world were sent back to their relatives.

Gu Shaoshang began to teach Teng Qingshan and a girl named "Cat" boxing.

Jiuding World and Dragon Snake World's Neijia Boxing is different. It has a secret book that can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to strengthen the physical body.

It is the secret technique of Xingyiquan "Tiger-Shaped Tongshen Technique", the secret technique of Taijiquan "Xuanwu Rock Strength", and the secret technique of Bagua Palm "Fish and Dragon Transformation".

Although it was of no use to Gu Shaoshang at this time, Gu Shaoshang still went to Huaxia to get the other two secret skills.

In this world, he not only needs to fetch the so-called heart of the world, which is bred by the will of the world, but also to preliminarily train the future lifeless scriptures to deduce the foundation of his own martial arts.

He would never give up any valuable martial arts.

On the other hand, he quietly sorted out the scriptures of no life in the future and the vast amount of martial arts he had learned.

Because of the help of the personality **** condensed by the power of creation in the acupoints, in the Tang Dynasty, the martial arts he possessed, except for a few concentration and sky-level secrets.

Most of them have already practiced to the end.

Therefore, Gu Shaoshang's attention is only on the most pure yang qi, Buddha and I alone, golden bell hood and other basic concentration level and sky level secrets.

After all, in a few months, the research institute he created has only just set up a shelf. After that, Gu Shaoshang still needs to go around the world to "invite" some talents in this field.

Of course, at this time, Gu Shaoshang was just quietly in the Siberia training camp, waiting for the Redmayne family's revenge to come.


The silver moon is high, the north wind is howling, and the little snowflakes are fluttering.


Gu Shaoshang, who was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the camp, suddenly opened his eyes.

"finally come."

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

The reason why he didn't call the door was because he didn't want to startle the snake.

Just waiting for the Redmayne family to use all the power he had used, Gu Shaoshang made another thunderous strike, shocking the entire dark world.

After that, no matter what he does, the obstacles he encounters will be much smaller.


In eastern Siberia, there is a snow-capped mountain thousands of miles away from the Siberian training camp.

In the hidden part of the snowy mountains, there is a secret camp.

This is where the base of a killer organization red controlled by the Redmayne family is located.


The cold wind blew snowflakes.


Somewhere on the mountain wall of the snow-capped mountain, there was a sudden loud noise.


The snow slid down, the metal gate opened in a flash, and dozens of heavily armed killers filed out.



Dozens of killers stepped on the snow and stayed in front of the snow-capped mountains.

The faint moonlight shone on the pure white snow, reflecting patches of hoarfrost.

"This time, the Asian must be killed! What about the SS-level powerhouse, he must be made aware of the power of the dark world!"

In front of the team, a middle-aged white man with a machete said coldly.

Beside him, a ruthless young man with brown-red hair looked up at the moonlight and looked back: "Where's the killer of the kingdom of God? Where's the killer of the hand of darkness? What about the killer of the wings of frost? Are you all connected? "

"Well, here we come."

A faint voice floated in the air.

A few black shadows suddenly appeared in the snow, coming quickly from a distance.


Those few shadows stepped on the snow without a trace, and they came before the red organization in a moment.

It was two short Middle Eastern men in scarves, two top killers from the Hand of Darkness.

A Middle Eastern man with a dagger on his waist was the first to speak: "The two giants of the kingdom of God have arrived, and the mercenaries from Wings of Frost, who said they are going to the Russian border to get some tank helicopters, are coming."

"Hey! I didn't expect the contemporary heir of the Redmayne family to come here too?"

The other Middle Eastern man looked at the brown-haired youth with empty hands and sneered.


Alexander snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and glanced at the watch on his wrist: "I bought the commander of the garrison in Siberia, no matter what happens tonight, no army will come to interfere."

After he finished speaking, he saw three Indians walking in the distance. One of them was nearly 1.8 meters tall and smiled strangely. The strange thing was that his neck was as thick as his head, and there was a braids.

The other was a tall, bald man with an expressionless face and indifferent eyes. Behind the two was a slender and eccentric monk holding a wheel mark.

Alexander was shocked and recognized that these were the three giants of the world's largest killer organization, the Kingdom of God, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

The three SS-level masters of the kingdom of God were all dispatched!

"Leader of Vishnu, I didn't expect the three giants to come together."

Alexander bowed slightly and said.

The two people from the Middle East were only S-rank, so he naturally ignored them, but in the face of the three giants of the world's largest killer organization, the Kingdom of God, even he did not dare to disrespect.

"Although Melakimilt, the king of black fists, is an idiot, he must be careful if he can kill him."

The thick and long neck of Vishnu with long braids twisted like a giant python, and said with a weird smile.

The three SS-levels of the kingdom of God have the same status, but in terms of age, Vishnu is the oldest and the eldest brother.

He and Shiva are the culmination of yoga.

Only the big Brahma holding the wheel seal was an Indian Buddhist monk.

"Leader of Vishnu, let's go now!"

Alexander said with a slight smile.


Vishnu, dressed in a white robe, nodded with a smile.


At this time, three helicopters circled in a huge humming sound.

Five old-fashioned Russian main battle tanks rumbled over in the distance.

Alexander nodded. Although the Soviet Union disintegrated soon and Russia's internal affairs were in turmoil, the fact that he was able to get helicopters and tanks in a short period of time showed the energy of the Frost Wings mercenary group.

"Tanks? Helicopters?"

Vishnu smiled strangely, glanced at Brahma and Shiva beside him, and walked towards the Siberia training camp.


Shiva smiled disdainfully, touched his bald head, and stepped to keep up with Vishnu.

The two Middle Easterners who had not said a word from the appearance of the three giants of the kingdom of God looked at each other and followed.


Alexander glanced at the leader of the red organization and said.

As the heir of the Redmayne family, he naturally wouldn't take the risk.


The white man holding the machete bowed slightly, and led the killers under him to keep up with Shiva and the others.

Before he set off, he knew that the target's force was strong, and there was basically no chance of getting close. All the killers were armed with the most advanced sniper rifles!

It also holds some specially developed bullets, which are specially designed to deal with these inhuman martial arts masters.


The helicopter hovered over the valley. A tall Russian man stuck his body out of the helicopter. In the cold wind, he laughed twice:

"Hey! Mr. Get ready for 100 million dollars! I will use my cute big baby to shove it into that Asian's ass!"

His bare chest is densely haired, and he wields a huge multi-barreled revolving machine gun in his palm.

Alexander's face froze, and before he could speak, he saw a cold light in the distance dragging the scorching air waves, crashing, and smashing on the helicopter.

Boom! With a loud noise, the helicopter hovering in mid-air suddenly turned into a huge fireball.


The Russian with a heavy machine gun screamed and fell from the air, half of his body scorched by the flames.

"Ah! Who is it! I'm going to kill him!"

He rolled twice in the snow, spitting out blood and screaming frantically.

Alexander's expression changed, and he hurriedly avoided the scattered wreckage of the helicopter.

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