Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 317: God


Until then, there was a huge thunderous explosion sound.

The rolling air waves blasted the snow all over the sky, and together with the wrecked helicopter wreckage, blasted in all directions.

The big Russian man roared wildly, raising the heavy machine gun in his hand with one arm and pouring a torrent of bullets crazily.

"Ah! That is!"

With a look of panic on his face, Alexander, who did not see the demeanor of the heir to the great family, rolled around in confusion, but looked up and saw it.

The one that exploded the helicopter was not the cannonball he imagined, but an iron rod as thick as an arm!


Under the high-speed burst, the iron rod radiated a slight red light.

After shooting the helicopter, it suddenly whistled and dived down.

In the turbulent turbulent, the Russian big man who was roaring wildly was shot on the spot!


Even more unabated, like a cannonball, a crater several meters deep was blasted on the ground.

boom! boom!

Alexander was drenched in cold sweat, and before he could think about it, he saw that the remaining two helicopters turned into two huge fireballs in the sky, and fell to the snow with the sound of thunder.

The three helicopters appeared to fall, but it only took a moment!


There was a loud noise like a landslide, and the ground shook violently.

Is it an avalanche?

Alexander fell to the ground and looked up in horror.

But I saw that more than ten miles away from the plain, a golden light carried snow waves that were constantly rising and falling like waves, wave after wave, with a kind of domineering and majestic momentum, rolling in and out!



The sky roared, as if there were thousands of wind dragons roaring!

The wind and snow rolled all over the sky, and a snow-storm dragon with a diameter of several ten feet tore apart the mighty snow waves. One step was several ten feet, and it didn't take a moment to approach the crowd.

The group of people who had just walked out of the valley had just reacted from the helicopter being destroyed, and their faces turned pale in the scene like a landslide.

In such a terrifying momentum, everyone roared and scattered, firing guns.

For a time, countless bullets, as well as the cannonballs fired by the tank's roar, cut through the snow and blasted towards the rolling snow dragon.

"What! This is!"

"Brother! Is that a person?"

"Sss-level master?"

Only a few people such as Shiva from the kingdom of God saw that the place where the roaring and roaring snow dragon head was a figure with a golden light all over his body!

boom! boom! boom! boom!

In the moonlight, Gu Shaoshang rode across the snow dragon, and burst into the sky amid the turbulent wind and thunder.

Groups of cyclones visible to the naked eye continued to burst around him, causing the surrounding air to continuously ripple like water waves, swaying around him.

The torrent of bullets pouring out like a torrential rain was ejected by the violent wind without even touching Gu Shaoshang's figure.

Even the specially made armor-piercing sniper rifle that occasionally ejected to break through the gang wind could not shoot through his oily skin.


Gu Shaoshang's eyelids flicked, deflecting the bullet from the explosion, his indifferent eyes glanced at a kind of person, and said lightly:

"I heard you came to see me?"


"I'm coming!"


Just like a series of thunderbolts exploded at the same time, Gu Shaoshang's body swayed slightly and stepped forward abruptly.

Five fingers pinch fist, one punch!

No one can describe the momentum of a punch. Even all the invisible substances in the air, the tiny substances invisible to the human eye, were squeezed and collapsed.

The shadows of fists that cover the sky and cover the sky and the ground are spread out from dozens of feet away.

The howling wind stopped.

The roaring snow dragon stagnated.

The shrill thunderous explosion disappeared.

The bullet that pierced the sky, the cannonball stagnated.

There was silence between heaven and earth, and all concepts of time and space disappeared from everyone's mind.

"This is......!"

Vishnu's eyes rolled wildly, his mind was empty, and he only saw the figure riding the giant snow-storm, waving fists all over the sky.

ten seconds? Or five seconds?

In just a blink of an eye, the three of Vishnu were shocked beyond measure.

Five tanks separated by hundreds of meters from each other rose almost at the same time and flew into the sky tens of meters, or as five huge fireballs that were blazing.


The scattered tank parts were still flying high in the sky, and the figure turned into countless phantoms in the space that seemed to be still.

Destroyed all the killers including the two Middle Eastern masters of the Dark Hand!

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Whoosh! Whoosh!


Until Gu Shaoshang, who was wearing a black robe, stood in front of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva with his hands down.

Behind him, a shrill wind sounded, bullets cut through the sky, and countless thunderstorm-like blasting sounds of the wind rang out at the same time.


The three of Vishnu turned their heads stiffly and looked at each other, and they all saw the only meaning in each other's eyes: "Are we crazy? Actually want to kill a god?"

boom! boom! boom!

The heartbeats of the three were beating violently like a drum of war.

Countless cold sweats turned into splatters, soaking the clothes.

The body, which has long been invulnerable to cold and heat, could not help shivering in the cold wind.



The three of them almost lost all desire to resist, their legs trembled, as if their knees had disappeared in an instant, and they knelt heavily in the snow, throwing their bodies to the ground.

like worshipping God.

It's like a pilgrimage.


Gu Shaoshang glanced indifferently at the three Indians who were crawling on the ground. He slowly stepped under his feet and walked towards Alexander, who had a sluggish expression and was dripping with feces and urine.

As he walked in, Gu Shaoshang frowned slightly.

The heir to the Redmayne family, who controls the dark world of the West, has been drenched in excrement and has been scared out of his mind.

"I hope that tomorrow, the head of your Redmayne family can be seen kneeling outside the Siberia training camp."

Gu Shaoshang glanced at Alexander, whose expression was dull and shivering, and said lightly.

Immediately, regardless of his kneeling on the ground, he kowtowed again and again.

Turning around and heading towards the Siberia training camp, the three of Vishnu, who were crawling on the ground behind him, stood up tremblingly.

Even though Gu Shaoshang didn't say a word, he lowered his high head and slowly followed behind him, like a servant.

The world's number one killer organization? Tens of billions of net worth? Domineering that has been rampant in the world for more than ten years? The arrogance of an SS-level powerhouse?

In front of such a terrifying person who looked like a **** and a demon, what was that? !


A ray of morning light flashed across the sky, and the night slowly faded.

A round of great sun rises from the east, with golden morning light, like the majestic momentum of melting gold for thousands of miles, rendering the boundless sky.

At the main entrance of the Siberia training camp, an old man dressed in full clothes knelt upright among his brothers, his face gloomy with a hint of sadness.

Even if his meticulously combed long brown and red hair was a mess in the cold wind, he ignored it.

In his heart, he was at a loss, and he never imagined that in this world, there would suddenly appear a terrifying, god-like terrifying figure.

"Lord! Have you abandoned your most devout servant?"

His heart was slumped.

Behind him, there are hundreds of people kneeling in a mighty manner. Among these people, there are men and women, old and young. The only thing in common is that they are used to being pampered and shivering in the cold wind.

These people are indeed the elites of the Redmayne family, even if they are kneeling on the ground, they do not lose their etiquette.

Compared with ordinary people, kneeling looks better.

With a bitter face, Alexander knelt behind the old man with a pale face, in a trance, as if in a dream.

"Is that God?"

With his right palm on his left chest, he suddenly felt that he had become a devout Christian.


In the barracks in the middle of the Siberian training camp.

Gu Shaoshang sat cross-legged on the ground, not far in front of him, the three of Vishnu stood with complicated expressions, not daring to move.

The morning glow was brilliant, and the open door reflected on Gu Shaoshang, rendering a faint golden luster.

In the eyes of the three of them, it was like in a myth, a **** came from the sky.


Between Gu Shao's wounded nose, a slight air flow slowly flowed, turning into a hurricane around the body, and the iron windows on all sides made a loud bang.


The huge sound of blood flowing through the body, like the sound of waves crashing through the body.

The heat radiating from his body was even more fiery than the burning wall-mounted furnace on both sides, and the scorching air was wrinkled.

In a place that no one can see, the heart in his body is burning like the sun, reflecting the whole body, and the blood in his body is hot, lively, hot, and round like magma.

Gu Shaoshang knew that this meant that his desolate holy body, under the constant temperature and nourishment of his acupoints and without the infinite resources of the world that covered the sky, was about to enter the next level.

However, although it is only a thin line, it is not a short time to sit.


Gu Shaoshang slowly exhaled a long breath, which shot out from the gate like a flying sword, reaching several meters away, leaving a hole of unknown depth on the thick concrete floor.

"Qi Qi returns to the Profound Aperture, and the breath starts from the heart."

Gu Shaoshang slowly opened his eyes and said an inexplicable word lightly.

The divine light flashed in his eyes, which was even more dazzling and compelling than the brilliance of the rising sun.

"Go and bring the Redmayne family into training camp."

Gu Shaoshang turned his eyes and glanced at Vishnu in a white robe.

In the original trajectory of the world, the giant of the kingdom of God who perished with Teng Qingshan more than ten years later.

Under Gu Shaoshang's gaze, he bowed his head meekly: "Yes, BOSS!"

He slowly stepped out of the gate of the barracks and stepped on the snow to the gate of the training camp.

I only saw that the head of the Redmayne family was almost crumbling, and behind him, I don't know how many elites of the Redmayne family fell into the snow.

He stepped forward to help the old man up, and said lightly, "Let's go, the boss wants to see you!"


The old man's face was covered with frost, and his body was stiff. Just standing up, he couldn't help but let out a scream.


The old man gritted his teeth and stood up, followed behind Vishnu, and went to the training camp.

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