Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 318: The practice will be

"Lord Vishnu, that lord, he..."

The old man looked back at the clansmen who were struggling to stand up, and asked in a low voice with a sigh.

If he hadn't seen the power of the gods and demons in the cameras densely surrounded by the red organization before, he would not have knelt down in the snow in such a low voice.


Vishnu stopped, glanced at the old man, and sighed: "Wait for the trial."

He only confided four words, but did not speak.

Immediately, the two walked towards the barracks where Gu Shaoshang was located.

Walking into the barracks, the old man saw Gu Shaoshang sitting cross-legged in the middle of the camp with an indifferent expression.

Although it seems that there is no mysterious power, the old man knows that the power of the young man in front of him has surpassed the so-called ss-level and even sss-level powerhouses in the world.

Once a shot is made, thousands of troops will be defeated, thousands of people will be invincible, the city will be destroyed, the mountains and rivers will be cut off, just like a human-shaped nuclear weapon, moving natural disasters, there is no limit to terror.

"The Redmayne family, Alexander, meet your lord."

Old Alexander fell to his knees and said respectfully.


Gu Shaoshang raised his eyelids and glanced at the old man kneeling in front of him.

As soon as old Alexander looked up, he saw Gu Shaoshang's indifferent eyes.

The whole person is like falling into an abyss, and his whole body is cold, as if he has fallen into a nightmare that can never be escaped, and infinite terror is intertwined in his mind.

"Cheff, take him down."

Gu Shaoshang retracted his gaze and said lightly.

He didn't intend to play with other people's fears, and a slap in the face was enough to let him do his best for himself.

"Yes, boss."

Chelf bowed in response, and stepped back with the terrified old man.


Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly and closed his eyes.

In this world, a big family with wealth and power must be able to bring some help to his plan.

If he can do things carefully, Gu Shaoshang doesn't mind letting him go.


The sun is high, the scorching summer is coming, and the whole Siberia is unbearably hot.

Gu Shaoshang stood on the edge of the training ground with his hands on his back, and watched closely.

In the middle of the training ground, a young man wearing only leather pants and a naked upper body was practicing boxing.

The young man had a peaceful face, strong muscles and bones, and slowly performed boxing.

His legs were bent and his body was in a semi-squatting position. At the same time, his left palm was stretched forward and his elbows were slightly bent.


A gust of wind rose out of thin air.

The boy's movements suddenly accelerated, and the sound of fists breaking through the air sounded from time to time.

Impressively, the Xingyi Twelve Forms are displayed, which are mixed with the Xingyi Five Elements Boxing.

When he casts the dragon shape, it is like a swimming dragon coming out of the water, walking through the monstrous ocean waves, the speed is as fast as lightning, the spiral is shaped and rolled, and the fist turns and suddenly, a force drills like an electric drill, piercing the air The sharp whistling sounded.

When using the tiger shape, they swayed together like a tiger roaring in the mountains and forests, unstoppable, and the two fists roared in the tiger's roar, as if bombarded by shells, and the air was shaking.

Bear-shaped...hawk-shaped...monkey-shaped...tulle-shaped, etc., spread out in its hands.

Among them, there are more mixed, Tai Chi hammer method, gossip whip hand.

In every move, vigorously accompanied, it is impressive that the internal boxing has been practiced to a high level.


For a long time, the young man slowly closed his fists, opened his mouth slightly, and slowly exhaled a white breath, which was in the shape of a column, extending more than the length of two palms.

"Qingshan! Your boxing skills are about to become an advanced master, right?"

On the edge of the training ground, a young girl with a beautiful face walked in front of Teng Qingshan with a look of joy.

This girl is wearing a white training suit, her slim figure is full of vitality, she is a "cat".

"Master is too difficult."

Teng Qingshan shook his head and frowned slightly.

How could the master of Neijia Quan be so successful? Even if his talent is good, in six or seven years, the dark energy has almost penetrated the whole body.

It's still bad that the face and crotch are inaccessible, and it's still two steps away from the master of internal boxing.

Gu Shaoshang can naturally help him reach the whole body in one fell swoop and become an advanced master, but the kung fu is his own, and others help him. Even if he is happy for a while, the road in the future will be more tortuous.

Gu Shaoshang looked at the two disciples with a smile.

Even if Gu Shaoshang gave Teng Qingshan all the three major internal martial arts, he was best at Xingyiquan, which Gu Shaoshang could not have imagined.


Teng Qingshan pulled the girl, walked to Gu Shaoshang, and bowed slightly.

In addition to his gratitude to this master, he has a deep admiration for him.

His master, six years later, still looks the same as before, and time has never left a trace on him.

Naturally, he didn't know that the flow rate of time on Gu Shaoshang was different from everyone else's. The fundamental reason why the All Heaven Mirrors adjusted the flow rate of the main world and the Jiuding world was on Gu Shaoshang.

Six or seven years, for Gu Shaoshang, was only six or seven days, so naturally there would not be much change.


Gu Shaoshang looked at the two disciples and said with a slight smile: "In the Neijia Fist, what I can hand over to you has already been taught to you. After that, you can only look at your good fortune."

After all, he took out two secret books from his hands and handed them to the two disciples: "The road to master is not something that can be achieved through hard training. It's time to separate."

"Master, disciple..."

Teng Qingshan held the girl's hand slightly tighter, showing reluctance on his face.

Even though I knew that such a day would come, I was still reluctant to give up.

"Although your boxing skills are considered proficient, they are not considered to be the threshold of boxing skills."

Gu Shaoshang's face was straight, and he said lightly: "When practicing boxing, not only must you be diligent, you must be addicted to it, and the most important thing is to be moved! Boxing must be integrated into emotions, in order to be alive and immersed! Otherwise, no matter how much you practice, you will not be able to. to the highest level!"

"Although you have developed strength, it is only the first book."

Gu Shaoshang's face was pale, and the right palm behind him lifted up.

Simple, as if a child can play it.


It was clearly empty without any burst of energy, but in Teng Qingshan's feeling, it was as if the world suddenly collapsed.

That fist intent is so vast and long, like the endless stream of the legendary Tianhe, pouring down pouring down, to turn the world into a swamp country and bring down the catastrophe that will destroy the world.

In a trance, Teng Qingshan saw the majestic mountain topple over in this punch, the Tianhe River poured backwards, the stars in the sky swayed, the fist was powerful, and the atmosphere was majestic.

After a long time, when the two came back to their senses, Gu Shaoshang had disappeared.

"Disciple, say goodbye to master!"

Teng Qingshan took a deep breath and bowed down together with the girl beside him.

For the master who pulled him out of purgatory with one hand, he was full of gratitude and admiration.


Gu Shaoshang sat cross-legged in the barracks, sensing that Teng Qingshan and the two were gradually moving away, his face was a little complicated.

"The Will of the World!"

His brow furrowed slightly.

If it wasn't for Jiuding, the world's heart nurtured by Jiuding's world will, Gu Shaoshang wouldn't believe it.

In the past six or seven years, Gu Shaoshang has established the world's largest research institute with the strength of several Russian parliamentarians and the entire dark world of the West.

Even in the dark, searching for the whereabouts of Jiuding.

However, the will of the world seems to be aware of it, or, Jiuding is not something ordinary people can find.

In the past six or seven years, nothing has been found, and the whereabouts of any of the nine tripods have not been traced at all.

The release of Teng Qingshan this time, in addition to letting him hone, also has the meaning of looking for Jiuding as the son of destiny.

And Gu Shao faintly predicted in his sadness that apart from the one that Teng Qingshan would get, the other eight nine tripods were most likely all in the Kyushu world.

"Some trouble."

Gu Shao changed his mind in sadness.

The Jiuding World is not the same as the Datang World. The strength of the fetal membrane in the world is much stronger, and the difficulty of breaking the void is much greater.

With Gu Shaoshang's strength at this time, he couldn't do it.

However, Gu Shaoshang did not regret disrupting Teng Qingshan's life trajectory before.

After he handles all the things in the modern world properly, he will naturally break the fetal membranes of the world and enter the Kyushu world.

After all, he also has a Jiuding on his body, which is enough to locate the world of Kyushu.


Krasnoyarsk is one of the top three largest cities in Siberia.

On the road, a rough and atmospheric Hummer fast car was driving.

There were a number of police cars ahead, and even during the rush hour, the Hummer was still rampaging and driving at high speed.

All the Russians on the road watched in awe, and even if they were blocked, they did not dare to have any dissatisfaction.

Because, everyone recognized that the modified giant Hummer was the car of Gu Shaoshang, the king of Siberia, the king of Russia today.


The high-speed Hummer slowly slowed down and stopped in front of a huge building in the suburbs.

In front of the building, there were already hundreds of social elites in suits and leather shoes, waiting quietly, looking at the Humvee, their faces full of meek awe.


A finely crafted red carpet runs from the front of the building to the front of the car door.


A tall black man in a suit opened the car door respectfully.

Gu Shaoshang, who was wearing a black robe, walked out of the car slowly and frowned when he saw the carpet laid out. He never liked to be too high-profile.

However, there are always subordinates who make their own decisions.


Immediately Gu Shaoshang walked into the building with an indifferent expression.

A group of people waited in front of Gu Shaoshang and did not dare to come out, they bowed and followed behind.


In front of the floor-to-ceiling skylight on the top floor of the building, Gu Shaoshang looked at Yunjuanyunshu outside the window with his hands on his back, smiled slightly, and was in a good mood.

This institute has been established for more than ten years. He has spent a lot of money, and he does not hesitate to "invite" talents from all over the world in person.

It was only at this point that the results were finally achieved, and even if Gu Shao was in a sad state, he couldn't help but feel happy.

"Boss! I brought something."

There was a knock on the door, and the voice of Chelf, a dog-legged man that Gu Shaoshang used very easily.

"Come in."

Gu Shaoshang turned around and said lightly.

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