
The door opened, Cherv, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and other four people pushed a cart with a shiny metallic color, slowly approached, and stayed in front of Gu Shaoshang.


Gu Shaoshang flipped his palm over, and the white cloth covering the silver-white cart was raised and rolled to the side.


There was a slight sound of electric light, and a miniature "brain" was suspended on the tray above the metal cart!

This miniature brain is only the size of a human fist, and the criss-crossing neural networks are intertwined, and the electric light is flickering in series from each neural network.

"Boss, this micro-optical brain is designed with the solution you provided. The floating-point computing performance reaches more than 5,000 petaflops per second, which is countless times more powerful than the most powerful supercomputer in the United States."

Chelf bowed and spoke, his tone full of amazement.

Even not long ago, the floating-point computing performance of the supercomputer Titan developed by the United States reached only 20 quadrillions per second, which is countless times different from this small "brain".

He could not have predicted that the plan proposed by Gu Shaoshang could achieve such a terrifying calculation speed.


Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly, but without speaking, he waved his hand and held this miniature brain in his hand.

Most of the ideas of this miniature brain come from the algorithm gates in the Sutra of No Life in the Future. To put it bluntly, it is the brain of the Lord of the Future manifested.

"The research institute is operating as usual. If scientists want to leave, they will be given their due remuneration and sent back to their hometowns."

Gu Shaoshang lifted the tiny brain in his right palm and said lightly.

"Boss, they have the research and development materials of Guangnao, once they spread it out."

Chelf's face changed and persuaded.

"Go back."

Gu Shaoshang waved his hand and said lightly: "From now on, no one, anything, is allowed to disturb me."

In this transformed brain of the future master, the most important difficulties can only be completed by Gu Shaoshang using the power of sea-consciousness.

That group of scientists is just doing some help.

If you want to copy one more at this time, let alone the human and material resources consumed, it will not be possible without the help of Gu Shaoshang.

Therefore, Gu Shaoshang didn't care about the exodus of the scientists.

"Yes, boss."

Chelf bowed and bowed, and slowly exited the room with Vishnu and the other three.


The door is closed.

"There is no life in the future!"

Gu Shaoshang held the miniature light brain, and there was a smile on his face.

Each of the three-star or above exercises is not a simple one that can be practiced to the highest level. Gu Shaoshang has never achieved a three-star or above magic skill.

Although there are reasons for distraction, it is enough to prove the difficulty of cultivation.

The No Life Sutra in the future may not be the strongest magical power he has obtained, but it must be the most difficult to practice.


Gu Shao's strength of the sea of ​​​​consciousness moved slightly, and he set up a warning around him, and then sat down with his knees crossed.


The miniature optical brain is suspended in mid-air, emitting a faint electric light.

This miniature optical brain was a solution provided by Gu Shaoshang, and it took more than ten years for these top researchers in the world to research it.

Maybe it is already a different existence from the future master, but at least, the power of deduction should not be much different.

The floating-point computing performance mentioned by Cherf is only the limit driven by ordinary electrical energy and nuclear energy. Compared with the power of the sea, it is naturally far worse.


Gu Shaoshang closed his eyes, and the power of the sea of ​​consciousness slowly penetrated into this miniature optical brain, imprinting its composition and calculation method.

Click! Click!

Slowly, with a slight cracking sound, this light brain, which was developed by Gu Shaoshang with a lot of energy, turned into countless light spots, wrapped by the power of the sea of ​​​​knowledge, and retracted into the body.


A huge roar sounded in Gu Shaoshang's mind.

Then he saw a golden sea!

Covered in a faint golden light, it is so wide that it seems to be boundless, but it seems to be very small, it seems to exist in reality, and it seems to exist in fantasy.

The size is uncertain, the reality is unclear.

Above the golden sea of ​​consciousness, an ancient bronze mirror surrounded by purple energy rose and fell in mid-air.


The power of the sea of ​​consciousness vibrated, and waves of waves rose above the calm sea of ​​consciousness, circling uncertainly in the air.

The power of the sea of ​​consciousness, which is colorless and formless, combines with each other to form a small twin.

The power in the sea of ​​consciousness rose incessantly, like a dragon entering the sea, slowly like the twins.



Although there is no specific size of this land of sea of ​​knowledge, in fact, the golden sea water in it is the power of Gu Shaoshang's sea of ​​consciousness.

Even though Gu Shaoshang has been silently practicing Nuwa's visualization for more than ten years, and his sea-consciousness has greatly increased, he can't help but suffer from such a terrifying consumption.

Gradually, the sea of ​​consciousness began to dry up.


The colorless twins gradually bloomed with golden light.

Under the manipulation of Gu Shaoshang, the neurons were pulled and criss-crossed.

Slowly, slowly, it took a long time to condense into a brain like the miniature optical brain before.


At the moment when the light brain was born, Gu Shaoshang's consciousness shook slightly, and his soul trembled.

In a trance, there is a feeling as if the chaos is broken, and the heaven and the earth are beginning to open.

It seems that a layer of fog shrouding his consciousness is suddenly lifted, and suddenly, the speed of thinking has skyrocketed!

Many problems that had troubled me for a long time were solved, and an indescribable great joy rose from my heart.

"It's finally done!"

Joyful thoughts filled the entire sea of ​​consciousness.

"How long has it been? It's been a month?"

As soon as he thought about it, the answer had clearly emerged in his mind.

The sea of ​​​​knowledge that was dried up before has been filled again, and the pale golden light brain is ups and downs in the sea of ​​​​knowledge, slowly nourishing and growing.

"It's time to reset my roots!"

His thoughts turned quickly.

What Gu Shaoshang has learned is too broad and too complicated. The countless exercises plundered by the vast continent, dragon snake, Daming, and Tang Dynasty, combined with random projections, are far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Even if the concentration level, the martial arts of the sky level, there are not a few.

With so many martial arts, with the help of the Qi of Creation in the acupuncture points, most of them have even reached the top!

So profound and complex, even in the main world, there is absolutely no such Qi Zong warrior.

However, the more exercises the better, the more complicated martial arts, or the different worlds, will inevitably conflict.

He had built the foundation before, and the supreme foundation at the time of his life was far from enough to support his next path.

Therefore, even if he has learned so many magic tricks, his foundation at this time is only a two-star handed down.

But this is the path he has chosen a long time ago. With the mirrors in his body, he is destined not to take a single cultivation path in any world.

With the ten thousand worlds and ten thousand ways, cultivate one's own way, and then open up one's own way.

This is the enlightenment that Gu Shaoshang had after he obtained the All-Heaven Mirror.

Opening up a path may not be as good as many powerful divine powers and secrets at first, and it is difficult to walk, but the possibility of reaching the top of the detachment will definitely be smoother than following the path of others.

Perhaps the boxing techniques and Taoist scriptures he created were far inferior to the countless classics of the heavens and the worlds, but in the future, with the supreme foundation of the countless Taoist methods and martial arts of the heavens and the worlds, you can see a single flower. No one knows what the flower of the avenue is.

"Finally, it's time to take the first step."

Gu Shao thought in his heart, and countless secret books rose from the bottom of his heart, turned into countless words, and rose from the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

Tiger Roaring Fist... Buddha's Furious Palm...Golden Bell Cover...All Heavens, Dragons and Elephants....Buddha and I'm Unique...Hanging in the Air Temple Six Great Condensation Mystery Books, Eight Hundred Qizong Secret Books, Three Thousand Liming Books...

Basic swordsmanship...basic footwork...God Emperor's two swords...to Yang's pure astral qi....Red Gold Dragon Elephant Judgment... .There will be no life scriptures in the future....The Book of Fortune...The Jade Body...

Xingyiquan...Bagua Palm, Bajiquan, Taijiquan Sword, Xiantian Twelve Wraps, Heart Seal, Mother Quan, Fantian Seal, Great Sun Wheel Seal... Body Law and Spirit Mouse Rolling Oil Pot ...the idea of ​​the boat of good fortune...

Pure Yang Wuji Gong.... Yi Jin Jing.... Seventy-two Shaolin stunts... Exterminating Heaven and Jedi Great Soul Searching Hand... Dao Heart Species Demon Dafa... .....Tian Mo Jue, Divine Sword Slash...Abi Road Three Swords......

Jiuzhuan Xuangong...Chiming Nine Heavens...Nuwa Visualization....

There are so many things, Gu Shaoshang has collected countless secret books across several worlds, and even collected countless Taoist books, Buddhist scriptures, miscellaneous secret books, etc., and turned them into endless words, turning the entire sea of ​​consciousness into a chaotic sea of ​​words.


Driven by the power of the sea of ​​consciousness, the light brain roared violently and plunged into the chaotic sea formed by endless words.

Gu Shaoshang's consciousness was chaotic, he lost all external sense, roaming in the endless sea of ​​words, forgetting everything.


In a place he couldn't see, the purple energy of the All-Heaven Mirror seemed to be absorbed by the violently trembling light brain.

In a trance, it seems to be in an unknown place.

All the concepts of time and space have not yet existed, there is no heaven and earth, the void is not divided, the turbidity is not judged, the mysterious and lonely, there is no light and no image, no sound and no sound, no ancestors, no ancestors.

After an unknown amount of time, chaos shook, and a huge hazy picture rose up.

The differentiation of yin and yang, UU reading www.uukanshu.com The two rays of light with clear black and white rotate alternately, forming Wuji, derived from Taiji...

"Where is this place?"

Gu Shaoshang was in a trance, and a thought occurred to him: "At the end of the deduction of these words, such a scene will appear?"

His consciousness rose up and roamed freely.

He thought it was the deduction of these words, and he didn't know the magic use of Yuanli in it, and he had no time to think about it.

I only saw that in the boundless chaotic sea, a huge figure rose up.

That figure is boundless, but Gu Shaoshang's consciousness has a burst of enlightenment, it is not made by anyone, nor is it transformed by any power, it is a huge achievement in the world.

Its name Yuanshi means the Great Way.

It is the one that is also the ten thousand, the beginning and the end, the ten thousand trillions of heavens, the desire of countless sentient beings.

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