"Isn't it inappropriate to give them the status of Minister of Foreign Affairs?"

After seeing those people leaving the venue with confidence, Yukinagi looked at the materials in his hands and couldn't help but ask the ghost light Xinyue beside him.

Originally, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was a subordinate department of the Ministry of Interior, so it was okay to hand over the position of minister to these people.

Although these people are all civilians and do not meet the "basic" requirements for holding positions of this level in the past, as long as Gui Deng Xinyue persists, there will definitely be no problem.

But the problem is that for some positions, we cannot just look at the position itself, but also the political significance attached to it.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs is a position with extremely strong political implications. Without him, it was just because the previous Minister of Foreign Affairs was Kiden Shingetsu, and he was still very successful in this position, causing chaos in the shinobi world.

And under the premise that Ghost Light Crescent has been clearly designated as the fourth generation Mizukage, the handover of this position is particularly concerning.

Although Yuki Nagi's political awareness is not keen, he still vaguely feels that this move is not in line with past practice.

"Isn't he just a minister? He's not the Mizukage's assistant. Doesn't it matter who he is?"

Gui Deng Xinyue didn't say much and gently dropped the topic.

This was because he didn't want to answer and wanted to keep a low profile, but it was also to protect Yukinagi, not wanting the girl who had grown up with him to fall into such a treacherous whirlpool.

"Compared to this, I feel that your secretary outfit doesn't quite suit your temperament. I also have a lot of secretary outfits here. Do you want to take a look?"

Ghost Light Xinyue looked up and down Xue Nagi's black silk skirt secretary outfit, preparing to cultivate her aesthetics before she became an adult and let her secretary know what her boss likes.

Finally having a female secretary, Gui Deng Xinyue naturally wanted to reproduce all the various costumes that she had drawn when she was bored.

After all, this secretary is pleasing to the eye and can make people work more efficiently, right?

Of course, the premise is that you have to avoid Uzumaki Kushina and appreciate it when the two of them are alone in the office.


Three days passed by in a flash. Gui Deng Xinyue frowned as she looked at the action report in her hand.

Although he knew that the probability that the group of people he had just come into contact with would be able to learn and use it effectively was too small, when he actually saw this scene, Gui Deng Xinyue couldn't help but sigh in disappointment.

The various plans in the action plan are basically replicas of the measures taken before Ghost Lantern Crescent. The changes they made were some changes in the communication channels, and there was no eye-catching entry point.

"Lord Xinyue, why don't you read this report?"

At this time, Akiba Masanobu suddenly handed over a report and placed it in front of Ghost Light Crescent Moon.

Gui Deng Xinyue looked up and saw "Feasibility Analysis Report on Religious and Cultural Invasion" written on it.


Gui Deng Xinyue's eyes lit up and she couldn't help but look through it.

While Ghost Light Crescent was looking through the documents, Akiba Masanobu couldn't help but secretly take a look at Yukinagi who was standing next to him.

It’s not that I’m surprised that she’s standing here as a personal secretary, but...have you ever seen a secretary wearing JK to work?

Of course, Akiba Masanobu didn't know that this kind of clothing was called JK. He only felt that wearing this kind of short skirt + white knee socks + brown leather shoes was a bit frivolous and not suitable for such a heavy office atmosphere.

Puzzled, he could only suppress his curiosity and blame it on some small quirks of the big shot.

However, Yukinagi didn't think there was anything special about dressing like this. After all, it was more appropriate for her to wear such clothes at the age of thirteen.

She didn't have much political acumen, but she felt complacent because of Gui Deng Xinyue's praise when they met in the morning. Little did she know that she was being transformed by Gui Deng Xinyue's XP bit by bit.

"Did you write this?"

At this time, Gui Deng Xinyue finally read the entire report, and finally figured out who the author was from the familiar handwriting.

"Those who believe in evil gods will have eternal life... If I read it correctly, your religious ideas here seem to have been borrowed from the ideas of the Evil God Cult of Tang Country?"

This plan demonstrates in detail a series of steps for public opinion propaganda in various ninja villages in the form of religion, using immortality as the temptation, using bloody battles and cruel sacrifices as means to please the evil gods, and finally transcending the world and obtaining immortality.

It even states that its purpose is to create a bloody atmosphere within each ninja village, putting the civilians in danger and severely damaging their ability to produce and survive.

Seeing this, Gui Deng Xinyue couldn't help but look up at the secretary he had picked up, with admiration in his eyes.

Although he had long known that his secretary was a talented person, after all, he dared to be the first to stand up and take advantage of the situation at that time. He thought that the person who wanted to win the "Success from the Dragon" must not be an ordinary person, but he never expected that he He actually has such a mind.

Although this plan still has some immature and imperfect aspects, it must be said that Akiba Masanobu was able to thoroughly understand the materials in just three days and come up with a feasible plan based on local conditions and the situation of the ninja world. It's a talent.

"Yes, I had some contact with the Evil God Cult when I was on a mission in Tang Country. Because of their crazy beliefs and bloody actions, they left a deep impression on me."

Akiba Masanobu was not complacent because of Ghost Light Crescent Moon's praise, and still kept in mind the principle of caution.

"The Evil God Cult of Tang Country..."

Ghost Light Crescent murmured these words, and couldn't help but think of the man who killed Asuma, the unit of measurement in the ninja world.

Judging from the description in the original work, this evil sect's series of rituals can really lead to immortality, but the success rate is very slim.

Hidan's immortal body can still survive even if his head is cut off and his body is torn apart. Even if the broken limbs are too close together, the wounds can be healed on their own and restored to a whole body.

But immortality does not mean immortality, nor does it mean eternal life. Coupled with this poor success rate, Gui Deng Xinyue did not consider using the ritual methods of this evil religion to achieve immortality.

"The report is good, but not grounded."

Ghost Lantern Xinyue came back to his senses and pointed out the shortcomings to Qiuye Masanobu.

"First of all, the concept of immortality is too illusory. Even the Immortals of the Six Paths do not have eternal life. Without a mass base, the implementation of this concept will inevitably be hindered."

“Religious beliefs, as long as they cannot be realized immediately, must firmly grasp people’s current inner aspirations.”

The ghost lamp and the new moon turned the pen and wrote two words after this line - reincarnation and luck.

"Everyone is born with luck, so some people can be reborn into a wealthy family at birth, while some people can be reborn into a poor family at birth. Some people are free from illness and disaster throughout their lives, and some people have bad luck within a year. Again and again.”

The first is the foundation of religious theory. This foundation must be superficial. It must be so simple that even those who are illiterate can easily understand it. Only in this way can it have a basis for widespread dissemination.

Secondly, this religious theory must be expanded and applied on the basis of its foundation, and it must be clearly pointed out how to get what people want in their hearts.

And when it cannot be cashed in immediately, this kind of thing must be like the moon in the mirror, making people feel that as long as they work harder, they can really achieve it.

"What if we publicize that as long as you go through the rituals of the evil cult, you can deprive the sacrifices of their luck and allow you to be reincarnated into a happy family in your next life? Will this be tempting to those civilians who live in poverty?"

"At the same time, we should publicize the fact that chakra can carry emotional memories, so that civilians will know that this is not groundless, and it is very likely to be realized."

There is no doubt that chakra can carry emotional memories, and both Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato in the original work have verified this fact.

And since there are ready-made examples, if chakra can work, why can't religion?

For those civilians who have lived in poverty all their lives, what is the difference between chakra and religion?

Anyway, they have never seen it, it is just an elusive dream.

Having said this, looking at the thoughtful Akiba Masanobu and the bewildered Yukinagi, Ghost Light Crescent Moon smiled. Immediately, he circled a line again and wrote the words "Brothers of Faith" and "Blood Revenge" after it.

"Not only that, we can publicize that all those who believe in this evil religion are half-brothers. Bloody sacrifices between brothers will not please the evil god. Those who make blood sacrifices to brothers without authorization will only be punished by the evil god. His luck will make him suffer endless disasters for the rest of his life, and he will be thrown into the realm of animals in his next life."

This article is to prevent the emergence of the kind of "luck hunter", the kind of guy who does not gain luck from outsiders, but instead attacks his own people.

It is similar to Lao Liu who does not search the house but only robs others in the game of chicken.

"Since we are brothers, we need to help each other. Anyone who harms any of the members of our religion is equivalent to harming his own brothers. For such people's cruel revenge and bloody sacrifice, Lord Evil God is very I am happy to see it come to fruition. Lord Evil God will treat those who can preside over sacrifices differently."

Akiba Masanobu took a breath of cold air. While making outstanding contributions to the warming of the ninja world, he couldn't help but sigh at the ruthless plan of Ghost Light Crescent Moon.

Once this kind of doctrine appears, it can be expected that the evil religion will develop at an extremely fast speed.

The upper part has the temptation of reincarnation to absorb luck, the middle part has the safety guarantee that people within the church are not allowed to harm each other, and the lower part has the practical security needs of joint defense, joint protection, and mutual help.

At this critical moment when civilians in the ninja world have a low status and a war is about to begin, once this religion appears, which civilian would not want to join it?

You only need to perform a bloody sacrificial ceremony, and not only can you get illusory spiritual sustenance, but you can also join an organization that protects you. It's a great deal!

As for the problem of dead people... is it a problem in today's ninja world?

Once this kind of religion that unites the outside world with bloodshed gains momentum, it can be expected that the atmosphere of the entire ninja world will change. That's when the ninja world will truly be in chaos!

Gui Deng Xinyue looked at the shocked Qiuye Masanobu without showing any pride. What he said is just based on various "mature" experiences.

Moreover, he still has part of his ultimate vision that he has not yet expressed!

In the ninja world where extraordinary power exists, what is the use of such an organization even if it prevails among civilians?

Aren't you going to be blasted to pieces by a ninja with just one ninjutsu?

Therefore, the target group for his propaganda is actually... the civilian ninjas in each village who are called cannon fodder!

What happens when a religion based on civilian ninja develops and most of its members have experienced differential treatment by the ninja clan?

Of course it is...

Heaven is dead, Huang Tian shall stand!

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