Promote the theory of threat to Konoha, why Kirigakure brings Hide!

Chapter 101 Archbishop Shimura Danzo of Konoha Diocese?

When he saw the religious invasion plan proposed by Akiba Masanobu, the first thought that flashed through his mind was the Evil God Cult, the second thought was Christianity, and the third thought was actually...

Heaven is dead, Huang Tian shall stand!

The poor man is asking the big man to die!

Yes, as a master of conspiracy theories, Gui Deng Xinyue instantly thought of the scene of people who gathered together for various reasons to warm up and start a war based on religious beliefs.

Religion is actually not just an organization that helps people pursue spiritual sustenance. From the perspective of the ruling class, its role in maintaining stability is actually far greater than its role in other aspects such as theology, education, and exploration.

Because religion is naturally gregarious and inflammatory.

Once this kind of organizational form develops to a large scale and has not been recruited or transformed, it can easily turn into rebellions due to various things.

In previous lives, the Yellow Turban Uprising, Sun Enlu Xun Uprising, Fangla Uprising, Tianping Taiguo Movement, and the Amakusa Uprising in the early days, etc., could have gathered believers to rise up under the banner of religion.

So, has this method ever made its mark in the ninja world?


But the prerequisite is that there must be a large number of frustrated ninja believers.

So Ghost Light Crescent's eyes were set on the civilian ninjas who were now regarded as cannon fodder by various ninja villages.

After the transformation of the Ghost Lamp Crescent, the Cult of Evil God is full of blood, emphasizes struggle, despises massacres within the cult, and encourages revenge by blood relatives. Once this kind of organization rises, it is foreseeable that its internal cohesion will inevitably be full.

So, does this organizational concept have any appeal to the helpless civilian ninjas who are regarded as cows and horses by the ninja clan?

It's simply too attractive, isn't it?

This kind of support is simply a dream for these civilian ninjas. The purpose of joining this religion is not the illusory theory of reincarnation, but the very real need to stay together for warmth.

In this case, all it takes is a gentle push at a critical moment full of gunpowder...


In the ninja world, which has never seen a large-scale religious uprising, this kind of riot is something that no ninja village can prevent.

Otherwise, firstly, no religion has ever had so many ninja followers, and secondly, there have never been so many ninjas treated differently.

The establishment of ninja schools, the increase in the number of civilian ninjas, and the tragic sacrifice rate of civilian ninjas precisely meet the above two conditions.

Perhaps the only factor that affects the spread of this religion among civilian ninjas is that when religious members offend those ninjas, they will feel that the religion has no ability to protect them because no one will come forward, and they will give up joining the religion.

After all, most of the people who can have conflicts with civilian ninjas are those members of the ninja clan.

If no one can stand up at this time, the organizational cohesion will definitely disappear and it will only spread among the civilians, which is completely different from Guideng Xinyue's idea.

From a superficial point of view, this problem seems to be indeed unsolvable. After all, no matter how awesome he is in Kirigakure Village, he cannot rush to other people's ninja villages to kill their ninjas.

But what if Ghost Lantern Crescent hands over the leadership of this religion?

What if the person who leads this religion is not Gui Lan Xinyue, but the active, enthusiastic and energetic people in each village?

For example... the "Ninja Pot" of Konoha Village, Shimura Danzo?

What would happen if he became the archbishop of this evil sect?

As the head of Konoha's intelligence department, will he choose to report it to the village and let it take over this highly cohesive force, or will he choose to secretly remain secret and become the boss behind Konoha's evil cult?

When the time comes, what will he use this power to do?

Is it an uprising, a rebellion, or is it external?

No matter what method it is, as long as it can cause civil strife, it is good news for Ghost Lantern New Moon.

When Gui Deng Xinyue thought of this, she couldn't help but laugh even in front of Yukinagi and Akiba Masanobu.

While laughing, he also used a pen to add another word at the end of the report:

Justified by faith.

"The propaganda slogan of the Evil God Cult can be supplemented by saying that everyone can directly communicate with the Evil God through bloody sacrifices. Therefore, the Evil God Cult does not have a church, there is no pope, only the Son of God who is favored by the Evil God. The Son of God has the highest status within the church. All believers must unconditionally obey the orders of the Son of God."

Ghost Light Xinyue looked at Qiuye Masanobu and couldn't help but reveal a wicked smile: "As for the only criterion for judging the Son of God... of course it is the person who has held the most bloody sacrifices!"

It can be expected that once this kind of doctrine appears, on the premise that there is no unified church, evil cult organizations of different sizes will inevitably appear on the ninja continent.

Once these organizations, which have strong internal cohesion and are cruel to the outside world, are noticed by the ninja villages, will they choose to recruit civilians, recruit civilians, or recruit civilians?

As for the best way to recruit people, is there any more convenient and faster way than to place a person directly as a son of God to lead the organization?

"But in this case... wouldn't our control over this religion be equivalent to a complete loss?"

Akiba Masanobu quickly thought of this and looked at Ghost Light Crescent with doubts. After all, it was such a cohesive organization, so it would be a pity to give it up like this.

When he first proposed this plan, he didn't think too far ahead. In addition to considering creating a bloody atmosphere within each ninja village, he also had the purpose of using the members of this organization as secret agents to gather information.

But as soon as this doctrine came out, it was obvious that his idea was completely useless.

"What is our purpose in carrying out this religious invasion and even publicity?"

Ghost Light Crescent Moon did not directly answer Akiba Masanobu's question, but asked him a question instead.

"Of course it is to disrupt the situation in the ninja world, provoke conflicts among the ninja villages, weaken their strength, and buy time for the development of the villages...I see..."

Akiba Masanobu answered matter-of-factly, but soon he realized something and reacted immediately.

"Yes, our goal from the beginning to the end has not been to control the cult organization, but to stir up the situation in the ninja world. This relationship should never be confused, otherwise it will be easy to get involved in the situation."

Ghost Lantern Xinyue turned to look at the map of the ninja world hanging on the wall and smiled.

Under the doctrine of justification by faith, it is easy for the ninja world to have multiple evil cult organizations with similar sacrificial rituals and similar management systems but completely different internal contents.

So will these evil cult organizations of different sizes recognize that each other has the same ancestry and origin as themselves?

Will he recognize the other's parishioners as his "brothers"?

Will they get into a fight when they meet, or will they discuss doctrine calmly?

You must know that heretics are more hateful existences than heretics!

The teachings of the Evil God Religion are precisely the more chaotic they become, the stronger they become. So in this case, will personal will be kidnapped by collective will?

"I'm full of expectations for this!"

Ghost Light Crescent looked at the map of the ninja world hanging on the wall and casually projected the pen in his hand.


"Yo, you hit the target right on target!"

Looking at Konoha who was nailed to the wall with a pen, Ghost Light Crescent Moon chuckled.


Religious propaganda is different from any previous propaganda. It still requires certain preparations, at least from a theoretical level, it must be improved according to the requirements put forward by Ghost Lantern Crescent.

And certain preparations are also needed in the early stage to ensure that when this kind of religious belief is promoted in various places, various dramas of "bullies come to bully but are punished by religious brothers" can appear in time to speed up the promotion and promotion.

Therefore, after determining the next step of public opinion propaganda plan, which is to use religious methods to incite the villagers in each village, Ghost Light Crescent also delegated power to Akiba Masanobu and gave him full authority to make arrangements.

Akiba Masanobu also served as his secretary and temporarily acted as Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Although he was very busy every day, Akiba Masanobu did not complain about it. Instead, he was grateful to Ghost Lantern Crescent Moon.

After all, the previous minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was Gui Deng Xinyue himself, and this "continental balancing policy" can be said to be Gui Deng Xinyue's political slogan.

And if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, an important promoter of his strategy, was handed over to him, how could he not be grateful to Guideng Crescent?

After Kiden Xinyue put down these mundane things, in addition to exploring the activities of the Ninja School and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from time to time, he devoted himself to practice every day, focusing on running in with the Vulpix and improving his strength.

He has never forgotten that this is a ninja world with extraordinary power. Madara Uchiha, who is half-dead underground in the Land of Grass, Black Zetsu hiding in the dark, and Kaguya Otsutsuki on the moon, are always reminding him that strength is the key. He truly relied on.

Due to the fact that the second ninja world did not break out, Ghost Light Crescent Moon could not find the Earth Spider clan and use the threat of war and Konoha's past treacherous deeds to win them over.

Therefore, it is impossible to talk about the practice of immortal mode.

Therefore, in addition to regular practice in the water escape chakra mode, Ghost Lantern Xinyue could only start to study the famous stunt of Steaming Danger and Exploding Crisis, hoping to master it before the war begins.

Thanks to the huge chakra of Vulpix, Ghost Light Crescent Moon now has more than ten times more shadow clones than before.

Therefore, with the support of such a large number of shadow clones, his proficiency in the two ninjutsu is constantly improving, and his strength is steadily advancing.

"According to this speed, we can complete the practice of evaporating danger and exploding danger before the war begins."

Gui Deng Xinyue assessed his progress and expressed that he could accept the result.

"However, the normal practice of water escape chakra mode seems to be taking up the most time now."

But then he thought about it, it took a genius like Kakarot almost a year to complete the normal training of Super Saiyan. How could he compare with others?

Being able to cultivate it in two years is already considered an extraordinary talent for him.

Anyway, he is only thirteen years old now, and there is still a long time. Even if he masters this ninjutsu at the age of fifteen, it is not too late.

With his obsession gone, Kiden Shingetsu returned to practicing ninjutsu step by step when he had nothing to do, working in the office when necessary, and cultivating relationships with Uzumaki Kushina and Yukinagi from time to time.

It wasn't until three months later that the new evil cult reappeared.

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