Chapter 73 Movie (×) History Book (√)

Before watching the movie, Shui Jingtai: Is this me?

After watching the movie, Shui Keita: This is me!

As the plot of the movie continues to develop, Shui Jingtai also successfully completed hypnosis on himself.

Did this happen at that time? ...Oh, it turns out that something like this happened before... Yes, it seems that I did do this back then... Alas, I am getting old, and I can't even remember what happened back then.

In the dim castle tower, the fluorescent light from the movie flickered from time to time on Sui Keita's face, revealing an old face twisted with excitement.

After the movie ended, the entire castle tower was in a state of silence for a long time.

Some people are addicted to beautiful dreams and cannot wake up, indulging in "brilliant achievements" that they don't even know about.

Some people couldn't stand Gui Deng Xinyue's triumphant look, so they simply closed their eyes and refused to watch how he was praised by the big names next.

That's right, all the ministers present had the same feeling after watching this movie, is this a ninja?

With this level of flattery, you tell me that a ninja who spends his days thinking about how to stab others can come up with it?

If all you ninjas are of this level, then what do you need us ministers to do?

As for the plot of the movie, who can bring themselves into it, and who can’t be confused for a moment?

Even Kusaka Masato couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Ghost Lantern Crescent Moon again.

Although he had already highly estimated the ability of Gui Deng Xinyue, his collaborator, he never expected that he could achieve this level.

"Fortunately, he didn't enter the Daming Mansion, otherwise my status might really be in jeopardy..."

Masato Kusaka looked at the ghost lamp crescent moon, and a thought suddenly came to his mind.

After all, no one can resist the words "born saint" and "noble blood"; no man can ever resist the words "turn the tide before it falls" and "support the building before it collapses"; Emperors can never resist the feats of "conquering the barbarians" and "bathing in the king's favor".

And when all the above adjectives are gathered together to describe a person intensively in a short period of time, this numbing feeling that hits the face and hits the soul is enough to make anyone have an orgasm directly in the skull.

No one can resist this opportunity to be famous forever, and no one would think of resisting this honor, let alone our great name, Shui Jingtai, who values ​​face more than heaven.

It is conceivable that once this movie is played, in this era of closed information, how will the world evaluate Shui Jingtai, how much respect will outsiders have for him, and how will future generations look up to him with a noble attitude? The merits of a wise king.

Just thinking about it, Shui Keita's skinny hands couldn't help but tremble, her excited face showed an abnormal red color, and there was a faint sound of violent heart beating in her old body - the Jonin of the Yanagisawa clan even Afraid that he would be too excited and his body could not bear it, the Blood Succession Limit "Life Link" was ready to be activated at any time.

Fortunately, Shui Jingtai finally controlled his emotions.

Shui Jingtai looked at the movie screen that had finished playing and there was no more pictures, with a trace of reluctance flashing in his eyes.

But soon, he turned his attention to Ghost Lantern Xinyue, making no secret of his admiration for him.

"Okay, okay, okay, great!"

"It suits me very well!"

Shui Jingtai looked at the ghost lantern crescent moon and threw out compliments as if they were free of charge.

"There are some things that even I almost forgot. It's rare that you can find them from the cracks in history... It's really troublesome. Although for me, these past events are like clouds and not worth mentioning..."

Ghost Light Crescent just quietly watched Shui Keita boasting about himself. It was obvious that this daimyo had completely completed his brainwashing and successfully merged himself with the "Shui Keita" in the movie.

As for whether the content of this movie is this moment, no one will pay attention to this trivial matter, and no one who is not discerning will wake up the famous dream of immortality at this moment.

If any warrior stands up now and tells him that it is just a movie, an artistic processing technique, not history, I estimate that the daimyo will be very grateful to him for pointing out this fact, and happily send him to see the Sage of Six Paths to find him. The opportunity to become an immortal, take away a set meal of nine tribes.

Therefore, Ghost Light Crescent also responded to the Daimyo very humbly, removing all his achievements as much as possible, and only positioned himself as "the seeker of the Daimyo's lost achievements."

The core idea is: we do not produce history, we are just seekers of history.

Anyway, it’s up to you to make the daimyo happy.

Shui Jingtai was also very satisfied with this. What he admired most was a minister who knew how to advance and retreat, understood interests, and was willing to share worries. He even had the idea of ​​granting Gui Deng Xinyue an official position and letting him stay with him all year round in Daming Mansion. .

As soon as he thought about this, he immediately asked: "As the saying goes, there is hard work without merit. For the sake of your loyalty, do you have any wishes?"

When Gui Deng Xinyue heard this, he immediately knew that the drama was coming, and quickly and respectfully replied: "How dare you claim credit for doing things for a big name? But when it comes to by financial and technical limitations, in fact, the effect of this movie There are still flaws. If the Dai Ming believes in me, I hope the Dai Ming will allow me to make another biographical film as a gift for the Dai Ming’s 60th birthday next year.”


And a sequel?

Shui Jingtai's eyes lit up and he agreed without hesitation: "Yes! You don't have to worry about funding. I'll give you 200 million first. You must polish this movie carefully and make sure to restore history 100% and respect objective reality. do you know?"

Although he keeps saying that he wants to respect reality and restore history, if anyone is so naive and believes this, Shui Keita will probably let him become history with a happy face.

So, with such ease, I got nearly seven Asumas.

So what is the funding problem that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs needs to solve urgently? Do you know how to write the word "affiliation"?

Gui Deng Xinyue felt certain in his heart. Seeing Shui Jingtai being so generous, he thought that he might as well take advantage of this rare opportunity to make another move, so he organized his words and continued.

"There is one more thing that I hope the daimyo will allow. We are planning to shoot a movie about the Immortal of Six Paths calming down the troubled times and establishing the Ninja Sect. However, because it is too old, it is difficult to trace the appearance of the Immortal of Six Paths. If the daimyo allows it, we hope to make it. The Immortal of Six Paths, photographed to look like a great name."


As the saying goes, if you look up at the high mountain, the scenery will stop. Although you can't reach it, your heart yearns for it.

After hearing this, the minds of many ministers present suddenly came up with the idea that there is a mountain higher than the mountain. This endless stream of fancy dog-licking methods really made them feel ashamed and resigned.

The holy body of a congenital dog licker is so terrifying!

Look at what people say, "Photograph the Immortal of Six Paths to look like the Daimyo" instead of "Photograph the Daimyo to look like the Immortal of Six Paths". The order of this language art has really been severely manipulated.

Who is that?

That's the Immortal of Six Paths! According to legend, the existence of the ninja world was opened up and the ninja sect was founded!

The appearance of Sui Keita is that of the Immortal of Six Paths. If this movie is widely circulated in the future, who will be able to tell who is who after a few years?

Then the sculpture of the Immortal of Six Paths must not depict him like Shui Jingtai?

In this case, did he become the Sage of Six Paths or did the Sage of Six Paths become him?

Just thinking about it, Shui Keita's brain couldn't stop feeling dizzy. He couldn't bear this little surprise of suddenly becoming the originator of the ninja world, so he could only forcefully control his speaking speed and deliberately speak slowly. Reply to show that you don't care:


But the trembling hands had already exposed his excitement at this time.

"But this funding..."

Gui Deng Xinyue's just-right hesitation shattered Shui Jingtai's pretense of reserve.

"Here! Here! Five hundred million, even one billion, we have to make this movie!"

In an instant, the roar spread throughout the hall.

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