Promote the theory of threat to Konoha, why Kirigakure brings Hide!

Chapter 74 I have been wandering for half my life, and I have never met my master. If the Lord never

Chapter 74 I have been wandering for half my life and have never met my master. If you never give up...

"Ahem... I'm actually very hesitant about this matter, but when I think about it, if it hadn't been for the legendary Sage of Six Paths who opened up the ninja world and founded the ninja sect, where would we have the harmonious and happy life we ​​have now? But now his reputation is... It is declining day by day, which really makes people extremely sad!”

"So in order to show the Daimyo's admiration for his old man, all the expenses for this biographical film specially made for the Immortal of Six Paths will be borne by the Daimyo Mansion!"

Looking at Gui Deng Xinyue who was obviously "scared", Shui Jingtai noticed his gaffe and quickly covered it up.

But at this time, Guideng Xinyue was still immersed in the surprise of being thrown down by wealth and wealth. Based on the fact that Kirigakure Village’s annual military expenditure is only 5 billion, he can get one-fifth of Kirigakure Village’s annual military expenditure for a movie that he hasn’t even started filming yet?

Is this the legendary ppt investment?

On the stage, Shui Keita also continued to make relevant remarks. Anyway, the most prominent thing in his words was "I have no interest in playing the role of the Sage of Six Paths", "I never care about these false names", "Huh? The Sage of Six Paths is very good" Is it famous? I don’t know.”

In response, many audience members in the audience nodded and smiled, and highly praised the daimyo for his high moral integrity and treating his fame as dirt, saying that they should also learn from the daimyo.

"However, the requirements for this film must be the same as those of my biographical film. It must respect history and follow the principles of objectivity, fairness, and rigor. It must not be adapted or edited randomly, you know?" Shui Jingtai was afraid that Gui Deng Xinyue would not know. What he meant was "emphasized" again.

Ghost Light Crescent nodded, indicating that he fully understood the daimyo's request.

Adaptation is not random editing, drama is not nonsense! He is good at this stuff. As the saying goes, he has never eaten pork and has seen pigs running away. In his previous life, he simply didn't see too much of this kind of thing.

"Very good." Shui Jingtai looked at Gui Deng Xinyue's submissive look and became more and more satisfied.

If it wasn't really inappropriate, Shui Jingtai even had the idea of ​​letting him stay by his side. There was no way, Gui Deng Xinyue's various actions really poked at his weak point every time, making him Unbearable itching all over.

How wonderful it would be if everyone in this world were like this young man who knew how to share the worries of his father and take the initiative to solve his problems!

"Well, the wish you just made is an additional promise from me. You can make another request. As long as it is reasonable, I will grant it!"

Overjoyed, Shui Jingtai didn't care about this thing anymore. He wanted to use this to set an example in front of everyone: As long as you take the initiative to solve my problems and find something that can make me happy, then I will not hesitate to reward you!

"Serving your father is your duty, how dare you ask for rewards? However, I have always had a wish, and I hope that the name can be fulfilled."

When Shui Jingtai heard the first half of the sentence, he thought that the young man was too shy to award the reward, and was still worried about how to play the role of a rich horse's bones, but when he heard the second half of the sentence, he immediately became happy.

I’m not afraid that you have requests, but I’m afraid that you don’t ask for them!


So Gui Deng Xinyue left the table and bowed down, and said respectfully in the direction of Shui Jingtai: "Since I was born, I have practiced ninja training at the age of three and actual combat training at the age of six. I have practiced three times in winter and three times in summer, and I am now eight years old. He was promoted to chunin at the age of 12 and jounin at the twelfth year."

Gui Deng Xinyue started with his own growth experience. While showing his strength from the side, he was also slowly accumulating strength.

"But because of this, I have been with Kunai Shuriken all day long since I was a child. I have never experienced the warmth of family. I don't know what family is, what family affection is, and I don't know what a loving father is. The word father, In my mind, it has gradually become less concrete and has gradually become a symbol.”

Ghost Lantern Canyue: Okay, okay, this is how you play, right?

Ghost Deng Xinyue didn't care what his father in Hidden Mist Village thought after hearing this, and continued his chant: "But by chance, I saw from the notes of Lord Huanyue at home that he had something to say about The records related to the daimyo are filled with admiration for the daimyo. From my father's gossip, I heard the daimyo's virtuous policies. From these few words, I felt a daimyo who was fraternity, kindness, and broad-minded. And that , exactly what I imagined a loving father would look like."

When Shui Jingtai heard this, his chest puffed up unconsciously.

Although this adjective feels a bit unfamiliar, but what the heck! As long as it sounds good!

After all, in this civil and military dynasty, who else but him could be responsible for such a description?

"But there are indeed too few records about the daimyo in the village, so little that I even wonder if someone is secretly trying to eliminate the daimyo's image in Kirigakure Village..." Ghost Light Xinyue secretly gave Lian some eye drops.

Sure enough, the proud daimyo once again became dissatisfied with the Mizukage - my positive records can't be found in Kirigakure Village? Do you, Mizukage, have any problem with me?

He took it for granted that before today, there was no record of his positive image anywhere in the Kingdom of Water.

I nodded slightly at Ren's Ghost Light Crescent Moon and continued: "For this reason, I had to climb mountains and wading rivers to search for the lost history of the daimyo, and sort out the information with a pilgrim mentality. This is how this movie was born. .”

At that moment, although Gui Deng Xinyue was still kneeling on the ground, he stood up forever in the hearts of many ministers.

If there is no new moon in the sky, it will lick the road forever like a long night!

They, the ministers, finally understood what it means to be gifted by nature, and what it means to be born with knowledge.

How can they catch up with this kind of flattery?

Listen, listen to what they say!

This kind of admiration for the Daimyo that spans three generations is not due to external rewards, but comes from pursuing the reason for making movies that one's inner soul relies on. You can't think of it even if you think hard!

This is called professionalism!

From now on, whoever works for a daimyo and says that he does it for money or glory and wealth will not be punished to death?


You didn't do it out of high respect for the daimyo?

Do you have a problem with the name?

Drag him out and behead him!

Of course, all the ministers in the audience had the same reaction after hearing this. As the person involved, Shui Jingtai, after hearing these words, it was like someone had poured a bucket of cold water on her head in the middle of summer - this kind of chilling feeling, Why does the feeling of soaring heart appear so often today?

So, after all the previous emotional foundations were laid, Gui Deng Xinyue looked at the atmosphere and finally began to summarize, condensing thousands of words into the last sentence:

"I have been wandering for half my life and have never met my master. If you don't abandon me, I would like to worship you as my adopted father!"

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