Promote the theory of threat to Konoha, why Kirigakure brings Hide!

Chapter 80 Uchiha Madara: The wind that misses me blows to the ground

Lian was like a crazy gambler at this time. He was almost driven crazy by Gui Deng Xinyue's endless trump cards, trying to put all the chips on the card table and win in one fell swoop.

Ever since she accepted the temptation of the mysterious man who called himself "Uchiha Madara" more than ten years ago and provided information to him, which led to the deaths of Oniden Genzuki and Wushuang, Ren knew that he had embarked on a path of no return.

Later, with the help of the other party, he secretly killed many old men from the Warring States Period who opposed him, and then he ascended to the position of Mizukage as he wished. Not to mention that the stone slab that is now wooing the Kaguya clan was handed to him by the mysterious man. Its authenticity can be known at a glance. If the Kaguya clan knows the truth, I am afraid he will be the first to rebel.

Under these circumstances, he could only help him act - although he didn't know what the mysterious man's ultimate goal was, eradicating the ghost lantern and snow clan coincided with him in a sense. .

Ren was filled with hatred for the Oniden clan after being used as a stepping stone by Oniden Gengetsu and watching him forcefully step on her to ascend to the position of Mizukage.

As for the Snow Clan, who allowed them to get so close to the ghost lantern?

If you want to complain, just blame them for coming too close! Throughout all dynasties, which year has no ghost died unjustly?

All the above reasons prompted Lian to make this crazy decision while watching the power of Guideng becoming more and more powerful.

As for whether the release of the Three-Tails and the Six-Tails will cause damage to the village - if he is not the Mizukage, what is the meaning of the existence of the Kirigakure Village?

Kaguya Yoshio agreed to this matter due to the hope of solving the blood stain disease and the temptation of fighting cells in his body.


"What do you mean? Are you going to leak the information this time and help that kid from the Ghost Lantern Clan?" Deep underground, a pitcher plant was quietly lurking under the Shuiying Building, quietly listening to Lian Conspiracy with Kaguya Yoshio.

I'm afraid neither of them would have ever dreamed that the newly hatched plan would already be known to outsiders as soon as it was put into words.

"Help? I really want to help, but I'm not helping that kid from Gui Deng, but Lian." Hei Jue's face showed a look of watching a good show.

"After all, if you can't overcome this setback, then what qualifications does that kid have to become my pawn?"

"What's more, after this turmoil, no matter who wins or loses, under the rampage of the two tailed beasts and such fierce internal fighting, Kirigakure Village will definitely suffer heavy losses! And after the heavy damage, Kirigakure Village, whether it is Ren Victory or the victory of the ghost lantern, there is no loss for us at all, right?"

If Oniden wins, the Kirigakure Village, which is greatly weakened, will implement the "Continental Balance Policy" more resolutely, and the ninja world will become more chaotic.

On the contrary, if Ren wins, what can Kirigakure Village do to resist them after its strength is greatly reduced?

How could such a perfect base be so easily accessible?

"The reason why I provided information to that kid in the first place was just to see that he had some talent in conspiracy and conspiracy. If he can become the best, it will not have any impact on our plan. As long as we firmly grasp this The idea of ​​'continental equilibrium' will have little impact without him!"

"And looking at it now, this Lian is quite ruthless. I am looking forward to the battle in the near future."

Obviously, Hei Zetsu also admires this kind of shadow who dares to let the tailed beast in his village.

For this reason, he planned to help Lian again when the time came.

"Compared to this, I'd rather know how you fooled Madara. Otherwise, if 'Uzumaki White Zetsu' takes action, wouldn't the strength of the two parties be unbalanced?" White Zetsu asked with interest.

"Madara? There are many reasons...and isn't there one ready-made?" Black Jue glanced at his head jokingly, and said to Bai Jue: "You said...if Madara saw the filming of Uchiha How will he react to the fate of "Thirty Years a Slave" and the "Uchiha Human Rights Report"? Does he still have the energy to take care of this matter?"

Uchiha Madara reads "Thirty Years a Slave" and "Uchiha Human Rights Report"?

Bai Jue was stunned for a moment, and then imagined the scene.


Even though he was an emotionless artificial creature, Bai Jue still had a smile on his lips.

Omos Roy.


The Ghost Light Crescent here naturally didn't know about Ren and others' conspiracy, nor did he know that Madara Uchiha, the "Dancing King of the Ninja World", was about to see his masterpiece.

Different from when they left, when they returned from the capital, the three of them felt very relaxed because everything had been decided and they took a good rest on the way back.

After all, they had just defrauded a large amount of money from Shui Keita, and if they didn't spend it properly, they would feel a bit empty, so the three of them spent a week eating and playing before returning to Kirigakure Village.

At this time, Ghost Light Crescent Moon was adopted as the adopted son by the daimyo Mizu Keita, and the news that Kirigakure Village's military expenditure would be doubled next year had already spread throughout Kirigakure Village.

Although Lian really didn't want to be famous for Ghost Lantern Crescent Moon, he had no choice but to do so. He couldn't cover things like the increase in military expenditures that affected the interests of the whole village by himself. So many departments were watching eagerly, and the famous envoy When he came, he was so loud and unconcealed, how could he hide it?

And because he was about to start a desperate fight with the ghost lamp, Lian also adhered to the principle of doing less than doing more, and finally adopted a laissez-faire attitude towards these news.

Therefore, all the details of Gui Deng Xinyue's mission to the capital had already appeared vividly in the gossip of the people in Kirigakure Village before he returned.

These include but are not limited to the story of Ghost Light Crescent bearing humiliation in the capital for Kirigakure Village's military expenses, enduring the insults of the little prince and the provocation of the Yanagisawa clan, safeguarding the dignity of Kirigakure Village, and fighting back to win the favor of the daimyo.

Of course, as for some of the shameless and fancy dog-licking techniques used by the ghost lantern messenger, these are not very important parts, and the rumors have adopted the Spring and Autumn style of writing to ignore them.

Well, the content in it has nothing to do with the letter in the Ninja Eagle that was released in the capital before Ghost Light New Moon.

Just kidding, how could someone as upright as Gui Deng Xinyue control public opinion behind his back? This is a spontaneous act of a dynamic and enthusiastic group in Kirigakure Village, and has nothing to do with the big name.

Moreover, this image coincides with the image of Ghost Lantern Crescent Moon in the village. Therefore, although there are some rumors that are not conducive to the overall situation of Kirigakure Village, the image of Ghost Lantern Crescent Moon in that story is too flattering. The villagers have always believed that someone deliberately slandered Kirigakure Village as a "timely rain", so they all rejected it.

This also made Lian helpless, and at the same time, she once again felt annoyed that she had carelessly handed over the power of publicity in the village to Guideng Xinyue.

And it was in this situation that Ghost Light Crescent successfully returned to Kirigakure Village with Goju Yagura and Yukinagi.

Thank you brothers for your support. If nothing else happens, it will be on the shelves tomorrow.

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