It should be on the shelves at noon tomorrow. Let’s talk about the update plan first. The 1W4 update will be tomorrow, and we will try to keep it at 6K in future updates.

Then comes the speech section.

First of all, I would like to thank my brothers for their support, which allowed this book to be published in Sanjiang and finally put on the shelves.

This is my first book at Qidian. I never expected it to achieve such results.

When I was reading, I vaguely remembered that Sanjiang was a very good recommendation for the entire starting point. It can be said that all the books that were published at that time were books that led the trend at that time.

Although Sanjiang seems to be not as good as before, I never expected to be recommended at this level.

I actually liked reading novels when I was very young. I read martial arts novels, the Four Great Classics, Harry Potter, The Legend of the Gods, and the abridged version of Steel, etc. I read them all in elementary school.

Then there are online articles. I vaguely remember that I was in the fourth grade. The first book I came into contact with at that time was a pirated physical book, "Bad Guy" by Liu Dao. Then I read "Beast Blood" and "Starting from Scratch" under the leadership of my brother.

It can be said that this kind of book that I had never seen before deeply attracted my attention, and I embarked on a path of no return.

I still remember that when I logged in to, there were no more than 20 books with more than 2 million words on the entire website.

After school, I log in to Qidian every day to see if there are any long novels, and then go to a small website to download e-books in TXT format and read them on my slider phone.

There was no way. After all, when I was in high school at the beginning of the year, I didn’t have much money on hand, and online payment was not developed at that time. If I wanted to support the original version, I couldn’t.

When I started working and had a salary, I basically started watching the original version.

My reader account is there, with no privacy settings, and you can see when I became a premium user.

Of course, the above does not imply that you support subscriptions.

The types of novels I read are also quite diverse. Basically, I have read all the types of novels written by Qidian Men.

I have read everything from fantasy and fairy tales to history, light novels, and even military and sports novels.

Well, I haven’t read any realistic novels.

If I had to pick a favorite genre, I still prefer farming novels.

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye I have grown from a primary school student to an older young man who is already working and has even completed postgraduate studies.

I have not been an author for a long time. I wrote a Naruto fanfic on an external website this time last year. My thoughts at the time were the same as those of many authors. As my reading time increased, I gradually discovered that there were no books that aroused my interest. In other words, what you want to see can hardly be found in the books at that time.

Because it was the time when I was starting my graduate program, and I was inexperienced in writing a book for the first time and had too many omissions, I had no choice but to write the book hastily, which is a pity.

It wasn’t until I finished writing the big thesis not long ago that I had time to reimagine the novel based on it.

The initial idea of ​​writing this novel was very simple, because Naruto is an anime I have followed since I was a child, so I have read quite a lot of Naruto fan fiction. But the more I read later, the more I realized that most of these novels focus on improving personal strength, and rarely consider the national or general situation.

Later, I thought about it and found that this is not a problem with these fan authors, but that the original work itself rarely describes these things.

In other words, I feel that Naruto in Kishimoto's works has a bit of a petty spirit.

After all, apart from beautiful women, the things that can make a man's blood boil are probably words such as "manipulating the whole world", "turning the tide", "invincible", "conquering the wolf and living in Xu".

So my original idea was to write a book about Naruto similar to Romance of the Three Kingdoms, with a bit of a romance style, but I quickly gave up on it.

Quite simply, because I can't write it.

This kind of romance-style novel requires more three-dimensional character creation. In fact, I couldn't even perfectly portray the characters in the original novel in the book, and I couldn't even stand what I reluctantly wrote.

I also like history, and because of my work, I have heard a lot of news about some countries intentionally or unintentionally, so I came up with the idea of ​​writing a fan novel about Naruto from a general perspective.

I feel like I should be considered a history amateur, because I have never read the Twenty-Four Histories in full, and I don’t know much about Japanese and European history. I only like to read the magnificent historical stories that happened in history. , not interested in those histories that have no characteristics or are very tragic.

Most of my understanding of history comes from middle school textbooks, various TV series and historical novels.

So you will see historical references from past dynasties in the book, so don’t be offended if there are any errors or omissions.

Well, if you guys know of any very interesting UP masters or books about history, you can recommend them here.

I’m not guaranteed to watch it, but I’ll definitely collect it.

For this novel, my idea is simply "interesting".

As the saying goes, if the writing power is not enough, the brain will make up the difference.

I know that my writing skills are insufficient. When I was in high school, I could never guess the meaning of the question every time I wrote Chinese essays. A perfect score of 60 was only 48 or 9 every time.

So my idea for this book is to match the characters in Naruto with real-life stories as much as possible, because at least as a reader, I feel that this kind of novel is what I am willing to read.

Regarding the subsequent development of this book, I can definitely say that it will not follow the original work. Perhaps this will disappoint some people, because I have seen many comments saying that I did not follow the original work and had no sense of substitution.

But I have always believed that the most essential feature of fan fiction and the original work is the difference in storyline.

If you want to follow the original work, why write a fanfic? Why watch fandom?

Therefore, except for some unavoidable key plot points in this book, such as the Great Ninja War, the rest will be re-deduced.

For those plots that cannot be overcome, I will also follow the principle of drawing the target first and then shooting the arrow, and write the process as differently as possible.

Then there is the question that some people are quite criticizing and that often appears in this article.

This problem does exist and there is nothing to avoid.

But if you want to fit the historical story, it is impossible not to quote these classical Chinese texts, and it would be even more strange to translate them into vernacular.

So I can only promise to minimize this but not avoid it.

Other than that, I just need to save as many manuscripts as possible for updates, write as long as possible, and finish it smoothly. There’s not much to say about this.

Finally, I would like to thank editor Penglai.

This novel was actually originally intended for internal submission, but it was rejected by three different editors in succession, so I just published it directly out of anger.

Thinking about it now, if Penglai hadn't taken advantage of me, this book might have been discontinued long ago without anyone paying attention.

Thanks to Penglai for pulling me out of the straight hair pool, and for trying his best to help me get Sanjiang’s recommendation.

If any brother wants to write a novel, I suggest you join him. Penglai is very friendly to newcomers.

Well, there are rumors in the world that Penglai likes Shitu... So, you know what to do if the manuscript is not passed, right?

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