Managing a big country is like cooking a small dish. This is true for the Ninja School and the same is true for Kirigakure Village.

Of course, he has many ideas for changes to the current Kirigakure Village.

But again, if you take too big a step, you'll be in trouble.

So now he is just accumulating strength, making more advance preparations, and issuing some guiding orders.

The purpose of most of these tasks is for long-term considerations and to lay the foundation for drastic reforms after taking office.

These jobs include but are not limited to:

Lift the ban on the isolation of Kirigakure Village, establish a separate commercial area outside Kirigakure Village, and encourage various commercial activities;

Spend a lot of money to reward scientific research and technical talents from all over the ninja world, and send ninjas to the Eastern Continent to invite (×) to capture (√) scientific and technological elites;

Encourage all kinds of cultural creations that promote the positive energy of Wuyin Village, are conducive to the spread of Wuyin Village culture, and use Wuyin Village as the background or the villagers of Wuyin Village as the protagonists;

For those who use various means (including but not limited to kidnapping, knocking out, coercion, inducement, etc.) to attract outstanding talents from other countries in the ninja world to Kirigakure Village, they will be given heavy rewards on a per capita basis.

In addition to the above open guidance policy, Ghost Light Crescent has also done one practical thing, which is to establish a Chakra Research Institute.

If science and technology were the primary productive force in previous lives, then in the ninja world where extraordinary power exists, there is no doubt that chakra is the primary productive force.

The main manifestation of this productivity lies in various ninjutsu, followed by various machine industries that use chakra as energy.

As a time traveler, he knows the principles of many secret ninjutsu from major ninja villages.

Even thanks to the knowledge he learned during compulsory education in his previous life, as well as the various skills he has seen from various novels and animations, Ghost Light New Moon has no shortage of ideas for developing various ninjutsu.

But as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kirigakure Village and the principal of the Ninja School, and the future fourth-generation Mizukage, he would definitely not devote his precious time to the research of these ninjutsu.

Therefore, there must be a group of tool people who can continuously conduct various experiments according to his ideas, constantly improve and improve, and then create truly practical ninjutsu.

In addition, the manufacturing of chakra machines also requires the participation of professionals.

First of all, it is undeniable that chakra can be used as energy. Whether it is the Grell Stone in the original work or the Chakra Cannon in Yunyin Village, this has been verified.

Moreover, there are hundreds of thousands of ninjas in the entire ninja world. With so many ninjas, there are naturally some who are good at fighting and some who are not good at fighting. There are naturally some fighting geniuses and some research geniuses.

Of course, these research geniuses cannot be simply and rudely thrown onto the battlefield. It is not required that each of them be a research genius like Orochimaru or Kabuto. There just needs to be someone who is similar and can combine chakra with the mechanical industry.

So in this case, the Chakra Research Institute came into being.

The primary goal of the Chakra Research Institute is to study various ninjutsu, followed by the study of various chakra machines and their applications.

In line with the idea of ​​never wasting anything, the current staff of the Chakra Research Institute is basically composed of retired and disabled ninjas of various types, supplemented by some mechanical researchers.

There is no way, the Kirigakure Village today is really in short supply of talents.

After the Blood Mist Rebellion, the number of ninjas dropped by a quarter. Counting those lying in the hospital, the number of ninjas still functioning normally in Kirigakure Village is only one-third of the original number.

Such a small number of people can't even complete the village's mission, so how can there be any extra people to carry out basic work such as chakra research that won't see results within a few years?

After all, any basic research work has the three characteristics of high investment, high return, and long-term nature.

Although Kiden Xinyue intends to add scientific research-related knowledge to the Ninja School curriculum, it will take time after all, right?

These old and disabled ninjas cannot fight enemies on the battlefield, but they can still do this kind of mental work.

In addition, as a ninja, he must have the ability to refine chakra. This chakra can be used at any time, so there is no need to worry about energy issues.

Having experienced war, they also have a deep understanding of various types of ninjutsu and rich experience in real ninja combat. It is too easy to judge whether a ninjutsu research direction is valuable and to simulate the best use scenario of a ninjutsu. but.

They are used to seeing life and death, and they don't have a lot of moral obsession with human experiments. It is really suitable for them to do research.

The most important thing - the village's subsidies can't go to waste, right?

Capitalist Guideng Xinyue's main idea is to make the best use of one person's talents and make the best use of everything.

After all, the landlord’s family doesn’t have any surplus food now, right?

As for if these people are dissatisfied with this and hope to receive more salary...


For the sake of your fighting for the village, the village not only gives you subsidies every year, but also thoughtfully considers the emptiness of your souls after not having a job, so that it is so compassionate that it gives you a chance to use your spare energy. You actually want to be paid?

This is simply ungrateful!

At this critical moment when Kirigakure Village is facing internal and external troubles and its survival is at stake, you ninjas who have been favored by the shadow of this life are so unwilling to make progress. Not only are you unable to consider the overall situation and share the difficulties with the village, you actually want to ask for help. The village reaches out and opens its mouth?

It’s so worthless to be a son of man!

Crescent Grandet hated this deeply.

Of course, although these demands are "reasonable and legal but not compliant", as the opinion leader of the villagers, the future fourth generation Mizukage who "timely rained rain" on Kirigakure Village and sacrificed himself to quell the civil strife in the village will definitely not let these meritorious deeds Chilling.

In line with the principle of respecting science and technology and not letting capable people go hungry, Gui Deng Xinyue thoughtfully established a topic for each research, and also established a special topic review committee to approve research on chakra topics.

He generously stated that as long as the corresponding topic can be researched, any remaining funding for this topic will belong to the researcher!

Even if someone has already researched the topic privately, all the funds for the topic can be given to the individual as a reward!

Of course, due to the current tight funding in the village and the newly established research institute, there are only two topics in the early stage, one for each of the research directions of ninjutsu research and chakra machine application.

Considering that everyone has just changed careers and has no experience, these two topics can be made an exception for everyone to participate in to increase relevant research experience.

As a result, Gui Deng Xinyue cleverly turned the subsidies originally given to them by the village into wages, and the salaries that should have been paid into performance.

When these two topics are really researched, then the new generation of graduates from the Ninja School will probably graduate, and they will be able to take over.

Of course, those civilian mechanical researchers should still be given the money they deserve, and we can't really let people drink from the northwest wind.

And these are all expedient measures, special policies for special times.

After real scientific research talents grow up, Guideng Xinyue will inevitably make further adjustments, but that is a story for another day.

According to the two directions established by the Chakra Research Institute, Ninjutsu research and Chakra application, Ghost Light Xinyue personally designed the research content of these two topics.

In terms of ninjutsu research, the research on this topic is very simple, which is to create the seven-day calling method!

As a taijutsu created by Genin Murasaki of Sunagakure Village in the original work, the principle of the Seven-day Breathing Technique is very simple, that is, it absorbs a large amount of oxygen through breathing to increase body activation, thus greatly improving physical fitness.

Although the founder of the Seven Heavens Calling Technique was just a genin, it is not polite to say that the upper limit of the power of this taijutsu is definitely comparable to the Eight Gate Dunjia.

In the original work, in order to defeat Zi Luo who had activated the third activity, Xiao Li even opened five doors, which shows the power of the seven-day call.

As for whether these people at the Chakra Research Institute can create it - just kidding, even a genin in Sunagakure Village can create a ninjutsu. This brings together so many people in Kirigakure Village, and they know its principles. , with the support of a large amount of funds and resources, can it still be researched?

Do you understand the value of concentrating your efforts to accomplish big things?

Even if you are a physical genius, there is always a limit, right?

Once the research is done, no matter how difficult the seven-day call is, it will not be a problem for a ninja who has practiced for many years to activate the first activity, right?

When thousands of civilian ninjas are matched with the seven-day calling method of the first active blessing, he will see who can stop him in this ninja world where the six paths are impossible to find and the super shadow is hard to find!

This is called the real torrent of steel!

This method of use was inspired by his thoughts when watching the Condor Heroes in his previous life - it only takes three or four years to obtain the power of two dragons and two elephants in the first two levels of the Dragon and Elephant Prajna Kung Fu. This was practiced by all soldiers in the Song Dynasty. Can martial arts still defeat Jin and Yuan?

It was precisely based on the above two points that he made the Seven Heavens Calling Method the first ninjutsu topic studied by the Chakra Research Institute.

In terms of chakra machine research, Ghost Light Crescent has also formulated a project, which is a chakra energy storage device.

The start of any industry is inseparable from energy, and whether the industry can develop rapidly depends on the convenience of energy extraction and use.

In the absence of natural chakra ore such as Grayl ore, the energy source of the chakra machine can only be extracted from the human body.

Therefore, in the later period when Cloud Hidden Village was about to crush the moon, there would be a strange scene of many ninjas wearing chakra extractors connected to chakra cannons to artificially produce energy.

However, the shortcomings of this method are obvious - no matter how much chakra a person can extract through exhaustion, from the perspective of ease of use, it is not necessary to deploy several ninjas every time you want to use the machine. Think of it as a "mobile chakra battery"?

It would be more practical to use ninjas directly!

Therefore, this chakra energy storage device is the basis for realizing the application of chakra machines, otherwise nothing will happen!

Of course, as a person from modern society who has truly experienced the power of industrial machines, Guideng Xinyue will not give up on technologies such as steam and electric energy for granted.

After all, compared to the chakra machine in the mirror, these visible and tangible things are at least real and can be applied.

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