Promote the theory of threat to Konoha, why Kirigakure brings Hide!

Chapter 96 Graduate Benefit Period Credits Ladder Battle

After initially setting up two research topics for the Chakra Research Institute, Gui Deng Xinyue just let it go and let them study it.

After all, it is foreseeable that these two tasks will not produce results in a short period of time. Guideng Xinyue has even prepared a psychological expectation that there will be no progress in five or six years.

Therefore, after arranging these basic and long-term tasks, Guideng Xinyue still focused on the restructuring of the Ninja School.

There is exactly one week left before the next ninja school starts, which is just enough time to implement the initial reform measures.


After finishing today's rubble cleaning work, ten-year-old Ise Koji finally returned home and could take a rest.

It's a home, but it's just a cabin.

In the dark and small room, only the kitchen fire burned cracklingly, acting as the only source of lighting in the room.

"Kouji, don't do those jobs so fast, or you will have to leave the village to do tasks again." Ise Koji's mother stirred the kitchen pot and looked at her son worriedly.

"The child of the Hamano family next door disappeared during his second mission. I heard that he was killed by some detonating charm. There is not even a trace of his body..."

Ise Koji looked at the kitchen fire quietly, speechless.

He really didn't expect that after graduating from the ninja school and getting the coveted ninja identity, he would face such a crisis.

Just a month ago, Ise Koji had just received the genin protection as a graduate of the ninja school. Then, after a week of emergency training under the guidance of the chunin teacher, he participated in the first mission of his life.

During that mission, he was the only civilian ninja to survive.

He still can't forget the scene where the bright-eyed female classmate died in front of him, nor can he forget the scene where his chuunin teacher used his sacrificed comrade as bait to catch and kill his enemies.

After that battle, he finally understood why the seniors who had graduated in the past showed such expressions when facing their congratulations - ninja is indeed a high-paying profession, provided that you have a life to take it.

The mission share of the ninjas is indeed very high, and the family members of every ninja who sacrifices will receive a "high" pension - compared to the annual income of civilians, that pension is indeed high.

In addition, free meals were provided during the ninja school. Although I heard that ninjas had a high mortality rate, they still couldn't stand it. The civilians squeezed their heads and got in.

The poorer they are, the more calculating they are - three years of free meals plus pensions, the rewards are far greater than the costs, which is enough to drive these civilians crazy.

Of course, for those Ninja School students, these things will not be known to them, so Ise Koji's temperament changed drastically after experiencing that battle.

However, thanks to that mission, he was lucky enough to escape the civil war that broke out in the village not long ago.

It is precisely because of this civil war that he has not sent out any more missions to this day - too many areas of the village have been affected by the war, and the work efficiency of the villagers is too low.

Therefore, the Elder Council directly ordered all genin to go out and clean up the ruins.

Thanks to the super high work efficiency of the ninjas, the cleaning work of the ruins of Kirigakure Village is nearing completion. According to the news Ise Koji received, he estimates that he will be embarking on the next mission soon.

Bang bang bang!


At this moment, there was a rapid knock on the door. Ise Koji stood up suddenly, took out a kunai from his calf, and looked at the door warily.

Although he didn't need to be so vigilant in the village, the shadow of that mission was always with him.

"It's me, Takehiko! Open the door quickly, Koji!"

There was a burst of excited shouting outside the door, and Ise Koji naturally recognized that it was the voice of his classmate from the ninja school.

But if he wasn't busy preparing for the next mission at this time, why would he come to see me?

"Good news, Koji, we don't have to go on a mission anymore!"

Ise Koji was shocked when he heard this and quickly opened the door and welcomed him in.

The ninja named Takehiko naturally knew what he wanted to see, and immediately took out a piece of notice and handed it to him.

"This is the Ninja School's restructuring announcement personally issued by the new principal, Xinyue-sama, the great hero who saved Kirigakure Village! One of them specifically involves us graduates!"

Ise Koji took it over and took a look at it. From the dense words on it, he suddenly found the clauses related to him:

"... Considering that graduates lack practical experience, a protection period for novice Ninja School graduates has been set up. Three months before graduation, they can only perform C-level and below tasks."

According to the task classification of ninjas, D-level tasks are daily tasks, and the task area is usually inside the village, which is the task that Naruto and others did when they just graduated;

The C-level mission is a protection mission, which does not involve ninjas. It is similar to the bridge protection mission in the Land of Waves before encountering ninjas;

B-level missions may involve fighting ninjas.

Previous Ninja School graduates would be given a C-level mission to practice on if they met a kinder instructor, but someone like Ise Koji was in a miserable situation, facing a B-level mission right from the start.

But no matter what, the average Ninja School graduate will definitely encounter B-level tasks within three months. This is why Ghost Light New Moon found that the three-month mortality rate was so high when statistics were collected.

"That's great Kouji!"

"Fortunately there is Mr. Xinyue!"

Ise Kouji's mother hugged him and cried with joy, constantly expressing gratitude for the kindness of Kiden Shingetsu.

"Yes, Kouji! I heard that the ninjas didn't agree with this clause when it was set up. It was Master Xinyue who fought hard to get such good benefits for us. With Master Xinyue here, the village has nothing to worry about. prosper?"

Takehiko also looked excited, especially respecting Ghost Lantern Xinyue.

"Lord Xinyue..."

Ise Koji looked at the notice in his hand, and his heart seemed to be stirring again.


These orders issued by Ghost Light Crescent Moon caused an uproar among civilian ninjas and gained a wave of reputation. Those civilian ninjas, especially those who had just graduated, respect Ghost Light Crescent Moon to a level that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve. .

At the same time, those ninjas had a mediocre response to Ghost Light Crescent Moon's orders.

Nothing else, because there are not many key points in the reform of Gui Deng Xinyue, there are only three core items, and the rest of the scattered content all serve these three items.

These three items are harmless in the eyes of these ninjas, at least in the short term. Coupled with the current power of Ghost Lantern Crescent Moon, no one can think of objections.

Those rumors in the world were just deliberately released by Gui Deng Xinyue in order to boost his own self-esteem.

The first reform of Ninja School is the introduction of a credit system.

As long as you have enough credits, you can buy anything you can at the Ninja School.

Credits can be exchanged for private tutoring time from teachers, sophisticated weapons and equipment, various ninjutsu below C level, spots in elite classes, and the legendary "one-day principal" privileges, etc.

Affected by this, the graduation requirements for ninja school have also been changed.

The assessment of the Three Body Techniques and Ninja Tool Throwing was changed to the number of credits to determine whether one can graduate.

In other words, if you are talented enough and talented enough, you can apply for graduation soon after enrolling - this kind of special talent policy will exist no matter which world you are in.

Credits are obtained through monthly exams, mid-term and final exams, and various extracurricular practices.

Ghost Light New Moon even plans to cancel the D-class missions and incorporate them into the extracurricular practical activities of the ninja school - using genin for tasks such as catching kittens and puppies would be overkill.

Of course, the number of credits obtained through the above methods is very small. If you rely on these credits alone, excluding the credits required for graduation, you will only be able to learn two D-level ninjutsu at most.

If you want to get a lot of credits, learn C-level ninjutsu, and even gain the authority of a "one-day principal", there is only one way - Ninja School Ladder Battle!

Ghost Light Xinyue has already set up a huge stone monument in the center of the playground of the Ninja School. Only by winning the monthly arena battle can one's name be hung on the stone monument.

These people will receive credit awards in sequence according to the time they registered, and the number of places is only ten.

After all, today's Ninja School students are mainly civilians. It is enough to produce ten geniuses out of a full dozen. The genius mentioned by Kiden Xinyue refers to people who are guaranteed to be Chunin and are expected to be Jonin.

It can be imagined how crazy the civilian ninjas will be after this order is implemented - that is a C-level ninjutsu and private guidance from an elite teacher!

This was something they never dared to think about before!

Now all this is so nakedly displayed in front of them, telling them directly, what level of rewards you will get for completing the goals, how can this not make them completely crazy?

And what these children from civilian backgrounds lack most is this kind of hard work.

In order to further stimulate the Ninja School students, Ghost Light New Moon even spread rumors that if someone can reach the top of the ladder in the first year of enrollment, he will directly accept that person as a disciple!

As soon as this news came out, the civilian students' eyes turned red with excitement. This was the disciple of the great hero who saved Kirigakure Village!

And judging from the time, it is very likely that he is still his founding disciple. What does this mean?

This means that if he doesn't die in the future, even the fifth generation Mizukage will have hope to compete!

Under the temptation of the class leap from common people to Mizukage, those prospective freshmen who met the admission requirements of Ninja School, under the leadership of their parents, completely gave up rest and began to practice day and night in order to compete for this spot.

There are even many members of the Bloodstained Ninja Clan who are covetous of this spot, thinking of using the name of a new student to enter the school and snatch the identity of the first disciple of Ghost Light New Moon.

Of course, Ghost Light Crescent refused this. After all, although these children of the Blood Successor Ninja Clan are still young and have not awakened the Blood Succession Limit, they may not be able to defeat those civilian graduates under the guidance of their good teachers at home.

If this is the case, what is the significance of Guideng Xinyue releasing this rumor?

So after Ghost Light Crescent promised to recruit a few disciples from the Bloodstained Ninja Clan, the trend gradually dissipated.

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