The second point of the genin school restructuring led by Kiden Shingetsu is also very simple, that is, to divide the class types according to different training purposes and establish combat classes and skill classes.

After all, everyone's talents are completely different, and one cannot simply judge them based on their ninja training talents.

In order to give full play to the talents of people, Ghost Light New Moon divided the current three-year system of Ninja School into two years of basic education, plus one year of professional education.

Those students who have some fighting talent, character and talent and are capable of becoming official ninjas will be assigned to combat classes for deeper education and guidance.

Advanced courses such as survival drills and simulated combat will also be conducted at this stage.

Those whose ninja talents are not so outstanding will be placed in professional skills classes to learn courses such as medical ninjutsu, chakra principles, basics of ninjutsu release, chakra machines, etc.

In fact, the course time of these three years is still too short after all. Whether it is the tactical literacy of a ninja or the academic literacy of a scientific researcher, it can be said that only a superficial knowledge has been learned in this year.

So when Kiden Xinyue comes of age, the educational system of this ninja school will have to be changed to six years no matter what.

As for the third final restructuring plan, it is the policy of novice protection period for Ninja School graduates mentioned before.

After all, the purpose of Kiden Xinyue becoming the principal of the ninja school is to vigorously cultivate civilian ninjas and select a large number of outstanding talents.

This graduation will not give people time to adapt, and they will directly start B-level tasks, treating everyone as Naruto Uzumaki or Sasuke Uchiha!

Therefore, whether it is from the perspective of reputation or long-term consideration, it is imperative to set up a novice protection period.

Moreover, the time required by Ghost Light New Moon was not long, so those ninjas naturally had no objections.

After all, for a qualified ninja, three months is enough time to adapt to the new situation.

As for after this novice protection period, there will still be a large number of civilian ninjas who will die at the hands of B-level missions... Gui Deng Xinyue is not a charity, these people are dead if they die!

Although he has great kindness towards civilian ninjas, he has great evil intentions towards those ninjas.

But this does not mean that Ghost Light New Moon wants to promote equality for everyone in the ninja world and call for the elimination of class barriers.

The only thing he cares about most from beginning to end is himself! Everything he does, supporting civilian ninjas and suppressing the blood-stained ninja clan, has one core purpose:

Enhance his dominance and improve the strength of Kirigakure Village.

If every ninja in the Bloodstained Ninja Clan could eventually become a jounin, would he still be here working hard on this?

It would be better to become the director of the Wuyin Village Fertility Office to have a future!

"Tomorrow is the first day of school... Let me see how much fruit these seeds can bear if they are sown!"

Gui Deng Xinyue stood in the high principal's office, looking at the stele of the ladder to heaven that had been erected outside the window, with expectation in her tone.


The next day, at dawn, a large number of villagers gathered at the entrance of the ninja school located on the edge of Kirigakure Village.

Amano Kouchi followed his father timidly and looked at the gate of the Ninja School in front of him.

At five o'clock in the morning, he was dragged by his father and came here to queue up, waiting for today's enrollment registration.

Thanks to their early arrival, they are now at the head of the team and truly number one.

"Haocheng, I don't ask you to be the first, nor do I ask you to become Master Xinyue's disciple. As long as you can successfully enter the school, then I will be satisfied!"

Amano Hiroshige's father touched his son's head with his thick palm, looking expectantly.

Looking at his father who was shivering in the cold wind, Amano Hiroshige looked down at the cotton-padded clothes on his body, then recalled the situation at home, and nodded resolutely.

At this moment, there was a noise from behind. Amano Hiroshige's father thought it was the examiner coming and hurriedly pulled him to stand, hoping to leave a good impression on the examiner.

But soon, he gave up this idea - it turned out that someone said that the admission quota of the Ninja School was not in order of queue, and would wait until all the children took the exam before deciding who to recruit.

That's why some people left the queue and found a warm place to stay for a while.

But Amano Hiroshige and his son ignored the news. They firmly believed that someone was using lies to deceive them, and then waited for them to leave to occupy their position.

Anyway, it’s been a long time, so it’s not too late.

Besides, the sooner this happens, the more respect they can show for Lord Xinyue!

This scene lasted until eight o'clock, and the number of people waiting at the school gate dissipated because the school opened.

Because it has the idea of ​​​​taking the big waves, Ghost Light New Moon has made the admission requirements for Ninja School students extra lenient this time.

As long as there are five local people vouching for it, even people from other villages can take part in this Ninja School admissions exam.

Five local people vouched for it, which was enough to prove the child's innocence.

If a hostile ninja village is willing to risk such a huge casualty rate and send its genius to the Kirigakure village ninja school undercover incognito, Ghost Light Xinyue can only say that he is bossy.

Then clasped her hands and begged him to let him have more.

As the principal of the Ninja School, Ghost Light Xinyue did not appear at the examination site.

He was standing in the principal's office, looking at the playground below through the wide glass. Waves of children were running on the playground, and several ninjas were constantly grading students based on their performance.

Yes, the test subject is also very simple, that is running, to be precise, it is a ten-kilometer run.

What seems like a simple long-distance running is actually the cheapest way to screen students' bodies and minds.

If a person has super physical fitness, then there is nothing to say, just charge all the way.

But if a person's physical fitness is average, then there are explanations for how to run.

When to jog to warm up, when to speed up to overtake, when to follow others so that they can resist the wind, when to sprint, etc.

These data are key information that can best reflect a person's physical and mental condition.

The several ninjas on the field also counted each student based on these items.

According to the plan, the number of students enrolled this year is 100.

Ghost Deng Xinyue set the rules. The top ninety-five fastest people were directly admitted, while the bottom five were selected from those students who were smart but fell behind due to physical reasons.

After all, these quick-thinking guys might be able to bring him unexpected surprises in various professional skills classes, right? ——

Time gradually passed, and the results of the Ninja School exams were announced. The students and parents who were admitted cried with joy, the families who failed were also sad, and the crowds at the school gate gradually dispersed.

This scene, even if the world is different, is extremely similar.

"It's a pity... No matter from the economic or timing perspective, we cannot recruit these students on a large scale. Otherwise, even if the success rate is only one in a thousand, how many chunin can be produced here?"

Gui Deng Xinyue looked at the crowd gradually dispersing outside the window and sighed.

“It seems like there’s no one who stands out this year!”

Gui Deng Xinyue looked at the students running on the playground and immediately made a rough judgment in her mind about the situation of this class of students.


Just when Gui Deng Xinyue was about to leave in disappointment, he saw a small figure on the playground, running around the playground as if tirelessly.

"That kid's physical fitness is not good, and his running skills are not very smart. No matter what the conditions are, he does not meet the admission standards."

Behind him, Akiba Masanobu looked down at the notebook in his hand and reported the report.

"Although we have reminded him that even if he runs and dies here, we will not admit him, but he seems to feel speechless in front of his family, so he insists on running here regardless."

Gui Deng Xinyue ignored him and just looked at the child.

Circle after circle, even the sun has turned westward. By rough calculation, the child has run 20 kilometers.

It's not surprising for a ninja to have such perseverance. In order to complete a task, even lurking quietly in the wild for three to five days is not a problem for some ninjas.

But for a child, this level of grit is particularly special, no matter what the source of it.

Anyone who has experienced long-distance running knows that after reaching the physical limit continuously, every step you take is a battle with your own will.

To be so perseverant at this age, he could vaguely see Rock Lee in this child.

"If this child really has that kind of talent... after the creation of the seven-day calling method is completed, there will be a good experimental subject."

Gui Deng Xinyue looked at the thin figure of Amano Kocheng, and suddenly became interested in her heart.

When Akiba Masanobu saw this, he naturally knew that his boss was interested in this child, so he immediately stopped talking.

"Tell them not to disturb this kid. If he ends up fainting on the playground, admit him."

After a while, Gui Deng Xinyue said this and turned around and left the principal's office.

He has given the opportunity, it depends on whether this boy can seize it.


One lap, two laps, three laps...

Amano Hiroshige can no longer remember how many laps he ran.

He only remembered that his brain had been shut down since he didn't hear his name on the admission list, and his mind kept echoing with the expectations in his father's eyes on the road, the joy of the people who came ashore, and the impoverished life he was about to face.

He doesn't want this.

I don’t want to be so confused all my life, and I don’t want to wander around the market all day long.

He hated the status of a civilian, and he envied the status of a ninja.

He wants to be a master, he wants to live a prosperous life.

"I must consider whether this will be my only chance in this life." These words echoed in Amano Hiroshige's heart.

For him, the Ninja School's admissions exam can be said to be the only opportunity in his life to change his destiny, and this opportunity was once so close to him.

Therefore, with the fact that he was clearly defeated, perhaps because he was unwilling to face the future, or perhaps because he was unwilling to leave the Ninja School, the only place that could change his destiny, he made a decision.

"Even if I run to death here, I will die in the world of ninjas!"

Amano Kouchi encouraged himself in his heart, and then started running again and again.

He could clearly hear the kind persuasion of the staff, the guidance of the admitted candidates, and the laughter of the unsuccessful candidates, but this did not prevent him from continuing to do so.

During this period, some candidates also joined him with unrealistic hopes, expecting the examiners to be more tolerant.

But under the indifferent eyes of the examiners and the mocking voices of their peers, they gradually retreated.

Gradually, Amano Hiroshige was the only one running around on the playground.

He eliminated all distracting thoughts and could only see the track under his feet until the sun set. Under extreme fatigue, he staggered and his body completely collapsed to the ground.

Even so, he was still slowly moving his body forward... until he completely lost consciousness.

In his daze, he seemed to feel that someone was standing in front of him and said to him the words he dreamed of:

"What a lucky boy."

"You have been admitted."

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