Promote the theory of threat to Konoha, why Kirigakure brings Hide!

Chapter 98 Ideological Leadership Political School Establishment

Amano Hiroshige successfully obtained admission to the Ninja School, but for him this was a turning point in his life, but it only caused a little stir for the entire Kirigakure Village, and no one paid attention to it.

After all, for the entire Kirigakure Village, the reconstruction work has just begun. Although the division of interests of the victorious forces has been initially clarified after a week, after all, taking over and running in will take time, right?

The arrangement of personnel positions, determination of responsibilities, etc. still need to be coordinated with each other. There is really not much time to pay attention to these things.

If Gui Deng Xinyue hadn't been appointed as the principal, and the previous restructuring had caused such a big stir, I'm afraid this little wave wouldn't have been made.

Some people even wish that Ghost Light Crescent Moon would focus all its attention on the Ninja School and make more noise inside the Ninja School!

After all, a person's energy is always limited, and most of his attention is on the Ninja School, so naturally Ghost Light New Moon will not pay attention to some things outside the Ninja School.

Regarding this situation, Ghost Lantern Crescent is also happy to see the outcome.

In this case, no matter what changes he makes in the Ninja School, as long as the movement is not too big and does not involve their specific interests, no one will pay attention to what he does.

After all, the difficulty of any reform lies in the beginning.

During Wang Anshi's Reform and Zhang Juzheng's Reform, both of them raised the slogan of "reform" before a measure was decided; after a measure was decided, they still talked about the ancestral family law.

This difference may be one of the important reasons for the different endings of the two.

Based on this experience, the three reforms on the surface are just smoke bombs used by Ghost Lantern Crescent to conceal their true intentions.

And when he used the Ninja School as a pilot, implemented various measures step by step, and after understanding some policies, he could seamlessly integrate them into the village.

After all, as a military stronghold and military training institution, there is no problem saying that the Ninja School is a small Kirigakure Village, or that Kirigakure Village is an oversized Ninja School.

His true intention at this stage is also very simple, which is to turn the ninja school into a training base for his own private army through ideological assimilation and political brainwashing.

A gun, no matter how sharp it is, is meaningless if it does not belong to you and cannot be used by you.

From Gui Deng Xinyue's point of view, the most important thing about this school is ideological and political education.

After all, when children are holding sharp blades, mastering the extraordinary ability of chakra, and are proficient in various killing techniques but their bodies and minds are immature, they have amazing destructive power but do not know why they are fighting or who they are fighting for. , that scene was too terrifying.

Although they were told to fight for the village during their school life, the specific reasons for the fighting and the purpose of the fighting were not known at all.

This state is fine under normal circumstances, but once it encounters clever political propaganda and political slogans, these are standard hidden bombs.

Even the "Will of Fire", which is so fake in the eyes of Kiden Xinyue, can make Uchiha Itachi, a genius who "had the Hokage mind at the age of three", personally kill his relatives, which is enough to show the importance of this ideological brainwashing.

And... no matter which way you look at it, these six to nine-year-old children, these children who don't even know the words when they enter school, are really suitable for brainwashing.

As long as you simply add some ingredients, you can quietly turn the ninjas who are loyal to the village into a private army loyal to the Mizukage, or to him, Ghost Light Crescent Moon.

The entry point for all this lies in the inconspicuous daily changes.


Tamagawa Ryozo is thirty-five years old and a chuunin.

Born in a small ninja clan, he had average talent for ninja training and had no lofty ambitions. After relying on his family connections to enter the ninja school and become a class teacher, he began to enjoy campus life peacefully.

Unlike the bloody ninja world outside, the life of a ninja school teacher is always comfortable and peaceful.

Although his main job is teaching, he rarely puts much thought into it.

After all, the students of the Ninja School are civilians, and the superiors' requirements for these students are just cannon fodder. As long as they can learn the most basic three-skin jutsu and throwing ninja tools, they will not care about what these teachers do the rest of the time.

Therefore, under this concept, Tamagawa Ryozo lived a comfortable life for several years.

But things have changed recently. Ever since Kiden Xinyue became the principal, the great hero who had just quelled Kirigakure's civil strife has issued a series of notices one after another.

Not only did a special meeting be held to emphasize the importance of these notices, but an evaluation method specifically for Ninja School teachers was issued, linking teachers' performance with students' teaching progress, determining year-end bonuses, job changes for the coming year, etc. - -My dear God, as a ninja, Tamagawa Ryozo has never heard of any evaluation method in his life?

However, he is the leader after all, and no matter how many complaints Tamagawa Ryozo has, he still has to suppress his temper to implement various measures of Ghost Light Crescent Moon.

After all, the last Mizukage had just "succumbed to his injuries" not long ago. He didn't want to "get sick from overwork" and then die at his job.

However, although he did not dare to violate the rules, it did not prevent him from criticizing Guideng Xinyue's measures.

"Damn it, what is this teaching syllabus? What are the lesson preparation notes? What is the lecture system? And this group training method, why have I never heard of this kind of thing?"

Yes, Ghost Light Crescent has introduced various excellent teaching methods from previous lives into the teaching methods of Ninja School.

Although these teaching methods have gradually become mere formalities in the past life, it is undeniable that compared with the original education methods of the ninja world, these education methods are still dimensionality reduction attacks.

After all, Ninja School has only been established for more than ten years, and Ninja School graduates are treated as cannon fodder. It would be too far-fetched to let people study how to improve students' learning efficiency.

Tamagawa Ryozo looked at the notice issued in his hand, compared it with various templates, and scratched his head.

For the first time, he realized that holding a pen was not necessarily easier than holding a kunai.

"Not only these things, I didn't expect those ideological and political courses to be so difficult..."

In a series of changes, although the differentiation between combat classes and technical classes had a greater impact on them, the originally dispensable ideological and political teaching courses became compulsory every week, which made him even more troubled as a class teacher.

Especially when Gui Deng Xinyue required every teacher to write an ideological and political note of no less than 2,000 words per month based on designated books, he regretted even more why he came to this school to be a teacher in the first place. ?

There is no way, under the premise that the status of Ninja School is so important, the role of Ninja School teachers has also been infinitely enhanced.

Without a group of ninja school teachers who understand the will of water (×) and the will of ghost lights (√), how can we cultivate a group of ninja reserve forces loyal to the Mizukage?

After letting out a long sigh, Tamagawa Ryozo turned his head and looked at the pile of books at hand. That was just issued. It is said to be a series of books written by the principal himself. They are all designated books for ideological and political education courses.

This batch of books can be said to be Gui Deng Xinyue's fusion of various thoughts he received from his previous life and this life, but he naturally mixed his own personal belongings into them.

This series of books includes:

"Kiden Shingetsu on the Will of Water", the book focuses on why a ninja must fight and what he fights for. It clearly points out that under the leadership of Kiden Shingetsu, the future must belong to Kirigakure Village, etc.

Although this book has the smallest number of words, it is the cornerstone of the series and the core of Ghost Lantern's will.

"From Scratch: The Road to Building Kirigakure Village", the book mainly mentions the hard-won establishment of Kirigakure Village, and details the various key nodes and major crises that the village has suffered from its establishment to the present day. .

Among them, the civil strife launched by the ancestor Mizukage was specifically named. It was the most serious crisis that Kirigakure Village had suffered since its establishment. The damage caused to the village was immeasurable. It affirmed the great significance of the Ghost Light Crescent Moon in setting things right in this civil strife. etc., in The book completely nailed Lian to the pillar of shame.

"Analysis of Evil Thoughts in the Ninja World", here is mainly a one-on-one criticism of the other ninja villages in the ninja world. After all, there is only a thousand days to be a thief, but there is no thousand days to prevent a thief. The best way to prevent your own ninja from being brainwashed by foreign ideas is to take it and pour all kinds of dirty water on it, and then spray it yourself first!

Especially because the will of fire in Konoha was popular in the ninja world at this time, Kiden Shingetsu focused on the detailed criticism of the will of fire in this book - no idea is without loopholes, as long as you want to find , you will definitely be able to find out the problem.

Or just don't look for it at all and just throw all kinds of dirty water on it. After all, these children don't know what the original idea is.

If someone takes this as an issue in the future, then after these students have been brainwashed by Gui Deng Xinyue, there is a high probability that the following scenario will occur:

What? You said your family doesn’t have these problems?

That must have been optimized after secretly learning our great will of water!


How shameless!

So... there is no right or wrong in thinking, only appropriateness or inappropriateness.

"Geopolitics: The Root Cause of the Restricted Development of Kirigakure Village", the book mainly describes how the evil forces around Kirigakure Village blocked Kirigakure Village on the island through geographical situation. It pointed out that Kirigakure Village must expand outward in the future. To develop, we must conquer the ocean and gain our own continental foothold.

"The Development of the Times: From Ninjutsu to Technology", compared with the previous books, this book has almost no political color. It mainly introduces various current industrial technologies and briefly describes their basic principles, which is similar to the "Nature and Science" course that Gui Deng Xinyue took in elementary school.

These five books constitute the entire series of ideological and political education for Ninja School.

In Ghost Light Crescent's expectation, the implementation of ninja training measures will enhance the combat effectiveness of ninja school students as ninjas.

But these political and ideological educations determine whether they are loyal to the village and to Guideng Crescent Moon.

It can be expected that as long as these books are strictly followed and taught once a week, after the three years are over, these Ninja School students will completely change into the shape of a ghostly lamp and a crescent moon, at least mentally.

This is called Mizukage's disciple!

And when they truly grow up and spread throughout the village with Gui Deng Xinyue's will, that's when Gui Deng Xinyue will truly have no scruples and show off her skills!

This was the fundamental reason why he, Gui Deng Xinyue, tried so hard to get the chancellor of the Ninja School!

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