Protagonist Aura

Vol 28 Chapter 64: Hey, I got married to the chairman ~ Next! (For complete order)

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The garbage game continues.

"By the way, the cards that have been opened have to be thrown away, so that this player can get a unique advantage." Chiharu Fujiwara said.

"This rule is pretty good." Dragon Ball Peach is still studying the rules.

"Speaking of this, which part of the game is Secretary Fujiwara in charge of?" Ye Shenyue asked.

"Of course it's the design of the content of the card." Chiharu Fujiwara patted Ou-pai complacently.

So this game is really garbage because of her. She should be even more ashamed of everyone.

However, Secretary Fujiwara's own luck is very good.

This game is said to be a rich man. Ye Shenyue is admitted because Hui Ye has already received more than 100 million yuan in funding.

Chiharu Fujiwara also received 60 million.

Therefore, it is necessary to have money.

But the happiness she said in [Happy Games] has not yet manifested.


Will you be happy if you have money? Such doubts will arise only because they are not rich enough.

But there is no denying that this game is more serious.

"It seems that I misunderstood." Classmate Huiye had the same idea, although the experience of sacrificing because of the first three grids of Classmate Dragon Ball made people feel that this game is more problematic.

But playing it seems to be more serious and the system is clearly not particularly prominent.

"Then the game in the children's area is probably over, and now it's adulthood." The Dragon Ball classmate who was watching the rules suddenly said.

At the same time Ye Shenyue got a new card.

"Ah, this is a marriage card that allows players to marry the nearest player. This seems to be a card that can be shared between each other. For example, if the president marries a classmate of the four palaces, then she gets various cards that increase assets The effect of the president can also be obtained. "Dragon Ball Peach immediately turned to the relevant explanation.


Dragon Ball just said the rules, but the students named Hui Ye became no longer calm.

Because on the birthday of Ye Shenyue two days ago, she was still arguing about how to treat Ye Shenyue.

On the one hand, he wanted to treat him as a partner.

But the honor of the Four Palaces resisted this.

and so.

She hadn't really considered the matter of marrying the chairman.

And now.

Has this late thing been brought to the agenda?

"Ah, this card means that the two closest players are getting married." Secretary Fujiwara said, "and now I am the closest to the president."


Hui Ye froze for a moment.


Chiharu Fujiwara sat directly beside Ye Shenyue.

Originally they were playing games on the side of the sofa table, originally sitting in four directions.

But it seems to want to get the effect of marriage, so Fujiwara left her seat and sat next to Night God Moon.


There is an illusion of being surrounded by girls.

Not just being wrapped up.

Ye Shenyue found that Secretary Fujiwara had approached, bear, didn't the bear department touch his arm?

"Eh hey, I got married to the chairman ~"

Chiharu Fujiwara didn't realize how bad his condition was.

Isn't it absolutely impossible to let her hang out with the boys? Otherwise, it is easy to be fooled by the silly.

But she is so active, probably because she thinks this is just a game.

Then classmate Hui Ye also--


Ye Shenyue discovered that Hui Ye had a state of time stagnation.

Hui Ye fell into deep thinking.


right. The chairman is married.

This is really just a game, it is meaningless to confuse the game with reality, it is stupid. The chairman is married.

"According to the rules, other players have to give the newlyweds a gift of 50,000." And because the three grids hang, it is boring to exclude one person, so Dragon Ball is responsible for the game.

While the body was trembling-trembling-wei-wei, Huiye took out 50,000 yen from his wallet.

"No, you only need to use the game's money at this time." Dragon Ball Peach found that Vice President Hui Ye seemed to have been severely hit by the spirit.

And then it was Hui Ye ’s turn to throw the dice.

"The company created successfully went public and harvested 200 million yuan. This is really lucky."

Hui Ye, who is clearly indifferent to the money in the game, now feels lucky, really thinking is confusing.

Ye Shenyue looked in his eyes, and he was already shaking-shake or not to end the game.

Lest Hui Ye was really abnormal.

"Ah, it's time to give birth to a lattice." Chiharu Fujiwara said suddenly.

"The childbirth grid is only useful for married couples and can have a child." Dragon Ball explained.

That is to say.

"I'm a mother at this age ~" The secretary looked happy.

Probably still treat this as a game.


"Other players have to pay 100,000 yuan for the full moon liquor fee--" The Dragon Ball Peach detoxification rules found that Hui Ye had come up with real money again.

To what extent did she shake? ..

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