Protagonist Aura

Vol 28 Chapter 65: The real ginseng winner! (For complete order)

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The game has entered a very strange point.

First of all.

Although Hui Ye's spirit has been hit hard, her gaming funds are constantly rising.

Such as.

Listed companies achieved another 200 million yen.

The old company found that the buyer changed hands and sold and made 5 billion yuan.

This way.

Luckily climbed to the top of the money ranking.

But for Night God Moon.

I feel very strange.


"Ah, it's a maternity grid again--" Secretary Fujiwara turned to the maternity grid, and a new child was born according to the rules of the game.


"This is already the ninth child--" Chiharu Fujiwara said.

There seemed to be no smile on her face before that "I am a mother at this age ~".

Because the game has a fixed expenditure as the child is born, the child is getting poorer.

"It's all too long for the president to experience it." Dragon Ball chores also spit out, because the number of cards in the regular childbirth grid is only 10, but the night gods and Qianyuan Qianhua have already turned to 9.

Isn't this too much experience?


She would not forget that Ye Shenyue tricked her to watch the pornographic film, only to find that he was playing a hand-gun shot.

So it's not surprising that this guy really wants 9 children.

"However, classmate Huiye is so powerful. Only half of the game has become the chairman of a global enterprise." Chiharu Fujiwara admired.

When making this game, everyone in the board game department was still discussing that no one can make so much money.

Now, Huiye has done it.

It should be said that it is really the eldest daughter of the neon richest house of the Four Palaces.

"Yes—" and Hui Ye ’s spirit is about to be beaten, and there is nothing more difficult for her than the hardships of this journey, because watching the president ’s children are born one by one, there is no one. Girls can stick to it. But as far as the richness of the game is concerned, "I did not go wrong in one step--"


Why does she feel so empty inside now?

Although rich, it is empty.

And even if you are old, you need to be alone--


At this moment, it was Qianhua Fujiwara's turn again, but she seemed angry. "I stumbled upon my husband outside-met. So divorced and divorced!"

"Wow, the president is really bad." Dragon Ball Tao said.

"Hey, you're so fortunate, and this is just a game." Night God Moon vomited.

"And after the divorce, the man needs to pay the woman a child's 20 million child support, so the president has to pay 180 million to Secretary Fujiwara.

The amount of single player Ye Yeyue now has is only 180 million yuan and 150,000 yuan.

"Ahhhh ~" However, once the spirit felt weak-the weak Hui Ye classmates regained their radiance. "This is really not good--"

The mood became super good.

And then it ’s her turn to cast the color-zi, "Marriage grid?"

Hui Ye felt her luck finally came.

The marriage grid is like the marriage of Secretary Fujiwara and the chairman, so that the two closest players get married.

And now.

Chiharu Fujiwara is seven grids away from her, but Night God Moon is only 3 grids away from her.

That is to say.

This time it was her turn to marry the chairman.


This will be uncomfortable.

Because according to the progress of the game, it seems that it is arranged by children-adults-people-middle age-old age.

And now it is middle age.

For Hui Ye, a woman of this age is old.

That is to say.

Will the president get married after getting old?

This is really uncomfortable.

Because this is not the only way to perceive her charm-power? In her younger age, she placed her pl-a-y and turned to marry someone else.

This is really scum-men's goods are real.


It was only during the rest of my life that I realized that true love was not irremediable.

That is to say.

It's okay to give the president a chance.


That is to say.

There is really no way to take you.

Huiye is now waiting for Ye Shenyue to sit beside her, because from the beginning it seems to be because of the relationship of the couple, the woman of Fujiwara has been accounted for-according to him. This is super unpleasant.

but now.

"Ah, the closest player to the classmates is the president, but because classmates have [distrust men's cards], they can't marry male players as a rule." Dragon Ball Peach found an interesting rule.


Hui Ye was stunned.

"The opposite **** that is closest to Huiye, that is-" Chiharu Fujiwara sat next to Huiye at once, "It's me, hee hee, then I'm married to Huiye classmate ~"


"Hey, Huiye, we get along well ~"

Wow wow wow.

"Oh, it's my turn." Chiharu Fujiwara cast the dice. "Ah, it's a maternity grid, which means classmate Huiye, our child was born ~"

Ah ah ah.

Hui Ye suffered a 10,000-point blow.


Night God Moon is like a heart.

He once again felt the horror of the woman named Fujiwara Chika.

Because he was married to the president and vice president of the student union, he also gave birth to 10 children. She has become the last ginseng winner.

So this is a junk game.

Afterwards, after a unanimous vote of the student union president, vice president, and three-year-old sundries, the budget of the board game department was cut.

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