Provocative Fiery Wife: My Superior is a Affectionate Spitfire

Chapter 885: A two-person world disturbed by a group of indifferent people

"Especially, have you proposed to our sister Pei Ge? You didn't even get a surprise proposal, how could you have the nerve to ask my sister Pei Ge to marry you~!"

Qin Qitong's words successfully made Ji Ziming, who was still a little unhappy and fussy in front of him and Pei Ge, stunned.

He just wanted to marry the woman he loved as soon as possible. He hadn't thought about it yet, but he had to propose before getting married~!

As soon as she saw Ji Ziming's stunned look, Qin Qitong knew that her sultry cousin had never considered proposing, so she looked towards Pei Ge with a smile.

"Sister Pei Ge, we girls may only have such a wedding in our lives. So, you must not let my cousin marry you off so easily! You must make it difficult It’s hard for him~”

"Qin Qitong, I think you don't want your pocket money in the future."

Ji Ziming, who was initially startled by Qin Qitong's words, suddenly turned cold after hearing Qin Qitong's encouragement to Pei Ge.

"Hehe~! Cousin, I didn't say anything~ I didn't say anything~"

Qin Qitong, who was threatened by Ji Ziming, made a face at Ji Ziming with a smile.

However, the words coming out of her mouth didn't make any sense at all. She was afraid of Ji Ziming~!

"Peg, congratulations, I hope you will live a happy life in the future."

Bi Zheng, who was standing beside Qin Qitong and had been silent, saw that Qin Qitong finally closed his mouth and then softly blessed Pei Ge.

"Thank you, Bi Zheng."

Hearing Bi Zheng's blessing, Pei Ge smiled brightly and said gratefully.

In fact, at this time, Pei Ge really wanted to ask what kind of feelings Bi Zheng had towards Qin Qitong.

However, today is not the time to talk about these things, so I didn't express the questions in my heart.

After chatting with Qin Qitong for a while, before Pei Ge had time to follow Ji Ziming to have something to eat, he saw another pair of handsome men and beautiful women approaching intimately.

"Gege, you are so beautiful today."

No one has arrived yet,

The handsome guy's voice first reached the ears of the four people.

"Wen Qimo."

Pei Ge looked at the person walking slowly not far away, smiled and called out.

Wen Qimo, who was wearing a silver-gray suit and had an exceptionally gentle temperament, and Ji Lelin, who was wearing a purple fishtail evening gown, also walked up to Pei Ge and Ji Ziming.

"You look so beautiful today, congratulations."

Wen Qimo looked at Pei Ge with a very gentle smile. If you didn't know, you might think that Wen Qimo was Pei Ge's groom.

As a result, the two Mr. Ji and Miss Ji stood in front of their lovers, looking at each other defensively.

Seeing the reactions of Mr. Ji and Miss Ji, the others couldn't help laughing.


Pei Ge couldn't help but laugh as he looked at the tall and slender man standing in front of him, his eyes full of smiles and love.

"Laugh! What's so funny!"

Ji Lelin glared fiercely at Qin Qitong, who laughed the loudest.

Looking at Ji Lelin's fierce gaze, Qin Qitong curled her lips indifferently and muttered: "It's so funny~! Ji Lelin, look at you, you look like a lioness~"

While he was complaining, Qin Qitong laughed again.

Seeing Qin Qitong's appearance, Ji Lelin was really angry.


However, she maintained her ladylike demeanor in front of Wen Qimo and didn't chatter with Qin Qitong.

"Why are you humming? No one is forcing you to attend our sister Pei Ge's engagement party. Why are you looking so defensive?"

Qin Qitong and Ji Lelin have never gotten along well, although they are both straightforward girls. However, Qin Qitong's straightforwardness is because she is simple, while Ji Lelin's straightforwardness is because she is proud to look down on others, so she doesn't bother to cover it up.

Therefore, of course these two people dislike each other, so even though the two families are considered family friends, they are not even friends.

"What do you tube!"

Ji Lelin still couldn't hold it back and cursed.

"What's your attitude! You really have no quality!" Seeing Ji Lelin being so cruel to her, Qin Qitong glared at Ji Lelin not to be outdone. She looked as if she wanted to have a fight with Ji Lelin.

However, before Ji Lelin could start a 'fight' with her, Ji Lelin vented her anger.


Wen Qimo glanced at Ji Lelin with disapproval in his eyes. Just such a look made Ji Lelin shut down instantly like a defeated rooster.

"Okay, okay, I get it, I get it."

Ji Lelin pursed her lips and muttered depressedly.

Seeing Ji Lelin's appearance, Qin Qitong felt a little strange.

In their circle, who doesn't know how unruly and difficult the second young lady of the Ji family is.

But now, just because of this man's look, the little princess of the Ji family immediately followed her like a sheep. It's really incredible~!

"Sorry, Ge Ge, I made you laugh."

Wen Qimo looked towards Pei Ge with a smile, and said to Pei Ge with an apologetic tone.

Pei Ge shook his head and said with a smile: "It's nothing."

"But to be honest, you are really beautiful today."


Ji Ziming looked at the man who smiled like a fox, and he felt extremely depressed.

Today was obviously the day when he and Pei Ge were engaged, why did these people come to them so shamelessly and disturb their world!

Thinking of this, Ji Ziming felt a little regretful for having such a grand engagement party.

No, it should be said that after the engagement party was held at noon, there should not be any dinner party at all in the evening!

In this way, no one can disturb the world between him and Pei Ge~!

Just when Pei Ge chatted with Wen Qimo for a while, Ji Ziming was unhappy and wanted to pull Pei Ge away.

At this time, Ji Lelin, who was standing next to Wen Qimo and had been looking at Pei Ge with hostile and defensive eyes, suddenly called Pei Ge.

"Hey! Pei Ge."

Hearing Ji Lelin call her, Pei Ge looked at Ji Lelin in surprise.

"Well? What's the matter? Miss Ji?"

"Come with me, I have something to tell you."

Who knew that Ji Lelin did not answer Pei Ge directly in front of everyone, but said this.


Listening to Ji Lelin's words, Pei Ge became even more confused.

Is there something that can't be said in front of everyone, so does it have to be done in private with her?

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