Just as Pei Ge looked at Ji Lelin suspiciously, he was secretly thinking whether this bad-tempered Ji Lelin wanted to do something to her.

But she saw Ji Lelin striding up to her, looking at her very seriously.

"Peg, no matter what you think, I just want to tell you something that is very important to you."

Seeing Ji Lelin looking so serious, Pei Ge suddenly felt that she was thinking too much.

Maybe Ji Lelin is real, and if you have important matters, you should talk to her alone.

"Ji Lelin, what on earth do you want to tell my sister Pei Ge about? You are so sneaky."

Qin Qitong frowned and looked at Ji Lelin. Because she was prejudicial about Ji Lelin, she always felt that Ji Lelin would bully Pei Ge.

"This matter has nothing to do with you."

Ji Lelin snorted coldly, and the serious look on her face turned into a disdainful and mocking face.


"Okay, Qitong, maybe Miss Ji really has something to do with me."

Pei Ge interrupted Qin Qitong and shook his head at her lightly.

After seeing that Qin Qitong was no longer talking, she looked at Ji Ziming again.

"Ziming, then I will talk to Miss Ji alone first. You wait for me here. I will be here soon."

Pei Ge said to Ji Ziming with a smile.

Ji Ziming nodded, although he was a little unhappy, but he didn't say anything.

However, in the end, he still glared at Ji Lelin with great displeasure.

Ji Lelin was glared at by Ji Ziming, and she suddenly felt a little panicked.

I felt a little regretful and kept mumbling in my heart.

If she had known earlier, she wouldn't have bothered to come to Pei Ge in person. If she had known earlier, she might as well have sent a text message!

But although she already regretted it in her heart,

However, in the end, she followed Pei Ge to the side alone.

Under the dark blue night, Pei Ge was wearing a red cheongsam-style evening dress, standing so cutely under the bright lights, as if he were a graceful and elegant oil painting.

Ji Lelin's facial features were obviously not as good as Pei Ge's carefully crafted makeup, but for some reason, Ji Lelin, who was standing next to Pei Ge, was so outdone by Pei Ge.

Looking at the dazzlingly beautiful Pei Ge, whose round face seemed to be shining like a pearl, Ji Lelin felt a little powerless for the first time.

"Miss Ji, what do you want to say to me?"

Seeing Ji Lelin, whose expression on her face suddenly dimmed and who looked at him silently without saying a word, Pei Ge called out in confusion.

Hearing Pei Ge's voice, Ji Lelin came back to her senses.

She glared at Pei Ge fiercely and muttered secretly in her heart, Humph! This woman's beauty is just made up of makeup! She's not as good-looking at all!

Pei Ge blinked inexplicably when Ji Lelin glared at her so suddenly.

"Miss Ji...?"

Before Pei Ge finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ji Lelin.

"Otherwise, I don't want to talk nonsense to you anymore. I asked you to come over, but I just wanted to tell you that you should be more careful recently. The best thing is to not go out without going out."

Ji Lelin said to Pei Ge in a crackling voice.

Listening to Ji Lelin's words, Pei Ge was slightly stunned.

"Ah? I don't know what you mean, Miss Ji?"

"You're so stupid! Isn't it obvious what I said! Someone is unhappy with you and wants to deal with you recently!"

Seeing Pei Ge's confused look, Ji Lelin couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"If I weren't afraid that you would be dumped by Ji Ziming, I wouldn't bother to tell you this!"

If this woman is dumped by Ji Ziming, there's a chance that Wen Qimo, who was finally chased by her, will return to this woman again.

so! She couldn't let this woman break up with Ji Ziming!

Pei Ge was not stupid to begin with, and she didn't understand it at first, but it was just because what Ji Lelin said to her was so sudden.

Now she quickly realized what Ji Lelin meant by what she just said.

"Are you saying that someone recently wanted to deal with me and separate me from Ziming?"

Pei Ge frowned and looked at Ji Lelin, suddenly becoming anxious.

"What did you see? Who wants to deal with me?"


Seeing Pei Ge finally getting anxious, Ji Lelin snorted and raised her chin slightly.

"Who else could it be? Isn't it the upstart Qiao Jingyun who claims to be Ji Ziming's girlfriend?"

Ji Lelin's voice was full of disdain, and it was obvious that she still looked down upon Qiao Jingyun, a woman.

"It is indeed her..."

After hearing this name from Ji Lelin, Pei Ge was not surprised at all.

Sure enough, she said, how could that woman let go so quickly? All her gentleness, kindness, and sincerity were all fake.

Everything was just pretended by her to paralyze her and Ji Ziming.

"What did you see? Or hear something? How is she going to... deal with me?"

Pei Ge frowned tightly. This feeling of being stared at in the dark was not good at all.

"I didn't hear anything. Just when I was going to the bathroom, I happened to see your cousin and that woman Qiao Jingyun together, muttering as if they were talking about something.

Specifically, I didn't hear it clearly, but I did hear the names of you and your cousin's fiancé Zhou Zhuoyang from their mouths. "

Ji Lelin curled her lips and said nonchalantly.

It was a coincidence. Ji Lelin never expected that she would meet these two people when she went to the bathroom.

But after all, they were quite far away, and the two women were very cautious and spoke very softly, so she couldn't hear anything clearly.

"However, it can be seen that the two of them are probably thinking about something about you. As for Qiao Jingyun, she has always liked Ji Ziming. I guess they are inseparable. They are plotting something. Want to Deal with you."

If it were an ordinary person, Ji Lelin would really be too lazy to say such things without conclusive evidence.

However, this matter was related to her happiness, so regardless of whether there was evidence or not, she decided to remind Pei Ge to pay more attention recently.

"You, you better be careful, this woman Qiao Jingyun is not an ordinary person."

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