Provocative Fiery Wife: My Superior is a Affectionate Spitfire

Nine hundred and eight: Cinderella, the envy of all girls

"That man is so handsome!"

"Yes, yes! So handsome! He is the most handsome man I have ever seen!"

"But this handsome guy does look a bit familiar!"

"Well, I also think he looks a bit familiar."

"Ah! I remembered! Isn't he the one..."

"Super rich diamond king Laowu! President Ji Da!!!"

"Yes, yes! It seems to be him!"

"Isn't the woman sitting next to him the super lucky Cinderella?!"

Pei pulled Ji Ziming into the store just now. After finding a place to work, she heard such a burst of whispers.

Listening to those whispers, an ominous premonition suddenly flashed through Pei Ge's heart.

"What's wrong?"

Ji Ziming, who was sitting next to Pei Ge, looked at his fiancée's frowning expression, raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked softly.

"I feel... we seem to be really famous now..."

Pei Ge blinked and said to Ji Ziming a little helplessly.

After listening to Pei Ge's words, Ji Ziming raised his eyebrows slightly and said calmly: "So what."

"...It seems so."

After hearing Ji Ziming's reply, Pei Ge suddenly thought about it.

She and Ji Ziming are not celebrities, so even if they become famous, it doesn't seem to matter.

However, Pei Ge was just thinking this, and soon, she was slapped in the face.

"Um, are you Mr. Ji and Miss Pei?"

Pei Ge and Ji Ziming were sitting in their seats, quietly waiting for the waiter to serve their food, when they saw a girl wearing black-rimmed glasses walking up to them with a small notebook and a signature pen in her hand.

Looking at this strange girl in front of me,

Although Pei Ge didn't want to pay attention, he still smiled slightly at the girl and said decisively.


But obviously, this girl came prepared. After Pei Ge answered, she took out her mobile phone directly.

"how can that be possible!"

With that said, the girl handed the phone to Pei Ge.

"Although you look a little different from the photo, Boss Ji is exactly the same as the photo!"

Listening to the girl's words, the corners of Pei Ge's mouth twitched slightly.

"I don't mean any harm. I really like you two! I think you two are really romantic! After reading your new article, I feel like I believe in love again!"

Looking at the girl's shining and excited expression, Pei Ge only thought of Alexander.

"I'm sorry, you really got the wrong person."

"How is that possible! You are clearly the Cinderella Peggy that all other girls envy!"

Seeing the girl insisting on fighting to the end, Pei Ge took a deep breath.

To be honest, she really didn't like the nickname given to her on the Internet.

"You really got the wrong person."

Pei Ge took a deep breath and denied it again.

However, Pei Ge's words were obviously of no use to this excited 'little fan'.

Not only that, but because of their dispute, other tourists who didn't know what was going on also looked towards Pei Ge.

"Eh? That girl seems to be asking for an autograph! Is there any big star coming to this store?"

"It looks like it! That man looks familiar to me."

Feeling the increasingly intense gazes of the surrounding people, Pei Ge suddenly felt that things seemed to be... going in a bad direction!

"You got the wrong person."

Pei Ge was simply speechless with this girl who was so persistent that she must admit that she was Pei Ge and also wanted her to sign.

While Pei Ge was still arguing with the girl, suddenly, he saw Ji Ziming sitting aside suddenly grabbed Pei Ge's wrist.

"let's go."

Ji Ziming glanced at the girl who was pestering him and Pei Ge with cold eyes, then pulled Pei Ge and walked outside.

"Huh? Why are you leaving? Our food hasn't been served yet~!"

Pei Ge was stunned by Ji Ziming's sudden move, and subconsciously wanted to stay for dinner.

However, she was unable to break free from Ji Ziming's hand in the end, and was pulled out of this famous snack bar by Ji Ziming.

As a result, after Pei Ge and Ji Ziming left the small shop, the passengers who were still whispering about the two suddenly... became excited!

"Ah! That person seems to be really the helmsman of the Ji Group, Ji Ziming!!!"

"Yes!! That look in his eyes just now was really cool!!"

"Ah~! Let's chase him out quickly and take a look!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

"By the way, I just took a photo! I'm going to post it on Weibo later!"

"Ah! I didn't take the photo! Hurry up and post it! It's so fantasy!"

"Yeah, I really didn't expect it. Now that we can meet the legendary CEO Ji who is the most affectionate, loving, and loving in history! This is really the best trip!"

It's a pity that after all the passengers in the store chased them out, they didn't see any trace of the two of them.

"Ji Ziming, what are you doing? Our food hasn't been served yet!"

As soon as he left the snack bar, Pei Ge, who was dragged into the car by Ji Ziming, suddenly complained to Ji Ziming depressedly.

"If we continue to eat, we may have to experience the ending of being surrounded by people at the airport again."

Ji Ziming saw Pei Ge losing his temper and ignoring him, and he said in a rather helpless tone.

"What? Surrounded? But...we are not big stars."

Listening to Ji Ziming's words, Pei Ge recalled in his mind the fate of following Ji Ziming after he came out of the airport that day.

Thinking of this, the anger in Pei Ge's heart disappeared.

However, Pei Ge still felt a little bit resentful because she didn't eat what she wanted.

"One of the biggest characteristics of the Chinese people is..."

Ji Ziming raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said half of the words mysteriously.

"What is it? What are its characteristics?"

Pei Ge blinked, very curious.

"I love watching the excitement."

As soon as Ji Ziming finished speaking, Pei Ge instantly understood what Ji Ziming meant.

"..." Pei Ge twitched the corner of her mouth silently, and had to admit that she was convinced by Ji Ziming's words.

"Okay, maybe the ending will be what you said."

Pei Ge lowered his head in frustration and muttered gloomily.

As a stay-at-home girl and a foodie, to be honest, when traveling, the sights are secondary, the most important thing is the food.

But now...

"Go back and I'll cook it for you."

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