Provocative Fiery Wife: My Superior is a Affectionate Spitfire

Nine hundred and nine, there are always people hacking your wife online.

"Go back and I'll cook it for you."

After listening to Ji Ziming's words, Pei Ge suddenly became stunned from the frustration on his face.


Okay, even if she admits that Ji Ziming is indeed good at cooking, you can't learn such special dishes just by looking at them.

Seeing Pei Ge's expression of disbelief, Ji Ziming raised his eyebrows lightly and said calmly.

"When we were ordering just now, I asked the boss about it. Although I can't say that it can be 100% authentic. However, it shouldn't be too unpalatable."

"You learned it?!"

Pei Ge looked at Ji Ziming in disbelief, but soon she became suspicious again.

"That's wrong! That's my signature dish. How could I teach you the secret recipe for such a dish?"

"Is there anything in this world that money can't solve?"

Ji Ziming raised the corners of his lips slightly and said calmly.

Listening to Ji Ziming's words, Pei Ge subconsciously retorted.

"Of course! Although money is very useful, it doesn't mean it can buy anything. For example, human feelings."

"But buying a secret recipe is more than enough, isn't it?"

Ji Ziming looked at Pei Ge's serious look. He shook his head in amusement and said lightly.

In his world view, although money is not everything, nothing is possible without money.

"Forget it, I won't tell you anymore. I can't tell you anything anyway."

Pei Ge curled his lips and didn't care too much about the money issue with Ji Ziming.


Ji Ziming raised the corners of his mouth in a funny way, raised his palm, and gently touched Pei Ge's head.

"Why don't you like it when I cook it for you?"

"It's not that I don't like it,

I just thought that after finally getting out, we should try some of the specialties and famous places in this place. "

Pei Ge shook his head gently and mumbled quietly.

"Our days are still long in the future."

Raising his hand, Ji Ziming took Pei Ge into his arms.


Pei Ge nodded, and the depressed mood in his heart dissipated a lot.

"Ziming, do you think everyone will forget about us soon?"

Leaning on Ji Ziming's chest, Pei Ge whispered softly.

After trying the treatment that a celebrity deserves, Pei Ge discovered that the life of a celebrity is really not something that ordinary people can handle!

There is no freedom at all. As soon as someone recognizes me, I feel like a rat crossing the street, hiding here and there.

"It won't happen soon, but I will let people from the company's public relations department deal with it, and let people gradually suppress the news related to us."

Seeing Pei Ge's nervous look, Ji Ziming said soothingly.

"Well, okay! I don't want news about the two of us to always be spread on the Internet and become Internet celebrities. In this way, I will have no freedom at all in the future."

Pei Ge was mumbling, but what she didn't expect was that at this moment, she was becoming popular on the Internet again.

[Zhangjiajie met Big Boss Ji and the legendary Cinderella by chance, but unexpectedly, Cinderella was not as beautiful as I imagined. 】

[Cinderella’s magic has failed? ‘Cinderella’ really becomes Cinderella. 】

[I have to say that 818 is some big-name Cinderella. 】

On the Internet, there suddenly appeared a large number of news with some shady Peige, which was spread all over the famous gossip forums, websites, etc.

Unlike the previous news about Pei Ge and Ji Ziming, this time, Pei Ge was really... hacked.

But if we say it was hacked, it seems that the words and things mentioned in the news posts are all facts.

However, despite this, the employees of Ji's Group's public relations department immediately noticed some different atmosphere.

This also made the public relations department, which had always paid no attention to the love news between Pei Ge and Ji Ziming, become nervous.

So, before Ji Ziming called the public relations department to suppress the news about him and Pei Ge, the head of the public relations department called Du Wen.

Du Wen made another urgent call to Ji Ziming, interrupting the romantic atmosphere of the two of them having a candlelight dinner.

"I'll take a call."

Although Ji Ziming didn't want to answer work calls when he was with Pei Ge, she also understood that Du Wen would not call him if there was nothing serious.

"Well, take it~"

Pei Ge nodded, with a satisfied look on his face, and ate the dinner that Ji Ziming had specially cooked for her.

"Hey, what's up?"

Ji Ziming picked up the napkin placed by the table, wiped the corners of his mouth indifferently, stood up from the chair, and walked out of the restaurant.

"BOSS, photos of you and Miss Pei going to Zhangjiajie today were posted online."

Listening to Du Wen's words, Ji Ziming was not surprised at all.

"Well, let's get to the point." Ji Ziming narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

"The point is, there seems to be some behind-the-scenes driving force behind the Internet, manipulating all of this. Compared with the news about Miss Pei some time ago, this time the news, the public relations department determined that it should be secretly plotting against Miss Pei. It seems to be somewhat disadvantageous for Miss Pei."

Listening to Du Wen's words, Ji Ziming's face gradually darkened, and his eyes became colder and colder.

"Someone wants to do something to my woman."

After a while, Ji Ziming said this coldly.

There was an indescribable and terrifying coldness in those words.

"Well... of course, it could also be a public relations error."

Du Wen said a little uncertainly, after all, those posts seemed to state the facts.

"I don't care, you ask the public relations department to use all the company's connections to suppress all news about Pei Ge."

"But, BOSS, if you do this, netizens may have a rebellious mentality."

"They are all a group of unrelated strangers who asked the public relations department to suppress all news about Pei Ge. I, Ji Ziming's woman, are not for them to judge!"

Ji Ziming narrowed his eyes, his eyes were full of cold light, and he said in a cold and domineering voice.


"Also, I'm asking people to find out who it is, the woman who wants to slander me behind the scenes. I want to see the results in two days."

With that said, Ji Ziming hung up the phone without giving Du Wen any reaction.

After hanging up the phone, Ji Ziming's perfect, flawless face was full of indifference.

However, when he walked into the restaurant and saw Pei Ge sitting happily eating at the dining table, the cold lines on his face suddenly became humane.

"Ziming! You're finally back! My mother called me just now and told me that we were in the news again! It's just... this time it's not good news..."

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