Provocative Fiery Wife: My Superior is a Affectionate Spitfire

Nine hundred and twenty-five: When Gege marries you, our Ji family has a mother-in-law to protect yo

While Pei Ge was busy with the project at hand, the day when she and Ji Ziming got married was getting closer.

Although, Pei Ge didn't pay much attention to her wedding with Ji Ziming.

However, Zhang Manhua and Ji's mother spent one-third of their 24 hours a day on this wedding.

Therefore, even though there was only a short preparation time of less than a month, the wedding was still arranged with great grandness by Ji's mother and Zhang Manhua.

Of course, the grandness of this wedding is also inseparable from Ji Ziming.

Although Ji Ziming is not like Ji's mother and Zhang Manhua who spend every day on his wedding with Pei Ge, he pays more attention to it than anyone else.

Many times, some of the exquisite and grand arrangements at weddings are made by Ji Ziming.

As the bride, Pei Ge was the most 'uncaring' person in this wedding. He is obviously not the president of the company, just a small manager.

However, she is busier than everyone else.

"Look at our Princess. If others didn't know, they would think she is the boss of the company. She is so busy that she doesn't even care about her own wedding."

On this day, when Pei Ji's family was sitting together for dinner, Zhang Manhua began to complain to his in-laws.

Ji's mother and Ji's father listened to Zhang Manhua's complaints, but they didn't pay much attention.

Especially Ji's father, not only did he not have any dissatisfaction with Pei Ge for neglecting the wedding, he also praised Pei Ge very much.

"This is good, not bad."

Father Ji put down the tea cup in his hand and looked towards Pei Ge with a soft smile on his face.

"I heard that you are currently busy with the Fu family's cooperation project?"

"Yes, that's right."

When Pei Ge saw his father-in-law asking, he nodded quickly, as if he was a primary school student facing the teacher's inspection.

"How is the project doing now? I heard that this project is a suburban resort project and has great investment value."

Dad Ji nodded with satisfaction again,

He asked in a deep voice.

"The current projects are developing very well, and the cooperation between our company and Mr. Fu is also very good. If everything goes well, the company will be able to make a profit on this project by the end of the year..."

Listening to Pei Ge's clear analysis, Ji's father became more and more satisfied with Pei Ge.

The look on his face became more and more cheerful.

Ji Ziming looked at his beloved woman, looked at his respected father, and saw such a harmonious picture of the two getting along, and he felt very happy in his heart.

However, he still felt a little dissatisfied.

That is, Pei Ge, a stupid woman, left him out in the cold for the sake of her job!

"Okay, okay, let's eat now. Can you please stop talking about work at the dinner table? Eat!"

Ji's mother couldn't stand it, and gently patted the dining table with her palm, interrupting the two people who were talking more and more happily.

So under Ji's mother's order, Pei Ge and Ji's father started eating obediently and stopped talking about work-related matters.

"Gege, eat more of this. Mom knows you love this."

"Man Hua, let's drink more of this papaya stewed with snow clams, it will beautify our skin."

"Mingming, you are being patronized and picking up food for Gege, while Manhua and I are still sitting here~"

A warm and lively lunch passed quickly in this pleasant and harmonious atmosphere.

After the two families sat together and finished lunch, they went to the pavilion in the garden to bask in the sun and chat.

"Gege, you shouldn't be busy lately, right?"

Mother Ji took a sip of rose tea and asked about Pei Ge in a soft voice.

"I'm not busy anymore. I've already finished all the things I should be busy with recently."

Pei Ge smiled and replied very obediently.

"Hey! You kid, you worked so hard some time ago, maybe it's because you want to finish that project in your hand before getting married."

Mother Ji looked at Pei Ge who had a relaxed expression on her face in a funny way, and shook her head in a funny way.

"Yes, Mom. I have finished all the work in my hands, which makes me feel safe."

Of course, the most important thing is to have the confidence to marry Ji Ziming.

Thinking of this, Pei Ge secretly looked towards Ji Ziming, who was sitting under the tree in the courtyard and playing chess with Ji's father.

Looking at the man sitting under the tree, bathed in the golden sunshine, Pei Ge's eyes showed a soft color on his face.

This man who is longed for by countless people is her man~

"You kid, you don't have any sense of security. You, after marrying into our Ji family, you are afraid that you don't have any sense of security."

Mother Ji took Pei Ge's hand and started chattering amiably.

"If you marry into our Ji family, mom can promise you that you will live a comfortable life. Absolutely, no one will bully you."

Listening to Ji's mother's words, Pei Ge and Zhang Manhua were both moved.

To be honest, both Pei Ge and Zhang Manhua were worried at first because the family status gap between the two families was too big. If they really get together, I'm afraid there will be a lot of problems.

However, what they least expected was that as Pei Ge's future mother-in-law, Ji's mother would be so good and not at all pretentious.

Although the Ji family is a wealthy and aristocratic family that no one else can catch up with, during the time that Pei Ge and Zhang Manhua spent with the Ji family, they deeply discovered that this family is not as they imagined. That way.

"Mom, thank you."

Pei Ge smiled and nodded, murmuring softly.

"Okay, there is no need to be so polite between the two of us. Now that you, a busy man, are finally not busy, let's talk about your marriage to Ziming next week."

"Yes, we didn't dare to disturb you when you were so busy a few days ago. Now that you are not busy, you can quickly listen to the process of your own wedding. "

Ever since, Mother Ji and Zhang Manhua started talking to Pei Ge about the wedding next week.

Pei Ge fell into a trance as he listened to what Ji's mother and Zhang Manhua said.

She always felt that the engagement party between her and Ji Ziming had just ended not long ago, but now, the engagement party was coming again. It really is... it feels a bit like a dream.

"This is too fast..."

Pei Ge couldn't help but murmured softly.

"Not fast, not fast at all. I also think this speed is a bit slow."

As soon as Pei Ge finished speaking, she heard Ji Ziming's cold and deep voice reaching her ears.

"If possible, I really want to marry you back today."

Looking up, Pei Ge saw Ji Ziming staring at him with burning eyes.

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