Provocative Fiery Wife: My Superior is a Affectionate Spitfire

Nine hundred and twenty-six Ji Ziming, how could you forget such an important thing?

Pei Ge looked at the way Ji Ziming looked at her with burning eyes. She was slightly startled, but soon, she seemed to remember something and burst out laughing.


Seeing Pei Ge suddenly laughing, Ji Ziming raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Haha, I just thought what you just said was so funny."

Pei Ge laughed and said to Ji Ziming with a smile.

Zhang Manhua and Ji's mother, who were sitting aside, saw the closeness of the young children who were about to get married. They left with a look, leaving the place to Pei Ge and Ji Ziming. people.

After seeing his mother and Pei Ge's mother leaving, Ji Ziming walked to the chair next to Pei Ge and sat down.

"What's so funny?"

Ji Ziming took Pei Ge's hand and played with it gently.

"Ziming, have you forgotten?"

Listening to Ji Ziming's inquiry, Pei Ge blinked and looked at Ji Ziming with a smile.


Ji Ziming raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes full of doubts.

"What did you forget?"

Seeing that Ji Ziming seemed to really not remember, Pei Ge couldn't help but rolled his eyes at Ji Ziming.

"You can forget such an important thing. Do you really like me?"

Pei Ge curled his lips, his whole little face was full of displeasure, and he muttered in a very unhappy voice.

"...What important thing?"

Ji Ziming was silent for a while, still a little confused as to what the important thing Pei Ge said was.

"Oops! You really forgot!" Seeing that Ji Ziming still didn't think of it, Pei Ge muttered angrily.

"I have done something as important as getting a marriage certificate from you.

How could you forget that! "

Pei Ge yelled loudly and depressedly. Fortunately, at this time, Ji's father, Ji's mother, and Zhang Manhua had already left the garden courtyard.

Therefore, Pei Ge's words, which could shock people half to death, did not reach the ears of the three of them.


But as soon as Pei Ge finished speaking, Ji Ziming, one of the parties who had received the marriage certificate, was confused.

"Hey! Although we were not in love at that time, no matter what, we were the ones who got the marriage certificate."

Pei Ge glanced at Ji Ziming who was shocked by her words, and murmured slowly: "So, we were actually a real couple a long time ago~!"

There was silence for a long time, and after listening to Pei Ge finish what he said, Ji Ziming finally came back to his senses.

He took a deep breath and looked at Pei Ge with complicated eyes, with a hesitant and uneasy look on his face that he had never seen before.

Seeing Ji Ziming's hesitant expression, Pei Ge looked at Ji Ziming doubtfully and said very strangely: "What's wrong? Ziming, what's your reaction? Did I say something wrong? Or is it yours?" My stomach is full of food."

"Peg, I want to..." confess something to you.

Ji Ziming took a deep breath, and before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted.

"Master, my wife and husband asked you to go with Miss Pei. They have something to announce."

After listening to Sister Yun's words, Pei Ge blinked, took Ji Ziming's palm, and stood up from the chair.

"Ziming, let's go there quickly. Our parents must have something to do with us."

With that said, Pei Ge took Ji Ziming's hand and quickly left the garden.

Also, it interrupted what Ji Ziming wanted to confess, causing Ji Ziming to miss an excellent opportunity again.


So Ji Ziming had no choice but to follow Pei Ge and swallowed all the words he wanted to confess.

The two held hands and walked farther and farther, and their figures gradually disappeared into the garden.

Pei Ge and Ji Ziming didn't care at all. Sister Yun, who came to tell them to go back, did not go back with them.

Instead... it stayed where it was.

After Sister Yun took a look and saw that there was no one around, she lowered her eyelids and took her cell phone out of her apron pocket.

Skillfully and quickly, Sister Yun dialed Qiao Jingyun's number.

"Hello, Miss Qiao."

As soon as the other end of the phone was connected, Sister Yun quickly followed Qiao Jingyun and said hello.

"Well, Sister Yun, you called me. Did something happen?"

Qiao Jingyun asked in a sweet voice.

Listening to Qiao Jingyun's sweet voice, Sister Yun's heart softened, and the look on her face became a little kinder.

"Miss Qiao, I seemed to have heard some great news just now."

"Oh? Big news? What news? Is it related to that woman Pei Ge?"

After listening to the so-called big news from Sister Yun, Qiao Jingyun didn't take it to heart at first. However, soon after listening to Sister Yun's narration, she was stunned.

"Ms. Qiao, just now I heard Miss Pei say that when she and the young master were not in love, she had already received a marriage certificate from the young master, and she was the young master's wife."

Sister Yun quickly told Qiao Jingyun the news she had just heard.

When Qiao Jingyun heard the news from Sister Yun, she was suddenly shocked.

"Did you already have a relationship with Pei Ge before you fell in love?"

"Yes, that's what I heard Pei Ge say to her in front of President Ji."

"How is this possible... Ji Ziming can't be the person who would do that kind of thing! His parents are still alive, so it's impossible for him to marry someone so arbitrarily..."

Even though Sister Yun was sincere, Qiao Jingyun still didn't want to believe it.

"Miss Qiao, what puzzles me the most is that the expression I looked at the young master was completely different from usual. He hesitated to speak, as if he wanted to say something to that woman Pei Ge."

"What did Ziming say?"

Qiao Jingyun asked eagerly.

"I don't know, the young master hasn't finished what he said. I didn't pay attention at the time, so I interrupted the conversation between the two of them. But looking at my young master's appearance, he seemed to want to follow Pei Ge. That woman is apologizing."

Apologize? !

marry? !

Being together without falling in love!

Already received a marriage certificate...

I don’t know why, but a word suddenly popped into Qiao Jingyun’s mind, and that was——

fake marriage!

right! It must be a fake marriage! Ji Ziming's character doesn't look like the kind of man who gets married behind the back of his family without saying a word!

so! What Ji Ziming wants to say next is——

The marriage certificate is fake!

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