Provocative Fiery Wife: My Superior is a Affectionate Spitfire

Nine hundred and sixty-two Pei Ge, don’t reject me, okay...

In the leisurely afternoon, the lazy sunshine quietly shines in from the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Although, sitting in the booth next to the floor-to-ceiling windows in summer will feel a bit hot.

However, it is spring now when the temperature is still a little low.

Therefore, this kind of lazy and warm sunshine is just right, making people feel comfortable all over.

Pei Ge was bathing in the sunshine, sitting lazily on the comfortable cradle chair, her eyes constantly looking back and forth at the work notes in her hand.

She had just called her mother and asked for some contact information of employees in her father's company.

Although so many years have passed, Pei Ge still got a lot of phone numbers from her mother.

But after dialing those numbers, Pei Ge was disappointed that those people didn't know that the company was going public, let alone the documents for the listing.

"It must be the management where none of those people are dad..."

Pei Ge frowned, his face full of depression.

So where are the people in management who knew the company was going public?

Why does her mother, such an important high-level person, not have their contact information?

This in the end is why……

Just when Pei Ge was thinking hard about her father, suddenly, a man in a silver-gray suit walked up to her.

I saw that man, standing very upright beside Pei Ge, looking down at Pei Ge closely.

As for Pei Ge, who was thinking about things seriously, he didn't even feel that there was someone standing next to him.

It wasn't until the man spoke that Pei Ge came back to his senses and discovered the man.

"Gege, what are you doing here?"

Hearing the familiar male voice, Pei Ge was startled. She raised her head in panic and saw Fu Mingxuan standing beside her at some point. net


Pei Ge blinked,

He looked at Fu Mingxuan standing next to him in surprise.

"How will you be here?"

"I also wanted to ask you what you are doing here."

Fu Mingxuan smiled and sat on the chair opposite Pei Ge.

"Why, experience the petty bourgeoisie life here?"

Fu Mingxuan pointed at the stacks of notebooks in front of Pei Ge and said with a smile.

Seeing Fu Mingxuan's pointing finger, Pei Ge hurriedly put away his notebooks.

"Hehehe~ Senior, I just, I just..."

Pei Ge didn't know how to explain to Fu Mingxuan what she was doing now.

Seeing Pei Ge's anxious look, Fu Mingxuan shook his head in amusement and looked at Pei Ge with soft eyes.

When his eyes touched the turtleneck sweater Pei Ge was wearing, the soft look in his eyes became even gentler.

However, in addition to the tender affection, there is also a lot of self-blame and heartache.

The woman he loved clearly didn't like him, and she was about to get married.

But because of his carelessness, her happiness was ruined...

Thinking of this, Fu Mingxuan felt even more guilty.

After hesitating for a while, Fu Mingxuan opened his mouth, wanting to confess the matter to Pei Ge.

However, after the words came to his lips, Fu Mingxuan remembered what Qiao Jingyun said to him.

'Fu Mingxuan, Pei Ge doesn't know that you are the one who slept with her. Therefore, I advise you, it is best not to say it, lest...'

After he says it, the woman he loves will hate him to death.

From now on, he will never see her again...

"Senior, forget it. I'd better tell you."

Pei Ge thought for a while and felt that Fu Mingxuan was a reliable and trustworthy person. Therefore, there is nothing to lie to him about this matter.


Hearing Pei Ge's voice, Fu Mingxuan suddenly came back to his senses and looked towards Pei Ge.

"Actually, I was investigating the accidental death of my father more than ten years ago."

Pei Ge took a deep breath and placed the notebooks he had just put away in front of Fu Mingxuan one by one.

"I feel that my father did not die accidentally, but was deliberately murdered."

Listening to Pei Ge's words, Fu Mingxuan moved the corners of his lips slightly. He was about to say something when he heard Pei Ge continue to speak.

"I am currently conducting a secret investigation. Senior, I trust you, so I decided to tell you. However, I want to ask you to help me keep the secret."

As soon as Pei Ge finished speaking, Fu Mingxuan was stunned.

In his mind, he kept thinking about Pei Ge's words about trusting her.


For just a moment, Fu Mingxuan felt that he was guilty, and his guilt almost overwhelmed him.

"sorry Sorry……"

Fu Mingxuan suddenly lowered his head, clasped his palms together tightly, and finally kept mumbling.

Seeing Fu Mingxuan's sudden and inexplicable behavior, Pei Ge blinked inexplicably and asked in confusion: "Senior, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing Pei Ge's voice, Fu Mingxuan raised his head and looked at Pei Ge with deep eyes.

Looking at her face that was not very beautiful, but very clear and sincere, she glanced at the notebook in front of him.

Fu Mingxuan secretly decided on something in his heart.

That is, after he helped Pei Ge find out who killed her father, he would confess to Pei Ge and apologize, no matter how much she would hate him at that time.

He would tell her the truth of the matter.

So, now, let him cherish this moment and investigate his father's affairs for her...


Taking a deep breath, Fu Mingxuan raised the corners of his lips slightly, and said to Pei Ge with sincerity in his voice: "Pege, let me help you investigate your father's affairs."


Listening to Fu Mingxuan's words, Pei Ge was stunned for a moment, and a burst of joy suddenly rose in his heart.

However, she quickly shook her head and rejected Fu Mingxuan.

"How good is this, senior, you are a busy man, I can't bother you like this."

If Ji Ziming offered to help her, she would agree without hesitation. However, if this person was Fu Mingxuan, she always felt that she should not have too much involvement with him.

Otherwise, her jealous fiancé will be angry~

"It's not troublesome." Fu Mingxuan shook his head lightly and said with a smile: "Gege, for you, this matter may be difficult to investigate and very time-consuming. But, for me, it's not too troublesome. thing."

"The most important thing is that if I help you, the progress of the investigation will be much faster. So, don't refuse me, okay?"

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