Provocative Fiery Wife: My Superior is a Affectionate Spitfire

Nine hundred and sixty-three: Be careful and pay attention to your own image.

"So, don't reject me, okay?"

For just a moment, Pei Ge felt that he was bewitched. 13579246810

Even though she knew that Ji Ziming would be angry if she accepted Fu Mingxuan's help.

However, she still nodded in agreement.


Pei Ge spoke slowly, biting her lower lip gently with her teeth, and looked towards Fu Mingxuan with burning eyes.

"Senior, please help me investigate this matter."

"Well, leave it all to me."

Fu Mingxuan smiled, nodded, and said softly.

Seeing Fu Mingxuan's sincere smile, the corner of Pei Ge's mouth also curled up.

"Senior, thank you, thank you for helping me like this."

"It's nothing, it's not a big deal."

Fu Mingxuan smiled and waved his hand, and said to Pei Ge without any care: "You can just leave it to me without any worries. I will definitely investigate the truth of the matter for you as soon as possible."


Although Fu Mingxuan followed her confidently, she still didn't believe that things were really as simple as Fu Mingxuan said.

After all, at that time, even the police did not find out that his father had been murdered.

How could such a matter without any evidence or witnesses be investigated so quickly?

Even if the investigation comes out, can she really send the person who murdered her father to prison?

"It's nothing, Gege, just believe me. I will definitely help you catch the murderer."

The two sat in the cafe and talked for a while. They sat until it was almost time for dinner in the evening before they ended the topic of finding the murderer.

"Gege, it's so late and you're hungry. I'll treat you to a big dinner."

Fu Mingxuan looked at the watch on his hand.

He said to Pei Ge softly.

"No, senior, I promised my mother that I would go home for dinner. So, I'm sorry for today."

Pei Ge smiled and refused decisively.

Seeing that Pei Ge rejected him, Fu Mingxuan was not angry. He nodded with a faint smile and continued: "Then I will take you home."

"Um, senior, it seems we are not going the same way. I can just take a taxi back!"

Pei Ge blinked and rejected Fu Mingxuan again with a little embarrassment.

Although she accepted Fu Mingxuan's help. But she is a married woman who is about to get married now, so she has to keep a distance from other men!

"Okay, I'm not a monster. Gege, don't refuse anymore. Just refuse."

Fu Mingxuan did not let Pei Ge off easily this time.

At Fu Mingxuan's insistence, Pei Ge had no choice but to get into Fu Mingxuan's car and return home.

After saying goodbye to Fu Mingxuan, Pei Ge returned home and started looking for the phone numbers of colleagues who used to work with her father.

But after searching around, the results were exactly the same as the numbers her mother had found.

"No, that's all the employee number of my dad's company?"

Pei Ge was a little annoyed and threw the old phone book in his hand on the ground, muttering depressedly.

This scene happened to be seen by Zhang Manhua.

Zhang Manhua silently glanced at her daughter, who didn't know why, and picked up the phone book in her hand.

"Okay, what's wrong with you recently? Why are you suddenly acting like your father's former colleague?"

"I'm just curious," Pei Ge said casually.

"Curious?" Zhang Manhua suddenly felt dumbfounded after listening to Pei Ge's words.

"You, stop fooling around. Have a good rest and prepare for the wedding in the next few days."

"Weddings, mom, you know weddings. This wedding won't run away! Besides, no matter whether I am ugly or beautiful, Ziming will marry me. You don't have to worry about the wedding at all, okay?"

After listening to Pei Ge's words, Zhang Manhua silently glared at the overconfident Pei Ge.

She raised her palm and poked Pei Ge's forehead hard with her fingers.

"Ouch! You're still out of breath! You're just relying on Ziming to like you, so you don't want to be imageless! Don't even think about it. When the time comes, you will be standing next to Ziming with an unsightly face. , are you feeling comfortable?"

"Well" Pei Ge thought about it seriously. It was really too cruel for her to post such a picture.

"It seems a bit unbearable to look at."

"You know it too! Miss, I beg you to take good care of your own image. You can't just rely on Xiao Ji to like you and you won't care about your own image.

Although you are called Cinderella on the Internet, you can't be a Cinderella forever! You, starting from today, learn from L how to be a beautiful woman! "

Zhang Manhua babbled and turned to Pei Ge again.

Seeing his mother's mouth opening and closing, Pei Ge felt like his head was going to explode.

"Oh! Okay, Mom, how can I become a beautiful woman at this moment? Okay, Mom, don't worry about me not being beautiful when I get married. When the magician L is here, I It won’t be ugly no matter what. So, don’t worry about me.”

Pei Ge took Zhang Manhua's arm with a smile, leaned on Zhang Manhua's shoulder obediently, and acted coquettishly towards his mother.

Zhang Manhua was speechless at Pei Ge's shameless cuteness.

She looked at her daughter angrily and amusedly, and nodded Pei Ge's head helplessly.

"You really don't know what Xiao Ji sees in you."

"Hehe! I just like your daughter who is kind and beautiful!"

Pei Ge said with a very shameless smile.

"Pfft! So shameless!"

"Hey, I haven't inherited it from you."

"Go, go, go! I went downstairs to dance in the square. "


After Zhang Manhua left, Pei Ge rummaged through the cabinets again to find the phone book, but she searched every corner of the house and could not find the previous phone book.

"Too strange"

Pei Ge, who found nothing, suddenly realized that something was wrong.

All the previous phone books at home were there, except for the one she was looking for.

"Could it be that this phone book can still be run away?"

Pei Ge had just finished mumbling these words, and she was immediately shocked by her own words.

etc! Long legs running away?

yes! Isn’t it just running with long legs? ! ! Otherwise, if all the phone books are there, why would only one of them be missing?

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