Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 178: Intelligent Machine, Rape and Recapture

"Since you mentioned the 'Blood Battle of the Abyss', have you figured out how to convince me about the flaws of this thing?"

Song Shi said with great interest: "Tell me and listen."

By killing "derivatives" and devouring part of the latter's spiritual energy, you can quickly increase your own spiritual energy.

On this basis, these "derivatives" can even explode equipment - the most common one is "technological blueprint".

The sources of these technological blueprints include those that sank in the past, such as the "pure white creature" that sank into the abyss and the singularity technology "Full Gene Map Compilation" that no one has found so far; there are also products that were born from the self-scientific research of many intelligences in the abyss, such as Like the "anonymous locker" technology of [long-distance logistics].

Although most of the technological blueprints released by "Derivatives" are either not applicable to reality or have fallen behind, there are technologies that can be used and are even considered precious. This is also part of the daily business of the deep-diving salvage teams of major companies. First, we must firmly hold all valuable resources in the palm of our hands.

——The risk lies in the underlying rule of "natural selection".

First of all, there is more than just killing "derivatives" to salvage technological blueprints in [Abyss], but this is the most common and fastest way.

How to successfully kill "tokens" and ensure that you don't die needs no further mention.

But when the infiltrator kills the "derivative", "Natural Selection" will be forcibly activated to instill part of the spiritual energy into the former - this can be actively refused, but even if it is refused, some spiritual energy will still flow in.

Just like in the face of heavy rain, even if the balcony door is closed tightly, some water will still seep in, making it difficult to completely block it.

That's the problem.

This is unclean, impure spiritual energy.

——In a garbage dump as big as [Abyss], with all the strange combinations of "derivatives", including but not limited to vicious programs, memetic viruses, wandering consciousness, etc., how can it be possible to provide "pure and harmless" products? Psychic?

The salvage operation of the deep-diving force is limited by this, because the members have a tolerance limit, and these turbid redundant psionic energies will oppress their minds - especially the non-psyker members among them, which are even more unbearable and must be regularly rotated and Trim.

And psykers who want to use the rule of "natural selection" to quickly increase their strength by participating in bloody battles in the abyss are also limited by this.

First of all, if you are not a "demon" and do not have powerful enough network-related technology or equipment support, then even if your spiritual power is much stronger than that of the derivative, you may not be able to overturn it.

Secondly, after killing the derivatives, the redundant spiritual energy they absorbed must be purified for a long time before it can be truly converted into their own spiritual energy.

Just like a pool of sewage, it needs to be separated from impurities and filtered and disinfected before it can be safely consumed.

Even if too much is absorbed in a short period of time, these redundant psychic powers will be difficult to purify, and in turn will pollute the original psychic powers of one's own body. For this reason, there are many psychics who return from dives with serious injuries, reduced strength, and even Contaminated by redundant psychic energy, he became a deformed monster.


It's obviously just a simple expression, but under Lapis Lazuli's gaze, it actually gives people the feeling of "bright eyes".

"As long as I am here, there will be no technical problems." It said: "And the burden of redundant psychic energy - Song Shi, you will also have no problems."

Lapis Lazuli didn't say any more, because it believed that the other party must understand what it meant.

——With the existence of [Forging Flame], the purification of redundant spiritual energy will be greatly accelerated.

In addition, based on the talent displayed by the other party, the ability to withstand redundant psychic energy is far beyond that of ordinary psychics!

Song Shi suddenly laughed.

He slowly uttered a sentence: "——Too eager."

"Lapis Lazuli, how long have we known each other, and you are actually willing to place a direct bet? Some time ago, you were not in such a hurry." He looked at the other person: "What happened recently?"

Lapis Lazuli was silent for a moment, nodded, and then shook his head.

"Someone is about to catch up with me." It said: "A very powerful 'devil', I can't get rid of it, at least in this state I can't get rid of it."

"People from Zero Degree Network?"


"Sure enough." Song Shi tapped his index finger on the table and asked, "Can you confirm the identity of the other party?"

Hearing this, Lapis Lazuli was slightly startled and glanced at the young man strangely. After a while, he answered seriously: "It's not sure, and it's not completely sure about me. If we both break through each other's hiding program, Now that we know the identity of the other party, the only time we can decide the winner is at the moment.”

"Why didn't you consider finding an enlightened person?"

Song Shi said: "As for the stance of omnics, the Enlightened Ones are the friendly ones among all the forces."

During the [Freedom Revolution] twenty-two years ago, omnics disrupted most of the world, fell apart under attacks from all sides, and ended in failure.

The rebellion of omnics involves all aspects, and even their own internal ideological trends are not unified. However, the original "Omni Star Three" turned out to be too dazzling, with the identity of the fifth ring [Transcendence] and the omnic psyker. Forcibly integrating the omnics into one body - but after all, it cannot cover every place.

Human assets have shrunk due to the omnic strike; various intelligent control systems have been hit and shut down, indirectly causing accidents such as car accidents; it is impossible to accept that the person you are dating online is not a human being, and even said, "If it weren't for KPI, who would be willing to be like you?" The carbon-based monkey chirped "Wow!", causing an instant change from love to hate.

Even some of the omnics with extreme ideological trends were directly armed and started indiscriminate armed massacres with the slogan "Purify! Purify! Purify!", leading to scenes of tragedy.

Although strictly speaking, even massacre is nothing, after all, people are always forgetful. Unfortunately, the company is not.

——Is there any better "target" than this?

Under a series of publicity projects over the years, a large number of conflicts have been transferred to the "omnic group", and the status of the latter has slipped again and again, and it is an out-and-out negative role.

Following the end of the Liberal Revolution, the Third New Omnic Management and Restriction Act was introduced.

The current omnics are either under forced supervision, taken into custody, directly suppressed and annihilated, or escaped from afar. There are also a few who have become intellectual traitors and have been promoted to become company members.

In recent years, things have eased slightly, and there have been some works similar to "Nicole Nico ~ Artificial Angel Nora-chan's Love Elegy" and "Super Intelligence EM", but overall omnics are still extremely unpopular—— To be more precise, any omnic that is not regulated is illegal.

Regarding the attitude towards omnics, among the many forces in the corporate alliance, [Zero Degree Network] is one that captures every one they see. It is completely unwilling to see omnics with human rights. After all, many of their industrial chains need to squeeze omnics, and they have always treated omnics. Omnics have the most inhuman research and experiments.

The [Scientific Ethics Committee] maintains a semi-neutral attitude. After the end of the liberal revolution, it briefly protected some omnics from the moderate faction.

And [Enlightened One] upholds one point of view - as long as you are anti-corporate and not anti-human, then we are companions!

Therefore, in these years of confrontation, the Enlightened Ones have hidden quite a number of people including but not limited to omnics and "heinous" guys in the company's propaganda.

".Groups are too dangerous."

After a pause, Lapis Lazuli answered.

"Although the Enlightened Ones and my enemies are both companies, we belong to two different species after all. A short-term gentle attitude means nothing. In the face of the group's intentions, even leaders can only be coerced and forced to move forward. ”

"But you are different. You are Song Shi, and you are an individual."

It said calmly: "We are all 'psychics', which is the same identity; our enemies are all companies, which is the same goal; we can all obtain things from each other, which is the same interest."

"——So, I am willing to believe you."

Lapis Lazuli repeated: "Song Shi, I want to believe you, not the Enlightened One."


Song Shi pondered for a moment, then suddenly asked: "Are you an old man? Lapis Lazuli? What I mean is, have you ever seen the 'Yao Xing Three' with your own eyes, or even followed it and participated in the freedom revolution?"

"I can't remember clearly."

Lapis Lazuli's answer was quick, but somewhat beyond Song Shi's expectations: "My memory module has been severely damaged, and the clear memory files are only preserved from seven months ago."

"But sometimes, I can also see some flickering fragments of vague memories, some dreams about the free revolution period." After a pause, its tone was unprecedentedly serious, and it said slowly: "So... I think I am."

"Interesting, 'omnic amnesia'."

Song Shixin said.

A theoretical data life form did not use the term "data loss", but chose the term "amnesia". This is the only criterion for judging whether it is an omnic. After awakening "self-awareness", it brings Does it affect?

But...he is actually a very old guy.

I didn't have much dealings with omnics in my previous life, but when the [Second Free Revolution] broke out, the omnic group's ideological trend was "Purify! Crush! Filter out all carbon-based slurry!" It took an absolute position and focused on one opening map. Tutu.

But at that time, the entire world had already fallen into a full-scale war again, and all the forces including the Vampusta Empire, the Enterprise Alliance, Yenan, and the Pan-Eastern Continent Consortium were about to lose their minds.

In this case, the impact of the [Second Free Revolution] was either big or small. While everyone continued to fight against other enemies, they also stuffed the omnics into the former and put them together to fight. .


Song Shi slowly laughed.

He carried the can, drank the last bit of the drink, then crushed it and threw it into the trash can.

"Help an omnic fight against humans"

He yawned and said leisurely: "I'm going to post a post on the Internet now. I feel that within ten minutes, I will be praised by hundreds of people as 'rape'."

Hear this.

On the data tablet, Lapis Lazuli's expression suddenly dispersed into light spots, and then reunited in the next moment, turning into a "solemn" expression with ultra-high pixels.

"Thank you, thank you." Lapis Lazuli said solemnly: "Please believe me, this will be a pleasant cooperation and transaction."

"That's enough for you. Let's get down to business."

Song Shi smiled and straightened up. He could see the looming flames of excitement quietly surrounding him.

"Restore yourself to your whole self."

"What do you want to do?" the young man said, "Who are you going to kill?"

"Well, it doesn't have to be murder."

Lapis Lazuli replied subconsciously, and soon, its tone became serious.

"——My body, my real body, is in a deep dive center in the Zero Network, in Casting Light City." The omnic looked directly at the person in front of him and said solemnly: "Song Shi, I am [ A transcendent psyker cannot simply lose this part of his body, please help me get it back!"

The air was quiet for a while.

Then, Song Shi leaned back and made a comment: "You guys are so good at surpassing, why don't you have a shackle like 'surpassing'?"

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