Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 179 The Whole Person Gloria and the Touchstone


"Read on." Emmanuel raised his hand slightly to interrupt the other party.

In front of him, on the other side of the luxurious long table, a beautiful young woman sat on the sofa, her long dark red hair tied neatly into a bunch. Hearing Emmanuel's words, she frowned slightly, then sighed and looked forward.

Under the top-level holographic projection equipment, it feels like you are actually there.

The video playback did not last long, and the scene finally settled on the center of the burning ruins, where the young man raised his head with an angry look.

"——Gloria." Emmanuel allowed a minute before speaking slowly: "If it were you, could you do this?"

"Uncle, that's what I want to say!"

The woman named "Gloria" raised her voice: "Why did you hide it from me! 'Anfu Axeman', that's the right name, right? Why did you hire them to destroy the raw material warehouse of Chunguang Beverage Industry!"

"Don't tell me that you don't know that Chunguang Beverage Industry is a subsidiary of Enlightenment."

"Of course I know!" Gloria said loudly: "I also know that they ignored the law first, carried out military occupation, and maliciously competed with us."

"But we are Groden."

She said seriously: "Although most people in the outer city live poorly because they are not serious and unwilling to work, there are a few serious and hard-working people."

"The Enlightened Ones occupied the Second and Third Districts, so they were forced to make a living in the alcoholic beverage industry. If we destroy the raw material warehouse and stop production, what will these hard-working people do? The climate is so bad and there are no wages. , how should they spend it?”

"We are 'Glorious Groden.'"

Looking at her uncle, Gloria said sternly: "Uncle, the Enlightened Ones can be unscrupulous and don't care whether others live or die, but we can't! Everyone in Forge Light City depends on us!"

Emmanuel pinched his eyebrows and was silent for a while before speaking again.

"Gloria." The man pointed to the video: "Can you do this?"

Seeing that the other party didn't answer, Gloria snorted and turned her head. After waiting for a while, a dissatisfied voice sounded.

"Okay." She replied grumblingly: "It will take some effort, but it's not a big trouble. I can do what this guy did."

"Ah." As if she had just realized something, Gloria turned back and looked at the young man in the video: "Who is this guy?"

"A member of the Enlightenment, 'Song Shi', [Dayuan] at the pinnacle of the second ring, a major fugitive and wanted criminal."

"In terms of intentional murder alone, he had the blood of more than a hundred people on his hands," Emanuel said.

"You are the [beyond] at the top of the second ring. Just look at the performance shown in the video. Are you confident in defeating him?"

After hearing "Major fugitive" and "Murder of 100 people," Gloria's expression suddenly became serious. She watched the video again in silence, fast forwarding and rewinding repeatedly. After a long time, she finally nodded: "No problem."

"He is 'Song Shi'." Gloria said: "Anfu's axehand did not force him to use his full strength. He must still have some strength left, or he may have retained some trump cards."

She closed her fingers slightly, raised her head, and looked seriously at the man across the long table: "But I can still defeat him."

"Because I am the 'whole person' who received the award." She said calmly and proudly, "I am, Gloria Groden."

Since [Fubo Energy] ascended to the throne of a giant enterprise, and even before that, the Groden family has insisted on using a series of technologies such as genetic engineering to carry out various aspects of research and development on each "Groden" when it was still an embryo. Optimization and transformation.

Thanks to long-term efforts, the average height of Groden family members is close to two meters, and their gorgeous red hair is Groden's trademark.

They are tall and handsome, have sharp minds, excellent memories, strong physical functions, and excellent tolerance. This is superiority from the genetic level - just like the noble and aloof "divine people" in myths and legends.

Not even "like".

New people of the gods.

——[Glorious Groden].

Within the Groden family, there is a special selection mechanism called "All People". Some of the best and most potential members of the Groden family will be awarded the "whole person" certification after a long period of investigation and determination.

Only "whole people" are qualified to compete for the inheritance of the family head, and only "whole people" are the true core of Groden.

——In addition to "whole people", even if they are fellow Groden family members, they can only be called "mortals"!

And among all human beings, apart from mortals, looking down from the sky and the earth, there are only those "bad people" who are outstanding in reproduction.

In the eyes of some insiders, they clearly understand one thing.

Fubo Energy is Groden's Fubo Energy.

And Groden is the whole Groden.


"Whole Man," Emanuel Groden stood up.

Seeing this, Quanren, Gloria Groden, also stood up.

"Gloria, you have stayed at the peak of the second ring for a year. And the path you are embarking on is [Transcendence]." The man stared at his outstanding junior: "This is also the reason why the family asked you to come to Casting Light City. ——You need pressure, you need real life and death trials.”

"Even based on the content shown in the video, Song Shi is an out-and-out genius. And you and I both know that his limits are definitely more than that."

"I will arrange everything, and all you need to do is"

"——Defeat him, beat him, and cut him down!"

"He is a man of great sin and blood on his hands, and this will not violate your morality." Emmanuel stood tall, his tall figure like a straight giant tower, looking down at the world indifferently, declaring the law that cannot be disobeyed, and he said solemnly: "Goliath, use him as your touchstone and step into the realm of the third ring with dignity."

Goliath did not hesitate.

She lowered her head slightly, then raised her head again, turned around and left, leaving only the gorgeous red flames fluttering behind her.

"——I will not bring shame to Groden's glory."


".Brother, do you really not need to think about it again?"

After an unknown amount of time, a slightly hoarse voice suddenly sounded in the silent room.

"Goliath's character is indeed a bit naive and immature, but her talent and strength are beyond doubt. She is a 'complete person' who has been awarded. Nanxin, one of our best juniors, what do you want to say?"

Emanuel grabbed the wine glass. After so long, the ice cubes had almost melted completely, and he drank it all in one gulp.

In the headset, Nanxin Groden, the head of the security department of [Fubo Energy] in Zhuguang City, paused: "Yes, this is exactly why I am worried."

"That Song Shi's talent is also outstanding. I almost had the illusion that he might become the next Chakoro." Nanxin said: "Goliath is indeed very powerful, but she may not really be able to defeat him."

"Goliath is a precious family member and your niece. If..."


Emanuel slowly exhaled: "This is why I chose him. As long as Goliath can defeat him, Groden will lose a great enemy and gain a member with unlimited prospects."

"Don't forget that Goliath is [Transcendence]."

"What if she loses." Nanxin said.

"I will arrange precautions, but if at that moment, there is really no way to save Gloria"

Emanuel threw the empty wine glass and watched it smash to pieces on the ground.

The man said indifferently: "Groden has this awareness."

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