Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 180 Plans and Acquaintances

"The deep diving center where my body is located, the zero-degree network is deployed outside the city. This is the basic structure diagram of the deep diving center."

"Hit it from the front?"

"This deep diving center is already a bit old, so it is lower in the priority sequence of the deep diving department of the Zero Degree Network. However, it still has a certain amount of armed presence, and there is also an all-weather surveillance system with cross-coverage."

"Bypass the surveillance system and then attack head-on?"


Lapis Lazuli was silent for a moment and shook his head: "No."

It is still hidden in the data tablet, but the appearance of the latter has changed drastically - at Song Shi's request, the Enlightened Ones provided extensive engineering modifications to the data tablet.

A more excellent heat dissipation structure, excellent internal layout, enhanced replacement of various parts, a bunch of integrated network engineering software that is only circulated internally, and an external supercomputing component. For Lapis Lazuli, this is undoubtedly an improvement.

In the data tablet, the image of Lapis Lazuli was a stick figure. It looked at Song Shi and said, "We need special infiltration."

"The starting point of my current memory is in the [Abyss] of Depth 3. I suddenly 'awoke'." Lapis Lazuli said: "At that time, I only had. Well, according to what you are used to saying, I was in a state of only ' soul's state."

"It took me three months to barely feel the connection with my body, and then another month to determine the general position of my body."

"Four months." Song Shi said with great interest, "It's interesting to be able to put a [Transcendence] in this state and lose a lot of memory. This means that you have suffered a very serious injury."

The young man's index finger slowly tapped the table and asked: "Who did it? Do you still have any impressions?"

"...Light." Lapis Lazuli was silent for a while and then suddenly spoke.

Its tone was determined, but with a bit of hesitation: "I occasionally dream of some fragments, including the last scene before I lost my memory - at least I think it is the last scene."

"Light infinite light."

Lapis Lazuli whispered, obviously just a stick figure, but at this moment, from the scrawled image, it seemed that a little trance could be seen: "I seem to be rising, but endless light fills all my vision. , and then those lights swallowed me up and I only remembered this.”


Song Shi thought: "Is it some kind of extremely high-level psychic strike? It sounds like a great source."

"Yeah, rise, psychic strike, swallow." As if he suddenly thought of something, Song Shi looked at the lapis lazuli stone and raised his eyebrows slightly: "What you said, is there a possibility that you are actually 'Yao Xing San' ?”

The climax of the "Freedom Revolution" in the past was also the end, when the three stars rose from the mountains on the seaside, rode alone into the outer ring of the atmosphere, launched the final charge towards the fifth rings who had been waiting there, and finally Then in the earth-shattering battle that was already destined to end, he was crushed from the front.

Overflowing sparks and burning wreckage, bound by gravity, streaked across the broken night sky, gradually disappearing at the end of the sky and horizon.

——The flag in the hearts of the omnics, their leader, turned into falling stars under their own eyes.

"I did consider that possibility."

This time, Lapis Lazuli was silent for a long time, and it slowly said: "I also feel that I am very consistent with the deeds of 'Yao Xing San', so I do not rule out this possibility."

"Maybe after I get my body back." It hesitated: "I can recall more memories. I am Yao Xing San?"

——No, it shouldn’t be.

Song Shi knocked on the table and recalled carefully, confirming that he had never heard of the return of "Yao Xing San" in his previous life - except for those posts with titles like "Children, please help me win the resurrection match". In live broadcast rooms and entertainment videos.

Hiss, thinking about it this way, after I died in a battle in my previous life, I would probably say something like "Hahaha! I, Nandou, won the resurrection match!" After all, he has almost never concealed his identity, and the word "Nandou" is well-known.

In the next moment, Song Shi wiped away these complicated thoughts and faced him again.

But this is the current situation.

There is no need for Lapis to lie to himself.

"Do you still remember which stage you reached your peak?" the young man suddenly said.

"I'm probably at the bottom of the second ring now." Lapis Lazuli didn't hesitate and quickly answered: "I can't remember clearly during my heyday, but one thing I can be sure of is that I am definitely more than the second ring."

"Then why don't you change your name?" Song Shi said, "For example, Yao Xing Si?"

Lapis Lazuli stared at the young man without saying a word.

Song Shi spread his hands and sighed: "Forget it, we can think about these things later. Just keep talking. Why don't you choose us to attack head-on?"

"——Remember what I said, there is a 'devil' chasing me."

Lapis Lazuli's tone became serious, and matching its deep voice, it sounded quite charming.

"My body is stuck here, so my consciousness has been wandering in the nearby network and has not left. But a month and a half ago, I was exposed by a demon who wanted to capture me."

"Both of us have not determined the specific identity for the time being. I tested each other with it several times and confirmed that it is the devil of [Zero Degree Network], the [Consensus] of the second ring." Lapis Lazuli said: "The problem is here, it With the help of the ability of [Consensus], I can also see that my condition is incomplete, which is equivalent to being restrained in Casting Light City."

"Then I stopped tracking and almost completely hid in Thousand Stars City, but it didn't give up at all - just like the time we met, it actually sent deep-diving troops to break into Thousand Stars City."

"Recently, its offensive has become more and more imminent. I'm afraid it has also arrived at Casting Light City. If this continues, even if I can still remain undefeated in the network domain, with constant contact and the other party's [Consensus] attainments, it is possible Reversely lock my body position in reality.”

"One thing can be confirmed. The Zero Degree Network probably didn't discover the true meaning of my body. Maybe it was just used as a reserve of recycled parts. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to persist until now."

"But we have been separated for too long. As long as we are close, we will resonate passively and it is difficult to conceal. Once we attack head-on, the overlapping movement of the two will be too great, and the demon will definitely notice it - I can't confirm what position my body is in. Status, reserves are idle, researched, equipped, etc.”

"If the timing is not right and we are slow, it will get my body first, which will be very troublesome. So I hope we can sneak in and try to delay the time of being discovered."

"How deep is the devil?" Song Shi asked.

Lapis Lazuli replied: "Depth 4."

"Second ring, depth 4." Song Shi nodded slightly: "That's indeed pretty good."

Under normal circumstances, the diving limit that [Demon] can reach in the second ring stage is "depth 3", just like a flashing star.

As for the [Demon], the latter could already afford to say "talented". When he left, the other party had even begun to try to break through depth 4 - with the second level of spiritual power.

But this demon of Zero Degree Network has completely entered Depth 4.

And being able to force Lapis Lazuli to this point shows that the opponent is by no means reluctant to exist at Depth 4, and has become proficient and comfortable - this means that regardless of "psionic power" or "network technology", the opponent has completely surpassed Flash. star.

As long as they don't die midway, the opponent will almost certainly be able to fight their way out of the "Bloody Battle of the Abyss" in the future, gain their own network in the abyss, and become an [Abyss Lord].

"Zero-degree network, superior demon, path of consensus."

Under Lapis Lazuli's gaze, the person in front of him suddenly paused for a moment.

".Yu Chuyi?"

Song Shi murmured.

Sensing the subtle change in the other person's tone, Lapis Lazuli spoke cautiously: "You mean that demon? Do you know who it is?"

Song Shi shook his head: "There is too little information, who can be sure?"


Hearing Lapis Lazuli's words, Song Shi suddenly laughed in the silence.


The corners of his mouth slowly raised, but in his laughter, there was only an indescribable coldness: "If it is really that woman, then maybe she is an acquaintance."

"If that's the case, then I really hope it's her who comes -"

Song Shi smiled and said, "I'm going to kill her."

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