Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 181 Infiltration Operation

A cluster of square pillars stand on the gray frozen soil. The ventilation systems throughout the place are always running, constantly removing heat and inputting cold air to maintain the best operating temperature of the equipment.

This is one of the most important businesses of [Zero Degree Network] in Zhuguang City.

Looking down from the sky, the clusters of square pillars are data centers and server units. Under the unique natural climate conditions, their maintenance costs such as heat dissipation will be greatly reduced, and they can contribute to Zero Degree Network all night long.

[Fubo Energy] is one of the undisputed masters of Zhuguang City, and decades ago, even the "one of" could be removed.

However, in the two full-scale corporate wars and the subsequent fluctuations in the situation, in a series of complex games and confrontations, [Zero Degree Network] and [Southern Region Heavy Industry] successively seized the opportunity to enter the Rockal Plain to open up the market and occupy part of the territory of Zhuguang City.

The city government, which had always been a vassal, also took the opportunity to rise. Even though it was still subject to various shackles, it gradually became an important force in Zhuguang City and the surrounding areas with the strong support of the Security Bureau of the United Government.

To this day, on the Rokar Plain centered on Zhuguang City, the authority of [Fubo Energy] is still respected, but after all, it is no longer the "city of one surname" that it was at its peak.


Song Shi slowly exhaled and looked into the distance.

Among the rectangular buildings, there is an eleven-story building protruding. In the frost and snow falling all over the sky, the "Zero Degree Network" LOGO icon on the outer wall shines brightly.

Most of the data centers and server units of Zero Degree Network are arranged outside the city, and this building is one of the control centers.

Perhaps for convenience, eleven years ago, Zero Degree Network set up a "deep diving center" here-from today's perspective, both the building and the deep diving center are a bit outdated, so the priority of attention has been continuously lowered.

"——The camera has been hacked, the fake image has been replaced, the safe passage has been opened, and the estimated safe time is five minutes."

The voice of Lapis Lazuli sounded from the headset: "The camouflage target has been determined, and the 'full representation mimicry' has begun to be carried out during the data comparison."

Twelve seconds later, Song Shi's appearance changed.

His body - or more precisely, his clothes, suddenly lost its original appearance and turned into a piece of blurred color blocks, and then in a flash, it turned into a completely different outline.

The original long-sleeved jacket disappeared, replaced by a tightly wrapped, gray-white combat uniform. The nameplate engraved with the Zero Degree Network logo was attached to the chest, with a slight metallic luster.

——Tactical equipment · [Full representation mimicry suit].

Combining optical imaging, super pixels, thermal mimicry, shallow physical collision simulation and other functions, it surpasses the performance of most camouflage equipment on the market, and is enough to replicate the "full representation mimicry" almost one-to-one, which is an absolutely advanced tactical equipment.

Sponsored by the engineering department of Enlightenment.

The former was not clear about Song Shi's goal, but because of Cha Ke Luo's instructions and the influence of the battle with Anfu Axe, it can be said that there is no need to ask more questions and take whatever is needed.

The plan made by Lapis Lazuli is not complicated. It has locked a nearby patrol security guard by hacking into the camera, and at the same time blocked and forged the communication and real-time images, temporarily isolating the surveillance system.

Song Shi will pass through this temporary safe passage, quickly deal with the security guard, replace him with the "full representation mimicry suit", and then wait for an opportunity to sneak in, and then.


A few wisps of flames entangled the body covered by Song Shi's mouth, but in a blink of an eye, the latter turned into ashes silently along with the equipment on his body, and dissipated in the wind and snow.

With [Embers], there is no need to deal with the body by throwing it into a trash can.

"——No. E71, everything is normal, over."

Without Song Shi's signal, Lapis Lazuli quickly connected to the communication channel with the help of the security guard's tactical terminal and completed the routine report every five minutes-for an intelligent machine, voice correction simulation is a basic skill.

Song Shi put on his helmet, buckled his armor, and picked up the security guard's assault rifle: "How do you feel?"

". Very good."

Like a signal delay, after a few seconds, Lapis Lazuli's voice came: "Nothing is better than this."

"I can feel my body. Can you understand, it's like a patient with lower body paralysis, suddenly one day he feels pain." It paused and murmured: "No, it's more than that."

"To be precise, it's an athlete who was originally vigorous, became paralyzed overnight, and then one day he suddenly found that he seemed to be able to recover from his injuries and even return to the court."

"Sounds good." Song Shi nodded: "Then point a direction so I can get there."

On the tactical interface in the helmet, the map of the deep diving center popped up, and an arrow began to guide.

Lapis Lazuli did not speak again, completely immersed in the resonance - due to the serious injuries in the past, it was in an unimaginable state of injury, and the connection between the "body" and the "consciousness" was abruptly interrupted.

Even as a [transcendent], it is impossible to instantly merge the two into one and restore them to their original state. It needs to resonate continuously and slowly blend and harmonize.

- This is also the reason why it did not do it by itself in the past, but needed a helper and chose Song Shi.

When the two are truly united, it must devote itself to it, and it is difficult to maintain various disguises, and it is temporarily unguarded. The "demon" who has been biting behind him will never miss this opportunity, and will definitely quickly notice and rush over.

In the territory of Zero Degree Network, with a broken body, facing a Depth 4 demon.

It's a bit of a death wish.

"Well, the location is the spare parts warehouse?"

Looking at the location marked by Lapis Lazuli on the map, Song Shi raised his eyebrows slightly.

——Really no one noticed?

But it seems quite reasonable.

Song Shi thought.

Even Lapis Lazuli's own consciousness has become this state, and his body is probably even more riddled with holes. In this case, it is not surprising that he is stuffed into the backlog warehouse as an ordinary spare part - but what is the source?

Judging from Lapis Lazuli's current memory and description, he was probably severely injured during the Freedom Revolution, that is, 22 years ago.

His consciousness sank in the [Abyss], and his body was riddled with holes.

How did [Zero Degree Network] get Lapis Lazuli's body after so long? It can't be picked up.

Eleven minutes later.

In the spare parts warehouse of this control center.

Looking at the things in the deepest part of the warehouse, which were randomly piled together with a pile of old and poorly maintained parts, Song Shi sighed.

".Is this your body?"


At the edge of this pile of parts, there was an alloy right arm with a dull surface - even the name "arm" was a bit untrue, it had no palm or upper arm, only a half-hollowed, rusty forearm.

"It was injured to this extent... then this place is really suitable for you."

A reserve warehouse, such a rich spare parts and materials, after swallowing and replenishing, at least enough for Lapis Lazuli to restore to a "stable" state.

Song Shi found a relatively clean shelf and sat on it.

"——You can go and get your body back."

"I will protect you."

Song Shi's attire has been transformed into a logistics worker's work uniform. He glanced at the warehouse door: "I'll wait for the demon to enter."

"Yu Jiyi..."

Song Shi whispered: "It must be you."

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