Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 170 Five to One

Even if he looks at his ten years of mercenary career, Norman Bessemer has never been so furious for a moment.

With the help of personnel dispatched by Fubo Energy, they hid in this engineering bunker and received final maintenance in preparation for tomorrow's decisive battle.

——Yes, "decisive battle".

The advance payment from [Fubo Energy] has been credited to their account. Even if the subsequent balance is not included, this is still a substantial amount of capital. Taking into account all the commissions, it is enough for all seven members of "Anfu Axe" to retire and slowly enjoy the wonderful life in the future.

In fact, Albert, Lark, and Wendy have made up their minds to leave the corporate alliance and go to the so-called Utopia [Eden] on the far side. Fubo Energy will be responsible for arranging the entire process to ensure that they can change their appearance and become a part of Eden.

In the past few days, everyone has been excited and cautious, but no one plans to back down.

It is true that the [Enlightened One] is a behemoth who dares to challenge giant companies, and even the rumored "Rebel" is here in person.

If there is a real collision, even the "Anfu Axemen" who have received the strengthening plan and enhanced in all aspects - ten, no, even a hundred "Anfu Axemen" are not worth mentioning.

——But [Fubo Energy] also promised that it will bear all subsequent retaliation!

These corporate dogs, who almost embody the word "greed", rarely show such generous faces. Even if you can’t completely believe it, how many “complete” things are there in this world?

Survive in the gap between two giant beasts, in exchange for a great future, and win a splendid life.

This is a huge gamble.

And "Anfu Axeman" has never been afraid of gambling.

Then all of this, those crazy thoughts about the future, the heated discussions about the rest of life, came to an abrupt end half a minute ago.

"One person from the attacking unit! Second-level psychic! Great Source Path!"

The body that had been mostly transformed into machinery roared. The huge alloy prosthetic limb raised the heavy energy machine gun and tightened the trigger. Norman roared angrily: "Don't kill him! I will make him regret being born in this world!"

In the sudden high-energy attack and subsequent chain explosions, five employees sent by Fubo Energy were included.

——Luck, who was still lying in the deep dive cabin, wandering around the Internet, and Albert, who was a sniper, didn't even leave any last words. He watched them turn into molten metal and ashes!

Catch him, torture him, crush him!

You have to cut off every inch of the opponent's flesh and bones, chew and swallow them every bite! Only then can we make up for one thousandth of the hatred!

In the blazing foehn wind, stream after stream of flames rapidly converged and collided with the high-speed plasma clusters, continuously arousing brilliant fireworks that exploded in mid-air.

"It should be so. That's how it should be!"

Looking at the burly figure in front of him who was more than two meters tall and covered with half-covered exoskeleton armor, and the furious gaze that even the tactical helmet could not block, Song Shi laughed wildly: "Don't let the hatred subside! Hate everything in front of you! "

He turned around and slashed forward without hesitation.


But a blue light curtain blocked Zhong Ji's slashing attack!

The "rock formation" energy shield generator provided by Fubo Energy is a piece of equipment mounted on the back of Norman's exoskeleton like a small backpack. At this moment, it was suddenly lighting up, holding up a blue light shield, covering an area one and a half meters in diameter.

The blade struck the light shield, causing violent ripples, but ultimately failed to break through.

Even [Ember] is no longer as destructive as before.

"Ember" is an out-and-out powerful offensive skill. The holder can easily destroy things and burn them to ashes, but the effect of this destruction is mainly on "matter" rather than "energy" - at least in the second Ring time is like this.

After scanning for a moment, five light masks lit up almost at the same time in the rolling waves of flames.

[Fubo Energy] is a well-deserved giant in the field of energy equipment, and the enhancement plan provided for "Anfu Axeman" obviously will not give up the energy shield generator that they are proud of.

In a sense, the five people at this moment had "restrained" Song Shi!

Not wanting to hit the protective cover, the blade that was close at hand stopped for a moment, and Norman raised the muzzle of the machine gun with a grin, roaring crazily under the intelligent auxiliary sight.

Didn't even step back.

Holding the energy machine gun, Norman advanced step by step, constantly forcing the opponent back with a barrage of barrages.

As the leader of the "Anfu Axemen", he is undoubtedly the strongest, and he was also the first to react and the least injured in the fire attack not long ago.

——Boom, boom, boom!

Thumb-sized plasma balls are dropped like heavy rain, or they collide with the flame stream in mid-air and detonate prematurely, or they fail to hit the target and are shot into the ground, leaving a melted crater.

At the same time, a series of rockets trailing flames were fired from the shoulder armor of a companion, bombing indiscriminately and raising thick smoke.

"Keep suppressing fire! Squeeze his evasive space!"

Without selecting the communication channel, Norman roared loudly so that the other party could hear it with his own ears: "Ivan! Lee! Occupy the perimeter! Press down -"


Seeing a ball of fire suddenly coming out of the machine gun and exploding with a bang, Norman couldn't help but be startled.

He subconsciously looked at the weapon pop-up window displayed by the prosthetic eye. The energy heavy machine gun linked to the prosthetic arm showed that it was in good condition - bang, bang bang!

Just like rubbing another stone against a rock wall covered with gunpowder dust, it only takes a little heat to ignite a flame.

Pull the trigger, the muzzle of the energy machine gun just lit up, and then burst into a string of flames again. In the continuous flames, this valuable high-level energy heavy machine gun was completely scrapped.

"——No! There is a problem with the air! Everyone open the breathing filter!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"The opponent's psychic skill has "rendering"! The nature of the air nearby has changed! Stop the hot fire first!"

Without waiting for the others to speak, the pupils of the mercenary named "Ivan" suddenly lit up: "I'll take care of it!"

He fixed his eyes, raised his hand covered with burn marks, and then clenched it suddenly.

——So, the wind blew!

Psychic skill · [Howling], Psychic skill · [Calling Wind].

Let the wind blow away the "rendered" air and pull the main field of the battle back to our side.

But the next moment, as if he saw something incredible and beyond imagination, the man's pupils shrank suddenly.

He was surprised to find that he, who was also a second-ring [Great Source], could not completely disperse the air with the strong wind that was invincible and could crush iron and stone in the past.

The air "rendered" by the other party was like sinking into a pool of extremely sticky glue when the controlled strong wind rushed in. The effect was more than reduced by half?

Of course, he understood that the "rendered" air was like immersing the other party's color. In addition to the change in properties, it also had obvious rejection - but as a second-ring Great Source, how could it be so difficult for him to control the strong wind to disperse it? !

Unless the gap between the two sides as "psychics" has already been.


If the other party has this level, then he could not have been forced to do this just now! Or -

"--The rendering is complete."

Since the broken land flowing with red pulp, Song Shi stopped for the first time.

It can be seen that he has a wound on his lower abdomen, left arm, right thigh and shoulder. With intelligent auxiliary aiming and the coordinated firepower network of five people, even high-speed maneuvering evasion and flame flow protection cannot completely block it.

In the aftermath of the bombardment between the two sides, half of the block centered on this engineering bunker has been razed to the ground, the broken ruins are slowly burning, the thick frost and snow have long melted, and large patches of white mist are evaporating.


Although he was surrounded, Song Shi did not show any fear. Instead, he seemed to be commenting on something, and his eyes swept over the five people not far away.

"Not bad. Not bad." He praised.

The red-gold forging flame burst out from the gaps between his five fingers and lingered on the heavy killer.

The latter kept trembling.

"Essentially, 'energy shield' is just a conventional type of protection. Once the upper limit is exceeded, the energy shield generator will also be overloaded, collapse, and disintegrate."

A fire seed appeared in Song Shi's left hand, which he crushed directly. In the overflowing burning flames, his five fingers stroked the blade of the heavy murder, and then exerted a little force-red-gold, boiling blood immersed in the blade.

The terrifyingly surging huge amount of spiritual energy gathered into a point at this moment.

"The leader of the Anfu Axemen, the strongest among them, Norman Bessemer."

"Just one strike."

Song Shi nodded slightly and held the blade to himself.

"--Deal with you first."

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