Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 169 Fire Seed Falls in the Sky

The howling wind mixed with large flakes of frost and snow swept across all directions recklessly, making the dim world even darker.

Zhuguang City outsourced the entire energy supply bureau to [Fubo Energy], which naturally carried out full marketization, with every ray of sunlight, every spark, and every kilowatt-hour of electricity clearly marked.

Therefore, most residents in the outer city used the electricity they earned for heating and surfing the Internet, and naturally gave up simply turning on the lights for lighting. Whenever night falls, the inner and outer city areas become completely different worlds separated by a wall.

One is neon-lit and the other is dim and cold.

Song Shi turned his head and looked out the window.

Although the shuttle has turned on the "optical camouflage" camouflage system and disappeared from the conventional sense of vision, it is not a "phase shift" of disappearance at the material level and quantized state after all.

Hail will not stop falling because it cannot be seen. They hit the shuttle with crackling sounds, causing Song Shi in it to feel a slight tremor under his seat.

The bright chandelier was shaking, and there was only a young man in the shuttle.

There was not even a driver, and the whole process was operated by the intelligent control system.

"—— There are still four minutes to the target location."

A standard and gentle mechanical sound sounded, which was the reminder of the intelligent control.

Song Shi did not answer.

No matter how anthropomorphic and considerate this intelligent control was, it was not a truly intelligent machine that had awakened "self-awareness". Even Lapis Lazuli would not regard such a thing as the same.

Speaking of "Lapis Lazuli", it did not come with it this time, which was also an agreement between the two - Lapis Lazuli would provide services for Song Shi, and the latter would provide certain shelter and not expose its existence.

Even when facing the Enlightened One.

Based on the accumulation of three bounties through cooperation, both parties have a lot of tacit understanding, but there is still a distance from true honesty - both parties understand that the other party must have their own plans and need the other party to help.

"—— There are still three minutes to the target location."

Song Shi stood up.

He gently stroked the heavy sword, the matte paint brought a slight frosted feeling, and as if sensing the master's will, the blade slowly became hot.

"—— There are still two minutes to the target location."

This shuttle was provided by the Enlightened One, and it was responsible for sending Song Shi to the current base of the "Anfu Axeman" - the fifth district in the outer city, an engineering bunker deployed by [Fubo Energy].

At present, among the six major districts in the outer city, the Enlightened One has captured the third and fourth districts, the company controls the first and second districts, and the fifth and sixth districts are in a state of tug-of-war between the two sides.

As for the inner city area, which is the basic base of Zhuguang City, the company still firmly controls most of it. At present, the actions of the Enlightened One in the inner city area are also mainly small-scale special activities, including but not limited to beheading, infiltration, propaganda, etc.

"—— There is still one minute to the target location."

Song Shi slowly exhaled.

He suddenly opened the hatch, and the biting cold current rushed over instantly, and his clothes and hair were slapped, making a rustling sound.

In the frosty wind, Song Shi stood at the edge of the hatch, overlooking the earth.

A world different from the first and second districts came into view.

——It is brighter here.

Under the desperate attitude of the Enlightened One, the companies led by Fubo Energy rarely relaxed some constraints, and some residues flowed out from between their clenched fingers and invested in the areas under their control.

The most basic point is that the residents of the first and second districts can now enjoy certain discounts when purchasing electricity quotas, and exchange more electricity at a lower price than before.

Whenever night falls, looking down from the sky, the first and second districts now have a bit of cold rain neon scene.

——But it is only "a bit".

Through the restriction of power supply, various separations and distinctions are achieved. This is the basic strategy formulated by giant companies such as Fubo Energy.

Compared with civil facilities that need to pay high electricity purchase fees, commercial entities such as factories can enjoy extremely generous energy supply preferential policies and realize all-night operation.

Under the guidance and supervision of Fubo Energy, these companies and factories even provide commuting expenses reimbursement, cheap stimulants and free work meals, as well as unlimited WiFi.

In the face of these benefits, compared to the cold and dim home, the warm and bright factories and companies are obviously more comfortable. Most workers and employees choose to work overtime voluntarily to a greater or lesser extent - not to mention that going home can only cost money, while staying in the company can make money.

Everyone is not working for the company, but for themselves!

Do more work now, work more overtime, and you will definitely be able to retire earlier in the future and enjoy life.

"—— Reminder! About to reach the target!"

So Song Shi smiled.

Under the dark night, facing the frost and snow, he jumped out without hesitation!

The fierce wind whistled in his ears, and the ground below quickly enlarged in his pupils, and the frost and snow swirled around him - without carrying any protection, Song Shi was directly airborne.

There was just no fear at all.

—— Huh!

In the rapidly changing blurry scene, Song Shi stretched out his right hand, watching the turbid snow crystals covered with industrial dust slip through his fingers, as if sighing, and as if in joy.

When was the last time he airdropped like this?

Then, these few sighs disappeared in the wind.

In their place, fourteen balls of light emerged - these were all the fire seeds Song Shi now had.

And four of them suddenly lit up!

They continued to expand, expand, and expand, and the terrifying red-gold light spread, and the entire night sky seemed to be lit up for a moment.

In the next moment, the fire finally expanded to its limit, and four surging red-red stars fell to the ground below!

——Like the sun falling!

This is a more terrifying blow than a thermobaric bomb.

Each "fire" stores a quarter of its own spiritual energy, and abandons the complex application method and turns into pure energy bombardment. Even if it is still inferior to the thermobaric bomb in terms of simple coverage area, the terrifying destructive power from the "Burning Blood" and "Embers" has completely surpassed it.


——Boom boom boom!

The four fire seeds turned into red-gold flame stars and smashed into the engineering bunker below. The outer shell of the office building used as a disguise was burned up immediately, revealing the fortification structure inside.

The surging heat swept through, and four red-gold balls of light suddenly expanded. When they expanded to a radius of five meters, the balls of light finally burst out completely, and the red-gold flood easily engulfed everything nearby.

In the world of thousands of square meters, the reinforced office buildings melted and collapsed, and the earth cracked, melted, and cracked again. In the surging flames, several "bubbles" suddenly emerged and quickly dissipated. They were several vehicles that stayed here and caused the explosion.

——Then, there was a sharp sound of breaking through the air that broke through the night!

Under him, the flames that were almost stacked into a ring broke one after another. Under the continuous recoil, the huge kinetic energy accumulated by the free fall volume was offset.


Song Shi adjusted his posture in the air, facing the rolling heat, crashed into the flames that had not yet completely dissipated, and stepped onto this scorching land.

In the distance, from the dull and furious mechanical collision sound, several outlines tore a path in the flames and rushed here frantically.

He looked around the area that had become a purgatory, and then stared at the enemy in front of him for a moment.

"——I swear."

Finally, Song Shi raised his head and laughed loudly: "All the stars are at the end, the great source is above - please witness it here!"

"Let the living soul burn, the red blood burn dry, the existing will be turned into nothing, and let all the visible and invisible things turn into ashes"

He held the heavy gun, facing the rain of bullets in front of him, and declared.

"——After this time, before tomorrow, this place will become a scorched earth, and also a purgatory."

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