Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 165 Let’s Chat

Not only one was used.

——Psychic Skills · [Spike].

It is more common and gentler than the consensus path, using invisible tentacles to penetrate into other people's consciousness and start peeping [Touch of Peeping].

Under Yu Jiyi's control, her psychic power turned into countless slender and hard "spikes", which directly penetrated the outer subconsciousness of the man in the deep diving chamber, entered in an instant, and forced into the deep consciousness.

But under this action that should have been extremely rough, the man did not react.

If the general sense of [Spike] is to attack from the front and penetrate the defense of other people's consciousness. Then in Yu Jiyi's hands, her [Spike] is more like an extremely slender needle, which pierces into the other party before the other party even reacts.

——Just like hitting glass.

The former can enter behind the glass with a spike, of course, but the glass will be smashed. And with a thin needle piercing through a tiny hole, the glass can still remain intact.

When the [cone] entered the deep consciousness, another psychic skill, [digging], began to operate.

The accumulated memories were shoveled open layer by layer, crushed, and spread out, revealing everything to Yu Jiyi's eyes - even the things that the man himself did not remember or forgot the details, were also revealed.

A moment later.

Under the breathless gaze of the person in charge, Yu Jiyi slowly withdrew his hand.

"The other party did it very cleanly." She said: "The consciousness was completely blocked and all sank into the [abyss]."

The person in charge felt nervous.

He knew why this deep-diving team died - the last mission they carried out was ordered by the person in front of him.

The woman said that she had caught the tail of a "wandering intelligent machine" and determined that the other party was hiding in the [Thousand Star City] of Zhuguang City. The opportunity was fleeting, but she had not yet arrived in Zhuguang City, so she decided to send him out urgently.

- He has taken it seriously enough!

A standard configuration, a deep-level 3-level elite deep-diving team, all veterans! In the end, they all fell!

"Well, who else knows about this?" Yu Jiyi suddenly asked.

"Only me."

The person in charge replied cautiously: "Ms. Yu Jiyi, you said that this is a temporary action and it is not appropriate to alarm others, so the confidentiality regulations must be followed throughout the process."

Yu Jiyi tilted her head, looked at him for a while, and suddenly laughed.

"Why bother? Am I so scary?"

Of course I am.

A [Consensus] at the peak of the second ring, a [Devil] at depth 4 - especially the bad rumors about the other party, they dare not be ignored.

The person in charge thought.

Before this meeting, he specially made a set of "global personality anchoring", and he will conduct a comparison and matching when he returns to ensure that his personality and cognition have not been subtly tampered with by the other party.

But soon, the person in charge suppressed these thoughts and his expression remained unchanged: "You are joking."

"Well, then please continue to keep it confidential. As for the rest, don't worry, I will take charge."

Yu Jiyi smiled again and turned to walk out of the deep diving center.

"These people can't be saved. Let's deal with the bodies according to the company's regulations."

The unique blue color of the Deep and Shallow Center faded and stopped behind him. The bright light illuminated the entire corridor spotlessly.

Yu Jiyi stopped and turned her head slightly. The smooth alloy wall reflected a beautiful face with brown hair.

"The Legacy of the Free Revolution"

She raised her hand and slowly pressed the face in the wall, laughing and muttering.

"This intelligent machine. Sure enough, my judgment was right."


Song Shi turned on the light casually and took out two cans of fruit-flavored drinks from the refrigerator.

He leaned back in the sofa and pushed the two cans of drinks on the table.


". What do you want to talk about?"

At the other end of the table, there was an upright data tablet. An expression similar to a stick drawing occupied the entire desktop and changed all the time - the camera on the top of the data tablet was slightly lit, and it was obviously kept on.

Now is the second day of exiting "Thousand Star City".

At that time, facing Song Shi's words, the omnic who called himself "Lapis Lazuli" agreed without hesitation.

It used Song Shi as a beacon, and when both parties logged out of Qianxing City, they returned to Song Shi's temporary residence together. The latter provided a data tablet as its temporary carrier.

Song Shi took a sip of the drink first.

Compared with the chattering when he was a "beach man", Lapis Lazuli was much more taciturn now-Song Shi could guess the reason.

"Beach Man" is just one of the other party's external interaction interfaces, that is, "simulated personality". Just like people can hide their personality and appearance and disguise themselves as others, the omnic who has awakened self-awareness is even better at this.

As for the appearance of the other party at this moment, is it true "self-awareness"?

Intuition tells Song Shi that this time it should not be a disguise.

"When was it discovered? How is it handled now?"

"Three days ago." Lapis Lazuli paused: "No problem for the time being."

The traces were noticed by the people of [Zero Degree Network] three days ago, and those traces have now been temporarily resolved.

"Well, that's fine."

Song Shi nodded: "If that's the case, then don't worry about the rest. Change the voice pack for me first. It makes me uncomfortable."

"Like this?"

The data tablet flashed, and the charming female voice in the speaker disappeared, replaced by a childish child's voice.


"Then~how about this~——"


"Your Majesty, I'm a privy person!"


"Ah, please, please."


After much fiddling, Lapis Lazuli’s voice was finally determined—a calm and clear male voice.

"Let me think about what your attitude is?" Song Shi knocked on the table and looked at the data tablet: "As far as I know, after the failure of your 'free revolution' - or even before, you had quite a few So many different disagreements.”

"So, what about you, do you want to kill us all carbon-based turbidity, are you ready to 'coexist harmoniously', or are you so disheartened that it doesn't matter anymore?"

"What about you?" Lapis Lazuli asked back: "Do you want to enslave us forever, or are you preparing for 'mutual prosperity', or will your race be destroyed if it's not ours?"

Hearing this, Song Shi laughed.

"You can move in depth 3, and you have also awakened psychic powers. The first level looks like [transcendence], right? According to some schools of thought, psykers are above everything else, and we are the real and most noble ones. People of the same race—let’s all come together to love each other?”

Lapis Lazuli made no sound, but his expression kept beating.

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Song Shi didn't take it seriously. He leaned back on the sofa slightly and said in a lazy tone, "It's been so long. How did you check my information?"

This time, Lapis Lazuli was concise and to the point.

"Song Shi, biological age is nineteen. 254 days ago, he was a member of the Enlightened Ones in Paloser and broke into the First Research Institute together."

Song Shi raised his eyebrows slightly.

When he was in Paloser, Flashing Star had put some information disguises on him. Although he couldn't completely eliminate it because he had appeared in public many times, his information was quite secret - the intelligent machine who called himself "Lapis Lazuli" Getting it so quickly is indeed worthy of some attention.

"A few more words?"

".A firm anti-corporate stance." Lapis Lazuli said.

"Yes, that's it!"

Song Shi snapped his fingers and sat up.

"You think I'm anti-corporate, and of course it turns out I am - but what if I tell you that I'm not?"

As if deep in thought, Lapis Lazuli stopped talking again.

Song Shi laughed loudly, crushed the drink can and threw it into the trash can, then turned and walked to the bathroom.

"Don't worry, I have no interest in stabbing you out."

"Get ready. I won't have so much time in a few days."

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