The sky-blue armed shuttle approached from a distance and slowly landed on the open-air tarmac.

There is a dark gray painted logo on the outer armor of the airship. The pattern is a perfect geometric circle divided straightly by three parallel vertical lines. The "∞" representing infinity is placed in the center, which is subconsciously evocative. Awe - this is the symbol of the giant enterprise [Zero Degree Network].

With a "pop" sound, gas leaked from the opened armor gaps, and the internal and external air pressures reached equilibrium.

The door of the shuttle opened silently, and a folding ladder descended. Amidst the silent gazes, a slender and blurry outline emerged from the shadows.

The woman slowly stepped out of the shadows, revealing a beautiful face. She has long hair tied up and is dressed very smartly. Apart from the pair of light red prosthetic eyes, she almost looks like a natural person. It is difficult to tell whether there are other prosthetics - or whether the former's implants are all Specialized over-emulation.

I met this man from the head office, who was ranked in the high-net-worth talent training sequence and was destined to have a bright future. The person in charge, who had been waiting here for a long time, took a step forward and whispered: "Miss Yu Xuyi, next."

The young woman known as "Yu Chuyi" raised her hand slightly to indicate that the other party did not need to say this.

"——Take me to see the deep-diving unit numbered UT-05."


The person in charge nodded and led the way.

The elevator descended slowly, and after a series of identity verification and permission checks, the group quickly arrived at Zero Degree Network's "Deep Dive Center" in Cast Light City.

Along the way, Yu Chunyi said nothing and just followed the person in charge calmly, which made the latter feel nervous and stressed.

The cold door slowly opened.

This space, which covers an area of ​​hundreds of square meters, is reminiscent of a nest of peaks. Hexagonal rectangular blocks with metallic colors are closely arranged one after another, forming the ceiling and ground of this "deep diving center".

The faint blue light flows along the cracks of the square blocks, causing faint ripples in the sound of pacing.

Black cubes placed at an angle stand silently and are arranged in sequence. Next to these deep diving chambers used for abyss salvage operations are some transparent life-saving tanks.

The brains that have been completely stripped out and filled with pipelines are soaked in a light green solution. The flesh-colored wrinkles on the surface that squirm from time to time represent that these brains are still active. The other ends of the pipelines are connected to the deep diving chamber on the side. .

There are one to three such brains placed next to each deep dive cabin.

The silent squirming brains and cold black cubes are arranged closely to the end of the border, making this hive look deathly silent and terrifying.

But seeing this scene, neither the person in charge nor Yu Xuyi showed any change in their expressions.

The latter even stopped for a moment and looked at one of the brains with interest.

"The memory used is the 'Resistor' series, the third generation model. It's too old."

The woman's pupils lit up slightly. Although she was just looking at the brain, she seemed to see something. She commented: "This generation of products has caused considerable damage to the hippocampus, but the 'personality reshaping' effect is only marginally acceptable." ”

The memory templates of the [Resistors] series are members of anti-corporate organizations who have been captured by the company over the years.

Their "memory" was extracted, and after a series of extremely complex adjustments, screening and tailoring, the original "resistor" memory was made, which was copied by Zero Degree Network as a template for internal use.

If the character is regarded as a collection of "labels", then the character personality represented by the "Resistor" memory is the most common and stereotyped "Resistor" in film and television.

Hearing this, the person in charge considered his words and carefully explained: "This batch of 'resistor' memories is considered inventory, so we..."

"It's okay, I don't mean to criticize or accuse." Yu Xingyi smiled and said in a calm tone, "It's just what I feel, no need to worry about it."

She raised her head slightly.

Twenty-three years ago, the former giant company [Pure White Biotechnology] officially announced its next-generation flagship product "Clone" under the spotlight.

Even if the ethical accusations and social impacts are trivial, "human cloning" is still an unquestionably great technology. As the developer, [Pure White Biotechnology] has once again demonstrated its absolute position in the field of bioengineering.

It's a pity that when "Clone" was still in the pre-publication stage, the arrival of the "Freedom Revolution" shattered everything.

Even if it was finally settled, the war started by omnics and sweeping across most of the world still changed many things.

Shortly after the end of the liberal revolution, after experiencing a round of baptism of "non-human beings" and an environment full of strong distrust, the "human cloning" technology of [Pure White Creatures] became the target of public criticism - the Scientific Ethics Council requested that it be temporarily shelved. Public opinion is unprecedentedly huge, and other giant companies have taken advantage of the situation to add insult to injury.

But the [Pure White Creature] has no way out.

In order to complete this technology, they invested a lot of resources.

Even if research and development costs are not taken into account, the liquidated damages for various project contracts signed with all parties in advance for "human cloning" products are still astronomical figures. Under the circumstances, no matter what they did, the company's assets were evaporating all the time.

In the midst of weakness visible to the naked eye, [Emerald Pharmaceutical] did not hesitate to join forces with [Chronological Access], which was not a giant enterprise at the time, to launch an attack together - this was the beginning and end of the Fourth Total Corporate War.

When the war ended, [Pure White Creatures] went bankrupt and disintegrated, falling from the position of gods.

And [Emerald Pharmaceuticals] swallowed up most of the former's legacy, and [Time Passage] took advantage of it to ascend to the position of a giant enterprise.

As for the "clone" technology, facing various pressures, [Emerald Pharmaceuticals], which had been temporarily satisfied, chose to seal it up, indicating that it would not be used or put on the market


Yu Jiyi looked around.

She had seen the source of these brains-the assembly line of clone production, where naked bodies were suspended in the air and sent to the designated location along the conveyor belt.

They will be inserted into various memory devices, forcibly cultivating personality and generating emotions in a short period of time, and then sent to the operating room for rapid separation.

The body parts are piled up in the cart for collective recycling. The removed brains are put into life support boxes and sent to the deep diving center.

They will serve as "living plug-ins" for members of the deep diving team to assist in deep diving operations-this is also the impact of [Abyss].

Without psychic powers, it is difficult to stay in the [Abyss] for a long time or sink to a deeper depth, but psychics are rare and not all of them are suitable for deep diving operations.

In response to the demand for "abyss salvage", major companies use "clone" technology to create clones with personality and emotions as an external buffer layer for deep divers to reduce the pressure from diving into the [Abyss].

——To some extent, these brains are "filters".

If the pressure brought by the [Abyss] is regarded as "toxic gas", then these brains are the "filters" in the filter. They are non-psychics, so they cannot eradicate toxic gases, they can only filter part of them and need to be replaced regularly.

The company does not use "clones" anymore, at least no one in the general public knows about it - and that's enough.

The [Resister] series of memories are quite popular in this field. After all, those who dare to resist the company are almost all determined - even if this determination is just artificially cut and fabricated and brought by the memory, but relying on this will, it is still considered a high-quality product of tolerance before the oppression of the [Abyss].

This is the progress of technology.

Even though she has seen it many times, Yu Jiyi still feels happy every time she sees this scene.

With joy in her heart and indifference in her expression, she walked towards a deep diving chamber.

The person in charge's artificial eyes flashed, and the misty cold air overflowed. The deep diving chamber slowly opened, revealing the scene inside.

From the rapidly descending orange solution, a naked man slowly emerged. He closed his eyes tightly, and there were many tubes inserted into his body, the thickest of which was connected to his brain-computer interface located on the occipital bone.

"The deep diving force of Zhuguang City, standard configuration, number UT-05."

The person in charge said: "There are four people in total. They all failed to float up during the deep diving operation yesterday. Their consciousness is completely submerged, and only weak physiological signs are retained. The medical department has conducted preliminary tests and confirmed that they are no longer worth rescuing."

"But as for memory, we can't do it"

"Let me take a look."

Yu Jiyi nodded.

She raised her slender and powerful right hand and gently pressed the top of the man's head.

From the path of [Consensus], the spiritual energy of the peak of the second ring emerges silently.

Spiritual skills.


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