Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 161 Falling into the Abyss

"Psychic. At least the second ring."

Watching the visitor leave the local network domain belonging to the [Theater], the receptionist sighed: "The current Casting Light City is really getting more and more troublesome."

As a local network domain set up within the framework of the "Thousand Star City", unless the visitor voluntarily agrees, the rules of "anonymous service" must be followed.

In such a place that is not completely considered its own territory, even the well-known hacker organization [Theater] cannot see through the visitor's disguise and identify his true identity.

But as the [Theater]'s clerk in the Thousand Star City, the man still has some eyesight.

With the help of the local network domain, he can see that the other party has psychic power, but he can't be sure which ring it is.

Just considering the bounty targets chosen by the other party, he must have the strength of the second ring-of course, if this person has a set of advanced customized equipment and prosthesis, that's another matter.

"The ace agent of the Security Bureau, the elite troops of giant enterprises, and the continuous reinforcement of the Enlightened Ones"

The man thought.

Even the aerospace carrier was brought out, forcing that Chakolo to come out in person - he was a fifth-ring psychic.

Even if he had the highest authority in the [Theater], the several "Abyss Lords" above him at depth 5 were much inferior, and he had to be cautious, and even to a certain extent, bow his head.

He sighed again and couldn't help but think seriously.

- Or, should I leave the City of Forged Light for a while?

These days, even ordinary citizens have vaguely noticed something, and as a clerk of the [Theater], he knows much more than ordinary citizens.

The current situation is getting more and more difficult. What if one day in the future these forces get too excited and use all kinds of restricted means to carry out extermination operations - what if the aftermath of the battle directly drowns me in the deep diving chamber?

My body is not strong, and the implant configuration specializing in "network hacking and protection" cannot withstand a high-power plasma cannon.



After a flash of white light, Song Shi reappeared on the streets of Qianxing City.

Thanks to the rapid development and flourishing network ecology in recent years, there are not a few hacker organizations in the world today.

Even if the prefixes of "well-known" and "powerful" are added, this number can exceed two digits-and as the most cutting-edge network technology [Enterprise Alliance], most of the former were born here.

However, compared with real organizations, most of them can only be regarded as a loosely structured interest gathering.

There are no charters and plans, nor are there commanders with mandatory effect. They often get together to exchange technology on a whim, or even launch an illegal activity against the company.

Nine years ago, one of the flagship products of [Time Pass], the latest airship of the "Skyline" series, was leaked on the eve of the official launch conference. Its complete design drawings and detailed data were suddenly leaked, along with a set of ultra-clear bird pictures of a certain director of Time Pass, and spread wildly on the Internet.

Within four hours of the leak, seven hacker groups, including [Doomsday], [Clock Wizards], and [Transparent Iron Curtain], emerged, all claiming that they planned the leak and were willing to take full responsibility for it, and they were very popular on the Internet for a while.


In the crazy revenge that followed [Time Passage], the members of these seven hacker groups scattered instantly, leaving harsh words and disconnecting the link, trying to escape.

Until today, except for the emoticons made by the director's ultra-clear bird, this once noisy event has completely come to an end, and has settled in the deep seabed of the network composed of a huge amount of information, gradually disappearing from people's memory.

Compared with these forces that tend to be "interest gatherings", [Theater] is one of the few hacker groups with systems and management. As a platform, it provides various services, while collecting resources, and will provide some shelter, promotion and help for members. Similarly, these members also have to contribute their own strength to [Theater].

Essentially, [Theater] is still not a strict organization with strict rules. It still retains the traditions and customs of hackers - illegal, unscrupulous, free, and everyone flees when disaster strikes.

But compared to those of the same kind, [Theater] is already "formal".

——This is also the reason why I chose to find "Theater".

Song Shi thought.

In his previous life, he had cooperated with the theater several times, and the experience was pretty good - at least he could find after-sales service.

In the transaction just now, the other party promised to integrate all the information of the bounty personnel within 72 hours and send it to him. At the same time, he was willing to assume the function of "middleman" and negotiate with the bounty issuer and withdraw money on behalf of Song Shi.

Song Shi was of course happy to be free.

This kind of complicated and meaningless thing, I don't want to waste time on it.

At this moment, a buzzing gunshot suddenly sounded from not far away.


Song Shi looked at the source of the sound, and then his expression changed slightly.

On the street splashed with scorching sunlight, a man in short-sleeved shirt and beach pants fired a pistol, and a wisp of green smoke drifted from the muzzle.

Directly in front of him was a man in the same outfit, but wearing a classic knight's helmet.

However, at this moment, the place where the man was hit by the bullet was like a signal distortion, with a large piece of blurred pixels appearing, and the outer shell was damaged, revealing the "true body" deeper inside.

This is not a joke, and the pistol is not just for show.

With the help of virtual infiltration technology, the originally abstract network and data will be transformed into a more concrete world visible to the naked eye, which is easier for users to understand and apply.

The broken shell represents "anonymous breakthrough", and the bullet nailed in is "IP lock".

——This guy is serious!

He took action in [Thousand Star City]!

Almost in the next breath after the gunshot, accompanied by a sharp alarm, the scene within a radius of 50 meters with the gunman as the center was all dyed scarlet, like the dusk of the doomsday.

Above the street, several light balls began to solidify rapidly, with a burly outline - that is the self-disciplined guard of [Thousand Star City], which can be understood as the immune protein in the human body and the anti-virus software in the computer.

Seeing this scene, the shooter did not panic.

——Three figures jumped out of the crowd nearby at the same time!

Obviously, he was not alone.

The four people took out their weapons and summoned real equipment. The dark blue exoskeleton that looked a bit like a diving suit and a power armor instantly emerged and covered them.

As the four men rushed over, the man who was shot did not sit still and wait for death. He rolled and crawled, knocking away pedestrians and running wildly into the distance.

Song Shi's position was exactly in the direction of his running.


The roar of the surging engine began to roar, and the "Self-Discipline Guard" above had been loaded. With the huge computing power of Qianxing City, the muzzle of the data-crushing gun began to light up.

Everything happened in just an instant.

When the man who was shot ran into Song Shi and was about to reach the blockade boundary, looking at the artillery that had been locked on his head, the leader of the four people no longer hesitated - the thruster of the power armor was instantly overloaded.

At the suddenly increased speed, the moment he approached the man who was shot, ignoring Song Shi who was close at hand, he crushed something with one hand!

Ripples appeared on the ground, and then turned into waves. In less than a frame, the nearby streets suddenly twisted and turned in a geometrically non-conforming form.

Then, just like a membrane that is constantly stretched and tightened, when it can no longer bear the limit, it tears apart with a sound.

The objects on the membrane fall deeper together.

The "sharp needle" technology from [Zero Degree Network] breaks through the local defense of Qianxing City, penetrates the current zone layer, and pulls the target into a deeper depth zone layer.

Current zone layer.

—— [Depth 3].

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