As if oil paint was splashed and smeared randomly, the gorgeous sky faded away behind him. After the familiar short-term dizziness disappeared, Song Shi arrived at his destination.

——Depth 1, [Thousand Star City].

Compared with before, Song Shi, who had been promoted to the second level now, felt almost no discomfort caused by falling into the abyss.

Stepping on the street made of pure data, he opened his eyes and looked around.

Although the general outline is similar, in details, the "City of Thousand Stars" here is still different from the "City of Thousand Stars" in Palower. The most eye-catching point is "sunshine".

Yes, sunshine.

From the center of Thousand Stars City, a blazing white straight line rises straight into the sky, and turns into scattered light rain at the highest point, forming an upside-down bowl-shaped light shield - this is the barrier that separates Thousand Stars City from the abyss. , a concrete display of "firewall".

Paloser also has this light mask.

The only difference is that above the light shield of this Thousand Stars City, there are three red and blazing sun disks that are difficult to see directly!

It's like I have suffered some grievances and losses, and I want to make up for it here.

They burn quietly, pouring synthetic sunlight that perfectly matches the natural sunlight "spectrum" data into every corner of Thousand Stars City, bringing a warm, even hot feeling - of course, the anonymous person who logs into Thousand Stars City Users can change the pseudo-sensory parameter settings and shield them by themselves.

But few people do this.

Song Shi took a casual glance and found that many people were even naked from the waist up, wearing only beach pants.


He nodded slightly, stopped standing, turned around and walked down the street.

As one of the fulcrum cities where [Fubo Energy] is vigorously developing, the prosperity of Zhuguang City is significantly stronger than that of Palother, even the "Thousand Stars City" is the same.

Floating castles, crypt bars, ancient-style virtual arenas, and the Dead Ship Casino floating in the sea are all a dazzling array of bizarre sights.

But soon, Song Shi found his target.

It was a promotional poster posted in the corner. There was no text on it, only a realistic, thick-painted picture - the dark curtain was undrawn, and the outlines of several puppets were faintly protruding.

Next to this poster, there are fake identities, weapons and equipment transactions, stolen goods, and intelligence sales. These real and fake advertisements are stacked together, almost completely submerging the former.

Song Shi did not hesitate and directly tore off the poster.

The next moment, from the young man's perspective, an equally dark brown pop-up window popped up.

It only has one line.

【please enter--】

Song Shi entered a string of numbers.


【You have two more chances】

【please enter--】

The poster in his hand was also slightly wrinkled.

Song Shi raised his hand and entered another series of numbers.


【You have one more chance】

【please enter--】

As the poster became more and more wrinkled, it gradually took on an old yellow color.

"Tsk, this won't work either?"

Song Shi clicked his tongue and finally did not type again immediately.

Today is the year 2151 of the New Calendar, nineteen years before he died in battle.

——In the current [theater], which secret key will be used to enter?

After thinking about it for a while, Song Shi slowly entered a new number.

The poster froze for a moment, then burst into pieces!

The entire poster was torn into pieces, and these fragments split second and third times in the air, like butterflies flying all over the sky, turning into a small whirlwind and wrapping Song Shi. Then there was a flash of light, and these flying fragments, including Song Shi, were Disappear in place.

When Song Shi opened his eyes again, the scene around him was completely different.

In a dark environment, the auditorium was arranged in a staircase, and at this moment Song Shi was sitting in the middle seat of the third row. The walnut wood armchair had a different touch.

——Except for Song Shi, this huge "theater" was empty.

In front of the auditorium, there is a stage covered by a thick curtain. As if aware of the audience's arrival, with a soft "bang" sound, a beam of light was cast from above, and the entire stage suddenly lit up.

The curtain slowly opened.

Countless crystals hang from the huge chandeliers, which reflect light and blurry colors. They also light up the magnificent dome and the luxurious and honorable furnishings below for the audience.

The brisk music sounded, and the actors with exquisite makeup walked out from behind the scenes and began to perform the plot in the singing——

"That's almost it."

Nineteen minutes after the play started, Song Shi put his right hand on his head, tilted his body, and finally said: "——Purely bad movie."

"Impeccable service, jaw-droppingly exquisite special effects and props, using technology to generate a 'data personality', creating a perfect virtual actor that can only be used in one work, and then matching it with an inexplicable plot."

He commented: "It's really bad fun."

As his words fell.

The originally melodious music suddenly stopped, and the stage seemed to be suddenly frozen.

Then, with unchanged expressions on their faces, still immersed in the play, these characters turned their heads at the same time, staring straight at Song Shi.

Song Shi sneered, and flames ignited between his fingers.

"Hey, don't be anxious, don't be anxious."

Then, a voice quickly sounded.

At some point, there was an additional person on the right side of Song Shi. He was sitting in the audience and his face could not be seen clearly.

"This is our tradition, can't you respect it?"

"That's why I'm speaking now." Song Shi replied.

"Ah, okay, okay. By the way, where did you get your entry key? I remember this one is quite new and it hasn't been issued for a long time-"

Song Shi turned his head, glanced at him, and said lightly: "Why have I never heard that the famous hacker organization [Theater] would ask for the identity of visitors?"

The man was not embarrassed, and laughed: "My my, sorry. So, what are your needs?"

"Are you planning to seek remote network technical support, or do you want to inquire about some intelligence? Of course, we also welcome technical exchanges. After all, the greatest thing about the Internet is openness. and sharing."

"However, considering the recent situation of Zhuguang City, if you want to hire our network support service, the price will be higher-"

"I need a list." Song Shi said: "Currently, there is a list of people with bounties in Zhuguang City."

"Bounty. List?" The other party repeated it and asked: "Are there any screening criteria?"

"List them all for me to see first."

So, the other party nodded, knocked on the armrest of the chair, and about a minute later, a half-human-high puppet suddenly fell from above, with a thin wire on his body.

The puppet held a paper list in both hands.

However, after taking off the list and opening it, it still looked like an electronic display screen.

Song Shi started browsing from top to bottom, according to the amount of the bounty from high to low.

The first one, Chaklo Vaughan, the bounty column is "∞", which is a symbol for infinity.


The second one, Emanuel Groden, the bounty column is also "∞". This is the agent of [Fubo Energy] in Zhuguang City and the surrounding areas, a core member of the Groden family, and a real member of the decision-making level of a giant enterprise.

Ignore it, just tick it for now.

The third, fourth, and fifth

After the most important figures, there are some characters that can be called "prominent", "honorable", and "troublesome" in the conventional sense.

Among them are well-known entrepreneurs, the heads of contraband smuggling networks, high-risk wanted criminals with a lot of cases, senior officials of government agencies, or core backbones of companies and street gang leaders, and even a few bounties for capturing "stars" and "idols" alive.

Song Shi thought for a while, ticked the avatars of seven of them, and handed the list back to the other party.

"Collate the information of these people and send it to me together with the bill." He stood up and gave a temporary link: "Well, use this for the account."

Looking at the seven people he ticked, the man looked a little subtle: "So many?"

Song Shi replied.

"So many for now."

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