Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 159 End and Beginning

The hall became silent again.

Gwenlin and Song Shi had already left, and after watching them leave, Cha Ke Luo walked up to the platform again and stood quietly.

——In a sense, he is now a "prisoner".

The fifth ring psychic is enough to decide the situation even in the most intense battlefield, an absolute "strategic deterrent". Even in the Seven Lands War of the past, once the fifth ring psychics began to enter the battlefield, it meant that the war was about to reach its climax and end.

Even the giant companies that claim to be gods may be in awe.

Because of this, with the acquiescence and neutrality of the other giant companies, Nanyu Heavy Industry, Zero Network and Fubo Energy - especially the latter with the largest contribution, did not completely prevent the Enlightened from entering the Casting Light City, which led to the current situation.

Unlike Fubo Energy, which regards "Casting Light City" as one of its core fulcrums, the other giant companies did not lose too much interest. Although Nanyu Heavy Industry and Zero Network, which also have industries here, are different, their level of importance is definitely not as high as Fubo Energy.

——Using the Enlightened One of Zhuguang City as a liaison, the "Rebel" is imprisoned here!

Under the personal deterrence of the "Rebel", this war that concerns the future of Zhuguang City, the fourth ring and above combat forces of all forces will not and dare not enter. But on the other hand, Cha Keluo cannot take action or deploy the fourth ring and above combat forces belonging to the Enlightened One.

This fact that makes Fubo Energy extremely frustrated is a very favorable condition for other giant companies. After all, in this way, Cha Keluo cannot interfere in other places-their territory will be much easier.

After all, who makes [Fubo Energy] the only two giant companies without the fifth ring sitting in it.

".Just now, did you let it go?"

A low voice suddenly sounded.

In the air, countless light dust particles suddenly emerged, and then gathered into one in a few breaths, outlining the outline of a person.

He was a middle-aged man in dark work clothes with a stern expression.

His appearance was no different from that of an ordinary natural person, but he inexplicably gave people a subtle sense of otherness.

It was as if there was some unimaginable huge creation that was gathered at one point, and its mere existence would cause ripples of gravity.

And it was obviously just a remote holographic projection, but even if observed with an artificial eye, there was almost no difference from the real person - the body temperature, the rhythm of breathing, the unimaginable ultra-high pixel matrix and the simulated representation.

"What a stupid question." Cha Keluo commented, and then asked back: "Xu, you are also a fifth-ring, and you have even been in it longer than me - can't you really see it?"

Another fifth-ring psychic of the Enlightened One.

[Transcendence] Path, "Factory", Xu Yudu

"I was very serious and tried my best." Cha Keluo shook his head slightly and sighed: "But just now, I did lose a line."

Xu Yudu was silent for a moment: "Yes, that's why I can't believe it."

"What's so unbelievable about this? You, Song Shi, don't you have a saying there? Let me think about it."

Cha Keluo snapped his fingers: "——The world is so big that there are all kinds of things."

"In that case."

"He must have a place among the strongest people of this generation of [Dayuan]. Cha Keluo made an evaluation.

Then, he shook his head, sighed, and said distressedly: "If you look at it this way, the pressure on my shoulders will be even greater."

"——The battle between [Balance] and [Dayuan] in this generation cannot be suppressed by them."

When saying the first sentence, Cha Keluo's tone was serious and earnest, but in the second and third sentences, he put away his seriousness and laughed again.

Seeing the other party's attitude, Xu Yudu's expression also relaxed. He snorted: "You represent [Balance] to reach the top of all paths and we overthrow the company order. Which do you think is more difficult?"

"Sorry, I choose both!"

The man laughed.

"——Because I am Chakolo."


"I helped you to modify it again. Now this phone will be much safer."

Gwenlin handed the phone back to the young man.

She was not surprised that the person in front of her had almost no implants. Because she knew that some psychics would pursue "purity" and would not implant prostheses unless there were special circumstances.

Song Shi took the phone, glanced at it casually, and nodded to indicate that he understood.

"In addition, because of the Groden Glory, we are temporarily in a ceasefire. What are your plans for the next few days? Do you need me to provide accommodation?"

"No need for accommodation."

Song Shi refused and looked into the distance.

At this moment, they were on the middle floor of the building, looking out from a row of transparent floor-to-ceiling windows.

At the end of the distant vision, a huge alloy wall stood in the snow.

"Since I have some free time these days." Song Shi smiled: "Let me go for a walk alone first."

Gwenlin had a bad feeling.

However, considering Cha Keluo's attitude, she suppressed this feeling in her heart and remained unchanged.

".I understand."

Gwenlin nodded.

Her abdomen split along the connection line, revealing the hidden space, and the slender and powerful prosthesis took out the things inside, which was a plastic bag containing a data chip, ID card and credit card.

"We have made a fake identity for you to facilitate your daily use of various network services. There is some intelligence and analysis in the data chip, which will help you understand the situation in Zhuguang City. If there are any changes, we will notify you in real time."

"This credit card is registered in the name of a shell company. It is safe and can be used at will. I have deposited 300,000 credit points - I know that credit points are not very meaningful to you, so this is only a living allowance for you in Zhuguang City."

"Generous." Song Shi praised.

He opened the plastic bag, took out the things inside, and threw it casually. The plastic bag burned silently in the air and turned into ashes.

After explaining these, Gwenlin left.

As an administrative director, especially at this time when the situation is becoming more and more tense, she has a very heavy workload and almost no free time.

The "stand-in" technology also has its limits. At present, Gwenlin can put her consciousness into the "stand-in" at the same time. The upper limit is three bodies. She can separate one to receive Song Shi in person because Cha Keluo asked to meet him not long ago, and she attaches great importance to it.

Song Shi wandered around the building for a while, but it wasn't very interesting, so he left the building and rented a house in the third district. After packing everything up, he started to prepare to do some of his own things.

——[Thousand Star City].

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