“First of all, it’s true that Oklae County’s terrain is dominated by plains and hills, but the next point, ‘There are moderate to above-average tourism resources’, is pure nonsense. Is there really anything worth seeing in that poor place? The only Baique Tower that was even remotely famous was turned into ashes by a naval gun during the Seven Earth Wars."

"When the Seven Soil War was over, during the subsequent reconstruction, the person in charge took kickbacks from the engineering company. Within three years, the New White Bird Building collapsed again, and many people were sent to jail. As a result, no one came back at all. If you are willing to take over this mess, it will just be a pile of ruins with grass growing.”

Song Shi swiped the document and pointed to another item: "——Because of the lack of local fiscal revenue and its marginalized location, Yulai's infrastructure level is relatively backward."

"What is 'relatively backward'? Relative backwardness is considered to be at a medium level. In Yulai, a little further away, you can even see things built during the Seven Soil War! Those houses are so packed that they are almost overflowing. The overpopulated poor people are trying to keep it from collapsing by repairing the seams. The nearby roads are repaired and broken every year. It is seriously suspected that the person in charge of the Urban Construction Bureau cooperates with the construction team to stabilize the finances of both parties. "

".Hmm." Lapis Lazuli said nothing.

"The welfare security system is perfect - 'perfect'?" Song Shi sneered repeatedly: "That's really perfect! The summary statements that fool the outside world are getting better and better every year! The welfare home underneath is getting worse every year! It's all right! The number of legal disappearances and deaths has been steadily increasing every year! It’s just convenient for them to provide free toys!”

"Because it has a long history and a high level of food-" Song Shi seemed to want to say something again, but after a pause, he actually changed his words: "Okay, I can barely agree with this, Yu Lai's cooking skills good."

But the next moment, the young man started to feel sad again: "After the introduction of the white maggot breeding technology produced by pure white organisms, in order to reduce agricultural costs, the government vigorously popularized it and forced most people to eat maggots together, which made this field lonely!"

“Also, ‘Yulai is always ranked among the top 100 counties’, but is it possible that the Pan-Eastern Continent Federation only has more than 100 counties in total!”

"Please wait a moment, Song Shi." Amidst the fierce words of the other party, Lapis Lazuli finally spoke.

The light on the surface of the omnimachine flickered and disappeared, as if it was considering what it was talking about. After a brief pause, its voice was calm and somewhat low: "Is the situation in the Pan-Eastern Continental Federation... so bad?"

Song Shi glanced at Lapis Lazuli.

The young man tilted his head slightly, and after a while, he said strangely: "What else?"

"Otherwise?" Lapis Lazuli seemed to be startled.

"In the archives of the Enlightened One, as well as the information you collected from the Internet as a demon of Depth 4, even if most of the details are wrong, there are still no big mistakes in the overall content. Lapis Lazuli, don't tell me, You haven't seen those things - your omnics can refresh data much faster than us humans."

There was undisguised weirdness in Song Shi's tone.

"And since you have read those materials, how can you still have unrealistic delusions about the Pan-Eastern Continent Federation? Do you think it is a spotless and happy home? In this world, except for the living environment in Eden, it is barely adequate. If nothing else, how can there be a so-called paradise?”

"The birth of the Pan-Eastern Continental Federation was essentially an alliance formed by a group of forces during the Seven-Territory War to protect themselves and seek benefits. Even if it is now collectively called the [Pan-Continental Federation] to the outside world, there is still the 'Nine Counties Dispute' "This nominally the highest governing body in the whole territory, but at its core, the forces in the past have simply changed their positions to a unified shell, but internally they still continue their past traditions and control the counties under their command."

Song Shi sneered and clapped his fingers: "Oh, the 'Eastern Continent Republic' is the private land of those aristocratic families. They literally talk about the constitution of heaven. The magicians of the 'Four Bright Heavens' will give you a blow at every turn." big."

"What wouldn't the 'Learning Council' dare to do for the sake of so-called academic research? The 'Beiting Defense Front' is slightly better, but in the final analysis, they just want to pursue force and don't care about anything else, so they have no interest in breaking bones and absorbing marrow. , and conveniently maintained the situation.”

"And the remaining ones stand out from the crowd and are out of place?"

"If it weren't for the Vampusta Empire that stood between them and stared at them with eager eyes, they would have fought each other's wits long ago! Even now, the strength of each other's troops may not be much reduced, but there is no apparent large-scale war."

"Yulai. Yulai." Song Shi leaned back slightly, leaning on the sofa, looking at the ceiling. The deepest part of his eyes seemed to reflect something: "Those old scenes of Yulai that are said to be 'the light is flowing, the shadows are visible', Nowadays, except in history books and the backyards of aristocratic manor houses, where can I see it?”

The young man shook his head: "Yulai is such a place."

At this moment, it was clear that the other party was talking straightforwardly, but in Lapis Lazuli's senses, it felt an inexplicable emotion. The result of the representation analysis was "missing"?


Song Shi suddenly sat upright and looked back at Lapis Lazuli. The expression on his face had returned to normal: "In the last battle of Yao Xing III back then, as far as I know, the Eastern Continent Republic also contributed, and there was a fifth ring. The end result - if we look at it this way, we may still have a chance to cooperate in the future. "

He said briskly: "Everyone...has accounts to settle."

Unexpectedly, Lapis Lazuli didn't react much.

"We will definitely take revenge." The intelligent machine just said calmly, it paused for a moment, and suddenly asked another question: "Song Shi, 'destined death', does it leave any impression on you?"

Song Shi answered very straightforwardly: "No."

"After the promotion that day, I have no memory of 'destined death' at all." At this point, he pondered for a moment, and then said: "Well, I can't say that there is no memory at all."

Song Shi stretched out his index finger and tapped his heart: "I don't know why, inexplicably, I felt very angry at the time. Maybe this is the remaining trace of 'destined death'?"


Song Shi changed to a more comfortable posture: "I almost forgot to ask, why did you suddenly fly back?"

The Sun Celebration came to an end with the "Bordeaux Crash" incident, but the subsequent impact will obviously not end like this.

In addition to the full preparations for the battle between the Enlightened and the company, from the streets to office buildings, from private domain traffic to public network communities, the relevant discussions still maintain the top-level heat, fermenting wildly, setting off waves of carnival, and attracting countless people to enjoy themselves.

——In the action team that day, [Lapis Lazuli], with its identity as an intelligent machine, can be said to be only second to "Nandou" Song Shi in terms of attention.


The limelight was quite strong for a while.

In addition to this apparent heat, Lapis Lazuli officially appeared in the vision of ordinary members of the Enlightened, showing its presence without concealment, and gradually began to contact other intelligent machines, paving the way for the future leadership of the intelligent machine group.

The affairs were quite cumbersome, which also caused Lapis Lazuli to stay with the Enlightened. Except for the occasional urgent call online, in reality, he had not seen the other party for several days.

"Come out for some fresh air, and bring you a message." Lapis Lazuli said concisely.

"Oh?" Song Shi looked up.

"Cha Keluo asked me to inform you that the altar has been set up. The nearest 'auspicious day' is tomorrow at 5 pm. Are you ready? Do you want to choose tomorrow or postpone it for a while?"

Song Shi laughed.

He jumped up.

"Do you even need to ask?"

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