Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 267 Beyond Beyond

"Optical cloaking equipment, and a temperature controller. When did you install these modules?"

The frost and snow in front of us whistled as usual, but when they touched a certain invisible boundary, they all melted silently and turned into a warm and harmonious warm wind in an instant.

The third ring of spiritual power.

If you want, it is enough to forcibly change the environment.

Song Shi sat cross-legged on the top of the lapis lazuli stone-the latter temporarily assembled an alloy tray. Under the kinetic energy provided by the anti-gravity vector engine, the two sides were flying straight over the first area, passing through the buildings that were obviously newly built, somewhat out of tune with the surrounding low buildings, and even seemed scattered and thin, heading towards a base of the Enlightened.

But at this moment.

When most people looked up, they could only see the dark and depressing sky that seemed eternal, but could not find the dragging track that passed by.

-Because the lapis lazuli simultaneously turned on "temperature control" and "optical cloaking".

It is not the power of psychic skills, but the additional functional modules, two special equipment at the purely technological level.

"Urban street fighting, complex environment." Maintaining manned anti-gravity flight did not affect the conversation with Lapis Lazuli at all, and even its voice was still clear: "Some functional equipment can play a better effect than pure armed modules."

"I have not yet re-upgraded to the third ring, and my combat power is insufficient. At the same time, my ability as a depth 4 demon has also been limited to a certain extent. With the full-scale war imminent, I need immediate combat power. Functional modules are one of my reinforcement plans."

Several "lines of sight" were projected over, and after confirming the identity and authority verification, they were quickly retracted.

That was the alert of the Enlightened One's air defense system in the control area.

Including but not limited to short-range weapon clusters, electronic countermeasures, radar defense lines, beyond-visual-range interception networks and multiple extraordinary units stationed.

A few days ago, the Enlightened One issued a notice to its control area and completely took over the air traffic network. Any unauthorized shuttles, drones, or even ordinary citizens who dare to fly with a jetpack will be attacked indiscriminately once the flight altitude exceeds 45 meters.

However, this restriction is naturally equivalent to nothing for Lapis Lazuli and Song Shi, who have made outstanding achievements, especially the latter, who is a non-staff member who has been privately received by Cha Keluo many times.

Perhaps it is also because he is quite angry about the latter point, envious, and can't get over the hurdle in his heart, or simply excited to see the prey. From the time Song Shi first killed Anfu Axeman to the present when he shot down Bordeaux, the members of the Enlightened have never stopped coming to exchange ideas.

Song Shi almost never refuses anyone.

Although most of them can only be evaluated as "courageous", under the leadership of Cha Keluo, the current Casting Light City has gathered quite a few elites of the Enlightened, and he has really met several "good" strong players and "promising" potential stocks.

For example, the strongest person in the Lightcasting City, [Shadow of the South], Fast La.

The third ring peak [Truth], the already outstanding talent, and the strong will tempered by blood and fire in the long confrontation with the company. Even Song Shi had to admit that he could not defeat the opponent for the time being based on his current state.

After all, he had just entered the third ring, and among the seven new psychic skills, he only engraved [Huo Yan].

"Song Shi."

Lapis Lazuli shook a floating gravity ball lightly, compressed the flyers flying towards him into a ball, and accurately shot it into the trash can on the street below. While doing this, its flying posture did not fluctuate: "Cha Ke Luo told me that you are like him, not restricted by the psychic realm, and can freely engrave psychic skills."

It asked: "Do you have any ideas? Psychic skills after [Sui Shi]."


Song Shi knocked on the chassis, indicating that the other party should expand the area so that he could lie down: "Highly maneuverable escape method, convenient wide-area attack, divine pupils that break delusion and see the void, and trump cards that can make the final decision"

The young man said, pinching his chin: "Hiss, if you look at it this way, there are still many things missing now."

"What are your plans? Re-engraving the original road?" Then, Song Shi asked.

After knowing the true identity of Lapis Lazuli, Song Shi took the time to browse the other party's files.

——The fourth ring [Transcendence], "Meteor", Attar.

The reason why the other party was called "Meteor" in the past was that he controlled a large number of "mobile gravity generators", that is, those mechanical balls. Under the spiritual power enhancement of the fourth ring, the gravity strength of these mechanical balls will be increased to an incredible level.

The "Meteor Group" under full effort is a terrifying destructive force that is enough to flatten mountains and sink the earth.

It's just a pity that even the power that reaches the level of "terrain change" seems a little insufficient in the battlefield of multiple fifth rings, so the other party was forcibly torn into pieces, his memory was shattered, and his spiritual power plummeted to the level of the second ring.

Even if Yaoxing San forcibly protected it, it took twenty years to wake up after falling to the earth.

But this is also a precious opportunity.

Those psychic skills that were once engraved dissipated in this process of near resurrection from the dead - but Lapis Lazuli could feel that it could actually regain these psychic skills.

As long as it followed the steps and climbed up the psychic realm again, these dissipated psychic skills could be naturally restored one by one without the restrictions of rituals.

However, Lapis Lazuli also realized another choice.

That was the path called [Transcendence], which was given to it when it was about to re-enter the third ring.

——Start all over again.

Completely abandon the first choice and truly walk the path of psychic ascension again.

Starting from the third ring, completely abandon the past psychic skills, and replace them with brand new vacancies, which need to be re-engraved through rituals and other methods.

If the first method is chosen, the psychic skills cannot be changed at all, and they will remain the same combination. If the second method is chosen, then the past psychic skills will completely disappear, and all must be started all over again - even those that are the same must be re-verified by the ritual.

... A more difficult ritual.


After the psychic gradually approached the door of the third ring, two completely different paths have appeared in front of Lapis Lazuli.

Then, the intelligent machine spoke.

It said calmly: "I want to surpass it."

"Not bad. No, it's very good." Song Shi smiled and clapped his hands, praising it generously: "If you want to become the next generation leader of the intelligent machine, you must have this ambition to be qualified. Yaoxing III has a good successor, and I look forward to seeing the day when you surpass it."

As the two sides talked, the residential area below became increasingly sparse, and was replaced by a large number of defensive fortifications. Most of the armed personnel looked tense and hurriedly shuttled between the fortifications.

The Enlightened One's logistics base has arrived.

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