The engineering team of the Enlightened One did not lie.

In order to show their importance and high standards, they built the altar on the top of the hundreds-meter-high building of the Enlightened One's headquarters in Zhuguang City. When the awning was removed, it looked like a striking vermilion stalagmite emerged from the building from a distance.

Thanks to today's powerful materials and engineering, even if it was built quickly, the entire altar is 27 meters high. The whole body is laser-carved and covered with patterns such as flowing clouds and Kuilong, and treasure elephants carrying bottles. Statues of various immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas are hung on the pods for viewing.

"It's so troublesome"

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon of the second day.

Passing through the special steel tripods placed on the ground, the specially changed, wide sacrificial clothes almost dragged on the ground. Song Shi sighed, pulled his waist, straightened the crooked sacrificial crown, grabbed the hollow concave part of the steel frame on the surface of the sacrificial lift, and quickly climbed to the top.

At a height of nearly 200 meters from the ground, the temperature rise caused by the geothermal power plant was negligible. The printed painted banners swayed violently in the airflow, and even covered with a thin layer of white frost visible to the naked eye.

Song Shi snapped his fingers.

There was no need to deploy [Scorched Earth]. With the youth as the center, the scorching heat wave spread silently, as if the sun was rising. The frost layers melted away instantly, and even evaporated before they could turn into water mist.

But above these attached frost layers.

In a place higher than the icy air currents whistling in the face.

The sky was still as dark as every moment in the past. No matter whether the clouds were thin or thick, there was no sunlight. It was as if the cold wave that had existed since ancient times swept across the fields and swallowed everything in the world.

Song Shi stared at the sky for a moment, but finally gave up the idea of ​​​​coming up.

A direct strike from the surface to the [Macro-state Light Energy Matrix] in the satellite orbit, this magnitude of distance, even the peak of the previous life would feel troublesome.


The wide cuffs slid down naturally, Song Shi stood in the center of the platform, slowly raised his hands.

Close your eyes.

When you open them again, there is an endless starry sky in front of you.

—— The Way · [Great Source].

Song Shi looked up at the starry sky, and a dark spot suddenly appeared from the depths of his pupils, immersing the nearby whites of his eyes into black.

When it was about to turn into black, red gold emerged again, like a burning fire flowing, slowly stretching out a line.

Then, the flames roared.

From the body of its driver, strands of flowing fire emerged silently, swirling and intertwining with each other, and almost in the blink of an eye, they merged into a surging black wave!

But this mighty power that was enough to burn and submerge a block did not cause any sound.

As if they were afraid, or in other words, they dared not make any unusual movements before their masters gave their permission.

Song Shi raised his hand and then clenched it.

Then, the sea of ​​fire, fueled by overflowing hatred and anger, roared suddenly, and the violent killing intent soared into the sky, as if to smash the stars hanging high in the sky!

——And the stars in the sky, at the moment when the "evil flame" burst out, were like a gorgeous galaxy waterfall, reflecting the whole sky magnificently and brilliantly.

But that was not because of the anger of the "evil flame" that rushed towards him.

Those stars, whose blooming light was completely different but equally dazzling, were "jumping for joy" and "happy" in a trance!

Cheer for the new psychic skills created by the later generations after he could no longer walk on the path he had walked on for an unknown period of time.

The stars are moving.

"This is 'Nan Dou', and it is also the creation of 'Song Shi'--"

Even though the words have been made to sound as calm as possible, under the slightly distorted voice, it is difficult to completely suppress the violence.

He opened his hands, and the dark flames without any restraint raged in all directions: "--This is [Huo Yan]."

"My 'Huo Yan'." Song Shi said calmly: "It is no less than 'Sui Shi'. No, when I step into the fifth ring, I will integrate 'Huo Yan' for the second time."

He raised his eyes and looked around the starry sky, looking at the stars in the sky, as if he was explaining the truth that could not be disputed: "--After that day, my 'Huo Yan' will definitely surpass 'Sui Shi'!"

The world seemed to stop for a moment.

Then, there was a voice, no, it was a way of communication that could not be contained in "language". If you have to say it, it was a question that went straight to the depths of the heart, more like "heart".

Song Shi "heard" and "understood" the meaning of this heart.


Daotu is asking about the ritual of [Huoyan].

Just as the founder of [Suishi] set an additional condition that the ritual of obtaining [Suishi] must be sacrificed to Daotu. As the creator of [Huoyan], Song Shi can also influence the content of the ritual of obtaining [Huoyan] to a certain extent.

This is not the generosity of Daotu "giving" to psychics, but the power that psychics already have.

Daotu has made psychics, and is also made by psychics - to a certain extent, there is no difference between the two, but they are fellow Daoists who complement each other.


Song Shi smiled, and the smile looked a little scary against the background of Huoyan and the dark pupils.

"I didn't expect it to happen again"

"——Hate and anger."

Song Shi raised his index finger.

"I only have one requirement for those who want to get the successor of [Misfortune]." Song Shi said: "It will not be given to those who are always happy, and it will not be given to those who are always happy - they must have hatred, or have hated before. They can After experiencing hatred and anger, I will achieve contentment and happiness, but if it is a smooth journey from beginning to end and there are no people who hate and anger, I will never give [Disaster] to them."

"The rest of the ceremony is determined by the path."

Song Shi raised his head, smiled leisurely, and looked at the starry sky: "That's all I ask for, how about it?"

The starry sky suddenly dimmed.

I don’t know when or where, a ball of light quietly appeared and slowly descended from the sky.

Came to Song Shi.

——Psychic skills·[Suishi].


"How long did it take?"

A member of the construction team was lying on the rooftop water tank, with a large prosthetic limb specialized for engineering hanging next to him. He looked at the tall altar in the distance and couldn't help but mutter.

Thinking of the previous situation, even though it had been a while, he still felt lingering fear.

Just when Song Shi stepped onto the altar, about half an hour later, a large amount of black flames suddenly appeared all over his body. He almost thought that something was wrong with the other party and that he had to notify the nearby armed members - he had seen the other party. In the battle video, airships the size of Bordeaux were all shot down by the opponent.

If the flames really spread, the entire altar wouldn't be enough to burn.

However, he soon discovered that those flames seemed to have restrained their power, and until now, they had not caused any substantial damage, which made people sigh in relief.

Just looking at it like this, I probably have to wait for a while.

The man's cheeks lit up.

It was like a light was shining on my face, no, the sky was brightening. At the end of the horizon in the distance, a shining star suddenly rose. Its burst of light was so dazzling and even terrifying that even with my prosthetic eyes, I could see it. Look, I actually feel uncomfortable——

Then the stars bloomed and turned into a huge pillar of light extending straight.

——Go straight in your direction!

The endless torrent of energy pierced the sky in an instant from an unknown distance, annihilating everything, as if it was about to split the sky in two!

That is

Space carrier, [Groden Glory].

——Shipborne main weapon·positron cannon.

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