Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 269 The Reverse Flood

For a moment, the man thought that the scorching beam that dimmed the sky was directed at himself - no, it was directed at Song Shi who was not far away.

But this thought lasted less than one tenth of a second.

The "stars" rising from the end of the horizon seemed to have drawn up a pure-colored curtain, and the sky that passed by was covered by the straight-up meteors!

That was not a so-called "beam" at all.

In other words, it was a torrent of energy that flooded the sky when the radius of the beam was extremely large and the end could not be seen at a glance!

Even though it was still dozens of miles away.

But the man's frantically biting and turning artificial eyes were now completely filled with the scorching divine light.

Wrong! Completely wrong! The opponent's target was not Song Shi at all!

——The target of the opponent's attack was the entire first and second districts! This urban area of ​​thousands of square kilometers was to be flattened from the surface and destroyed in the torrent of positron cannons!

The man felt his whole body trembling, even his prosthetic body seemed to be frozen, and it was difficult to drive it. Only his mind was shaking wildly, and endless thoughts surged and churned, and quickly turned into the same idea--

How is it possible?

How dare Fubo Energy? !

This is not a period of super-intensity war like the Seven Lands War or the Total Corporate War, where all forces have no scruples and wantonly destroy in exchange for the final victory.

In this peaceful period, destroying an urban area with millions of people will inevitably put great pressure on even a giant enterprise like a god. The Science Ethics Committee, the Security Bureau, and even the most critical other giant enterprises will never tolerate such behavior!

But the operation of the material world will not stagnate with the surge of thoughts.

If someone looks down from the sky, they can clearly see that after the territory has been reduced by countless times, a line of pure light is crossing the surface, spanning hundreds of miles, and extending straight to the city at the other end of the distance.

From the annihilation effect of the collision between positrons and electrons, even if the light tide has not really touched the ground, the little energy that can overflow can also melt the earth and dry up the river.

Fubo Energy's cutting-edge creation, a great achievement achieved by technology, the aerospace mothership named "Groden Glory", holds the sharpest spear. In front of the torrent of positron cannons, even a fourth-ring psychic can be annihilated into particles.


A sound rang out.

At this moment, all the people who stayed in the first and second areas, and even those who were outside the control area, in most of the Forging Light City in the third and fourth areas, heard the same sound in their ears--

It was like the crackling sound of broken glass, and it was like a breeze passing by, causing a slight rustling sound.

And in the next moment.

The breeze turned into a storm that penetrated the sky and the earth!


No, there was no "boom"!

The entire Zhuguang City subconsciously held its breath and stood still for a moment. Most people only felt that their eyes suddenly darkened, but the video playback of the artificial eye clearly recorded everything, indicating that there was nothing unusual.

Only a very few people realized the truth.

——It was clear that something extremely huge had risen up, and with its "existence" itself, it blocked the vision of all directions in the invisible spiritual world, making people's vision dark for a moment!

A stream of light rushed straight into the sky!

From the surface of the earth and under the sky, the energy torrent that annihilated everything moved forward indifferently, and nothing along the way could stop it, but at this moment, a stream of light rushed out from Zhuguang City, facing the torrent in the distance, and went against the flow.

This streak of light was so insignificant that when the height of the overlooking continued to rise, even the torrent of the positron cannon gradually shrank, and the torrent of energy turned into a beam of light that cut through the earth. And this streak of light, which was far less than the former in size, became so small that even the word "a line" seemed exaggerated.

But the moment the two collided.

—— But there was an unimaginable terrifying power!

The torrent of the positron cannon was blocked by the stream of light coming from afar, and it could no longer move forward.

The two collided and intertwined crazily, and the infinite scorching light like the sun suddenly bloomed. In this overflowing fierce light, the earth within a radius of ten miles melted instantly, sank hundreds of meters, the clouds in the sky were gone, and it was colorless, and even the floating dust was decomposed into particles.

It seemed that the endless pure color fierce light was far from satisfied, and it was still spreading, sweeping in all directions, and wanted to annihilate everything farther away.

But under the control of another force, these destructive forces beyond the imagination of mortals were forcibly restrained within a radius of ten miles, without showing a true destructive posture.

Maybe it was a moment, maybe it was a long time.

The torrent of energy no longer had the previous power, and the scorching light comparable to the scorching sun gradually extinguished.

The deep ground that was completely melted into glass, the high temperature of thousands of degrees made this place an absolutely inhuman place, but in front of the remaining violent electron beams and chaotic energy flows, this was the most gentle and harmless existence.

However, a figure stood here.

The man's entire right arm was covered with shocking burns, and even the effect of "reversal" was no longer obvious, and the wound recovery was significantly slow.

But he didn't care.

The man raised his eyes indifferently and looked into the distance. The distance of hundreds of miles did not cause any obstruction. When his sight was cast, most of the members of the space carrier "Groden Glory", the majestic creation dominating the sky. , before their consciousness reacted, their bodies trembled.

Just like an unarmed mortal who encounters a tiger in the wild and stares at it with its fierce eyes, the fear stems from blood instinct. At this moment, the gap between the owner of this line of sight and them is millions of times greater than that between the so-called "tiger" and "human"?

——Using the over-the-horizon strike of the "Groden Glory" as a guide, forcing the opponent to leave Cast Light City and engage in battle in the wasteland.

One for one.

One on one.


As you requested.


Chacollo Vaughn.


"--I am coming."

At this moment, the super-crossbow-level energy shield "Pasasi's Asylum" supported by the singularity technology [vacuum zero-point energy engine] completely enveloped the space carrier and was enough to defend against the continuous bombardment of tactical nuclear bombs. There were suddenly slight ripples on the surface.

After a moment of silence, the commander's angry roar sounded throughout the ship's channels.

"Super high-level response, expected to arrive in ten seconds, the entire strategic system is up, ready to engage the enemy -!"

Amidst the unprecedented roar, the storm from afar swept across the sky and the earth, rolling and roaring, approaching with a bang!

The next moment.

"Reject", "deny", "reverse".

Heaven and earth scream.


Cast Light City.

The city fell into a brief silence as Chakoro rose.

It's like holding your breath.

Then, when he finally suppressed the throbbing in his heart and confirmed that the man was far away from Casting Light City——

It was like a paused game that was pressed again to continue.

Tidal waves of armed forces surged from all directions, crossing the border lines at high speed. Under the cover of the sudden light up of the sky and the barrage of artillery fire, they rushed towards the area controlled by the enlightened ones.

Total War.

here we go.

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