Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 153 Entering the City

Song Shi walked through the streets.

Except for the thick frost ridges on the surface of the eaves, which could no longer see the original color, this population gathering point in the outer city of Zhuguang City was no different from the slums in other places.

The only difference was that there were no vagrants.

In Zhuguang City and the surrounding areas, the temperature remained at around minus 20 degrees Celsius all year round. Even the cyborgs who had undergone a certain degree of transformation would be at risk of death if they were exposed to the outside world for a long time without enough warm clothes and equipment.

Of course, they were definitely more tolerant than natural people.

Every morning, people were found frozen to death on the streets. Cleaners from the sanitation department would carry ice picks to break the ice, dig people out, and then throw them into the ice storage to wait for relatives to claim them - usually no one would claim them, so after seven days, these bodies would be dissolved into pulp by chemical solvents and thrown into the garbage dump.

As for cremation, there was no need to think about it.

The municipal government had long outsourced the "Energy Supply Bureau" to [Fubo Energy], and the charges were clearly marked. It was not enough to keep the living warm, let alone the dead.

At the end of the field of vision, low-rise, stacked bungalows spread like a tide until the cold steel wall stood up, dividing the world into two.

Behind the high wall is the inner city of Zhuguang City - some people also call it the real Zhuguang City.

Full sunshine, suitable temperature, large tracts of artificial beaches and blue seas. In these high-end resorts, if you choose a location with a wide view, you can enjoy the carefully prepared cold drinks while taking in the ice and snow of the outer city - this unique experience attracts a large number of tourists every year.

Song Shi withdrew his eyes from the high wall and walked.

Through the gaps of the low-rise houses, a series of scrutinizing and covetous eyes were cast, as if evaluating something, but seeing that this stranger was only wearing a thin coat, and his body was still human-shaped, without the kind of inferior prosthesis, they gradually retracted their gazes.

Not sure, not worth it.

I don’t know how long it has been, in a narrow alley, a man leaned against the wall, pretending to smoke, and kept observing the surroundings quietly-when he saw the figure not far away, he was stunned for a moment, and then a look of joy appeared in his eyes.

"Hey! Here, here!"

He quickly spit out the cigarette butt, waved his hand, and ran over in small steps.

"Song Shi, right? The boss has already told me that I will be responsible for picking you up, you can just call me Machiko." The man said, and took out a cigarette box: "Smoking? But I am used to cigarettes, and I don’t have an e-cigarette with me-"

Song Shi shook his head and refused the cigarette handed to him.

"I don't smoke. Judging from your accent, you are not from the Rockal Plain?"

"Ah? Is it so obvious? I thought I learned it pretty well." Machiko lit up a faint arc with his index finger and lit the cigarette: "Yes, I am from the south."

He smoked and scratched his head: "Isn't this because we have a big move, so I was transferred here, aren't you the same? To be honest, it's really cold here."

"I have read the information given by the higher-ups. Are you a psychic from Dayuan?" He exhaled and looked at the clothes of the person in front of him: "I really envy you. You can go out so lightly. I can't do that. I have to implant an additional constant temperature module to ensure that the prosthesis will not have any problems."

Isn't he someone who knows everything?

Song Shi thought.

It is obvious that the other party just regarded him as an ordinary member of the Enlightened Ones who came on call, and a vague [Dayuan] psychic - most likely thinking that he is the first ring.

Not long ago, through the contact channel provided by Flash Star, Song Shi notified the Enlightened One before entering the city. The latter also responded quickly, gave an address, and said that a contact person had been sent.

——This has nothing to do with neglect.

You can't have a grand welcome party in Zhuguang City and a parade float team to welcome Song Shi into the city. This kind of ordinary member who is not aware of the situation will come forward to contact, which will not attract attention, but will be safer and more secure.

The highlight is still to come.

When thinking about meeting Cha Keluo again, even Song Shi can't help but feel a little subtle at this moment.

In the previous life, [Nandou] died together with [Saint Judgment], the most terrifying and famous of the new generation of the Vanpusta Empire, who was qualified to enter the core power center of the empire in the future, nineteen years later.

And three years ago, [Rebel] was officially declared to have fallen in the siege of seven giant companies.

I really didn't think that I would see each other again one day-both sides are alive.

"Brother, let's go."

At this moment, Machiko took a deep puff, exhaled the last puff of cigarette, and crushed the cigarette butt with his backhand: "This is not our territory, I'll take you back to the headquarters first."

As he said, he took the lead to walk out of the alley.

Along the way, he was quite familiar with the people and introduced a lot of information about the City of Casting Light.

Although he had read some information and intelligence, Song Shi would certainly not refuse when someone who had been stationed here for a long time spoke up, and he listened patiently.

——Because he really didn't know much.

If someone asked about events such as the "Battle of the Sky Data Tower", "The Holy War of Purification", "The Second Freedom Revolution", and "The Fall of Eden", as an eyewitness of the above events, or even directly participated in or indirectly interfered in them, he could easily tell a lot of so-called secrets and confidential files.

But the "Battle of Casting Light City" is different.

When the "Battle of Casting Light City" broke out in his previous life, he was just a rookie, barely at the peak of the first ring, and had been staying in the Pan-Eastern Continental Union.

The name [Nan Dou] had not yet been born, and he was even in the stage of constantly exploring psychic energy, while earning bounties, obtaining various information, and filling the defects brought by his origin.

In this situation, he really had no time to learn about the anti-corporate war on the other side of the world. He even had a vague understanding of the name "Enlightened Ones". He only knew that it was a very strong armed organization, and its main purpose seemed to be anti-human.

And when he was promoted to the second ring, gradually became famous, stepped into the territory of the corporate alliance, and officially contacted Enlightened Ones, the "Battle of Casting Light City" had passed for several years, and he was even less interested in learning about an outdated event.

Only occasionally in some people's discussions, I probably heard about some of the "Battle of Casting Light City" - mainly about the results. This was a war without a winner. All parties suffered heavy losses, but none of them got what they wanted.

"Oh, I almost forgot to say it." As if he suddenly remembered something, Machiko turned his head and looked at Song Shi: "Well, I don't know whether to say your luck is good or bad."

Song Shi cooperated and said: "What do you mean?"

"In theory, we should be fighting to the death with those company dogs and smashing their brains out, but recently..."

Machiko shrugged: "You probably don't know yet, we have ceased fire with the company for a while now."

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