Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 152 [Casting Light City]

At the end of the horizon, a ray of dazzling sunlight gradually began to emerge.

But in the biting cold wind that seemed to never stop, this ray of sunlight could not bring a trace of warmth, but made people even colder.

On the edge of the rugged cliff, facing the howling cold wind, Song Shi raised his eyes and stared ahead.

The whole land, or the world, was only a dull pale color. Thick frost covered the earth, but it was not so-called crystal clear.

This is natural.

[Nanyu Heavy Industry] built a large number of manufacturing plants and mining facilities here as part of a huge industrial chain. These industrial creations work day and night, releasing a large amount of industrial waste every moment. They mix into people's lungs, rise into the sky, and disperse into the atmosphere. In the cycle of nature, they turn into frost and snow that submerge the earth.

This is poisonous "snow" and "frost".

Some people cannot pay the water fee of the water and electricity bureau, so they can only melt ice and snow through simple water purification devices for use. Some people do not even have the money to buy cheap water purification devices, so they choose to drink directly, and then die in the torment of various diseases.

The sun rose a little again.

The bright sunlight slowly submerged the earth, adding some brilliance to the bleak world. The unfamiliar warmth gently brushed past, as if trying to smooth out the cold wind.

Then, everything stopped abruptly.

Just like the room suddenly lost power in the middle of the night, the bright lights went out, and at this moment, the whole world suddenly became dark - even the sun at the end of the sky disappeared completely!

Song Shi still stood on the cliff, watching all this quietly, without moving.

Only at this moment, a hint of coldness appeared in his eyes.

About ten minutes later, the world lit up again.

- To be precise, it was the "sky".

If someone raised his head and looked up at the sky, he would be surprised to find that the sky, which had been in darkness, began to light up piece by piece.

Yes, "piece by piece".

Just like someone divided the sky, after countless times of careful calculation and verification of the division and reorganization, the sky above was in a grid shape, lighting up piece by piece.

[Fubo Energy] invested a huge amount of resources to build a man-made wonder, which allowed the "sun" within hundreds of miles of this land to be monopolized, turning it into a private resource that can be held tightly in the palm of your hand, quietly marking the price of "sunlight" and putting it on the shelf.

——Giant structure · [Macro-state light energy matrix].

If it gets closer in the future, it can be transformed into a "Dyson sphere", a technical prototype of a stellar super-giant structure.

Song Shi raised his head and looked straight at the sky.

The dazzling sunlight flickered in its pupils, and then dimmed again, until finally, the whole world remained in a subtle state that could barely be called "bright".

But it was only "brightness".

The "heat energy" that originally came with the sunlight has been absorbed by the "macro-state light energy matrix" outside the atmosphere, and there is little left. This little residue that leaked out from the gap of [Fubo Energy] obviously cannot bring people the so-called warmth.

But it was not like this before.

Located at 30 degrees north latitude, the sunlight resources of this land are already abundant, and the fertile soil and water sources brought by this natural resource are valued. In ancient times, prosperous dynasties were born here.

They spent a long time using the power of psychic energy to transform the environment to a certain extent, and made the solar resources go from "abundant" to "terrible".

Even though the former dynasty has long collapsed in the wind erosion of the years, this gift is still preserved.

In history, this place - the Rockal Plain - has always been called "fertile land with abundant water". Even if it is sometimes devastated by war, when the chaos fades, it will quickly recover its abundance at a tenacious speed.

In the abundant rainy season, the river meanders through the plains, pastures grow again, markets and trade are built, and buildings representing prosperity stand quietly.

Then, just like in the past, in the "Seven Lands War" that swept almost the entire world, everything here fell into destruction again.

But this time, when the "Seven Lands War" that lasted for 20 years ended, the Rokar Plain had no future to speak of.

As the winner of the Seven Lands War and one of the first giant companies in the Enterprise Alliance, [Fubo Energy] turned its attention to the Rokar Plain and began to enjoy the fruits of this well-deserved victory.

Sixty-five years ago, it commissioned and joined forces with another giant company [Fugu Development] that focused on wasteland development, environmental transformation and land engineering construction to carry out preliminary development and planning of the Rokar Plain. The huge engineering force flattened the old debris, built a new city, and stamped everything with the mark of Fubo Energy.

This is the original "Casting Light City".

Then, Fubo Energy invested a huge amount of resources and time to build a [Macro-state Light Energy Matrix] covering hundreds of miles and most of the Rokar Plain, plundering all the sunlight projected here - so everything changed.

There is no so-called "fertile land" anymore.

The cold wind that howled all day replaced the sunlight, and the permafrost covered the earth and solidified the rivers. With the drastic population decline caused by the Seven Lands War and the continuous advancement of agricultural technology, the fertile soil that breeds food and forage is no longer important.

In front of the huge benefits brought by plundering the sun, everything seems insignificant.

Song Shi cast his eyes in another direction.

The Light Casting City is divided into two urban areas, the inner and outer urban areas. Under the precise control of the "Macro-state Light Energy Matrix", the world is completely different even though it is only separated by a wall - the bright and mild subtropical climate and the biting wind and frost that never melt have achieved an amazing balance.

In the outer urban area, and even outside the outer urban area.

In the wind and snow, one white warehouse after another stands indifferently on the ground, like a carefully built, densely packed honeycomb. If you look through the outer walls and protective facilities and enter the interior of these warehouses, you can see this scene -

The black host is placed in rows of tall cabinets, and the transparent bulletproof glass isolates all possible dust.

The computing terminal, storage hardware and control equipment are carefully integrated together, and each line is laid underground to ensure that there will be no interference with the operation. The emergency power supply and fire protection system for emergencies are running day and night, and everything is running under the precise control of the intelligent control center.

Thanks to the unique geographical environment, [Zero Degree Network] has built a large number of data and server centers here to reduce the high heat dissipation and maintenance costs. What is a harsh environment for some people is a heart-warming gift for others.

The sun is not eternal.

Profits are eternal.

This is the Light Forging City.

This is... the Light Forging City of the Enterprise Alliance.

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