Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 150 Psychic Skills [Rendering]

Agalemal naturally asked: "What is rendering used for?"

His eyes were full of curiosity.

To be honest, this was the first time he had seen other psykers - especially since the person in front of him seemed very unusual.

When I first awakened to spiritual power, as a gift to newcomers, the path of [revelation] gave me "one-third of the luck".

I made some money by playing cards with this psychic skill, and then, belatedly, I started to look up information on the Internet. Most of this information was fragmented and unsystematic, with a mixture of true and false, but it still gave him a preliminary understanding of "psionic energy".

He even seriously considered whether to expose himself to the city government in exchange for the "special talent allowance." But after thinking about it for a long time, he gave up the idea because he was not sure whether the government would dissect him.

Then, he turned to some small-scale underground casinos, and was finally kidnapped to Shatu Town.

He was truly excited and curious about things like psychic energy.

"——Go get a bag of water."

Song Shi said.

Hearing this, Agalemal suppressed his memories and quickly picked up two bags of drinking water from the tent nearby.

Song Shi picked up one of the bags of water and squeezed it to burst it.

Agalemmar's pupils narrowed.

The water that was expected to be spilled did not fall to the ground as the bag burst, but instead hovered in the air. Even as Song Shi's five fingers rotated, the water turned into strands of water, dancing lightly between the fingers.

Control water?

Agalemal was startled, and confusion immediately arose. If he remembered correctly, the other party had always shown flames.

But at this moment.

"Touch the water." Song Shi suddenly said: "Tell me how you feel."

"oh oh."

Agalemal dipped his hand into the water.

Just like the tap water that comes out of the pipes on weekdays, these flowing water seem to be no different.

Cold, cool and moist.

Agalemal almost spat out these words, but restrained himself. The other party asked me to "talk about my feelings", but it was certainly not that simple.

But it feels right. What did I miss?

Agalemal racked his brains and suddenly realized something.

——He began to activate his psychic energy.

".It's very strange." After a while, the young man spoke, with a cautious tone: "I still feel like ordinary water, but after using psychic energy, I suddenly feel..." He thought for a while and said. I came up with a word that I thought was more appropriate, "Scorching?"

The cold water has an inexplicable burning heat.

Two completely different feelings emerged from Agalemal's mouth.

Song Shi raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he was a little surprised, and glanced at the other party: "If you can feel this without special training, then you are pretty good."

"What level?"

"At least it passed the passing mark."

The next moment, Song Shi turned his fingers and clenched them tightly.

Then, under Agalemal's astonished gaze, these fluttering waters "burned" at the same time.

It is not like a mixed layer of oil and water, where the oil layer burns and flames float on the surface of the water, nor is it covered with conjured flames on the water - the "itself" of these water flows is burning!

"The effect of rendering can be roughly understood as coverage and infection. With this spiritual skill, you can turn your own spiritual energy to cover the opponent's spiritual energy."

Song Shi said leisurely: "It's like the conflict between flames and storms. In the past, the two canceled each other out, but with 'rendering', you can try to turn part of the storm into flames, which can in turn be used for your own use."

"And if you master it further, you can even change the nature of things to a certain extent."

Song Shi looked at the water in front of him: "The non-flammable water becomes flammable after being 'rendered' by me."

Agalemal wanted to say, "Didn't you just get it? Why did you go further?", but he restrained the desire to speak.

"When we were talking."

Song Shi raised his hand and pointed at the sky: "The air nearby has been 'rendered' by me."

"——As long as I want."

"Now this place will turn into a sea of ​​fire in an instant. With the supply of 'rendered' air, it will become more difficult to extinguish, and even increase the damage to a certain extent."

"If you continue to 'exaggerate' it, the air will even become 'unbreathable', and it will be harmful to people who inhale it, such as burning their internal organs, or the whole person will spontaneously combust."

Agalemal was shocked when he heard this and subconsciously touched his lower abdomen: "Then, then -"

"You are right." Song Shi smiled half-heartedly: "I just need to snap my fingers now, and you will turn into a suicide bomb and explode with a bang - with your background, you should have seen a lot of people on the street before. Bar?"

"Haha. It's better to be rarer." Agalemal laughed, but immediately, he hesitated for a while, and couldn't help but said: "That, uh, uh, the rituals of psychic skills all require Is it so spectacular?”

The volcano in the distance is still erupting, thick ash covers the sky, hot magma is thrown into the sky, flowing freely on the earth, and violent roars resound throughout the fields. Even standing at such a distance, the young man still felt a sense of awe from the bottom of his heart.

This doesn't even have anything to do with psychic powers, it's purely people's instinctive fear of "natural disasters".

And underneath the continued awe, there was an uncontrollable frustration.

To be frank, Agaremar thought he had some talent in all aspects, especially in gambling - but to cause a volcanic eruption by himself was far beyond his cognition.

- If the ritual of psychic skills had to be so grand, then wouldn't he be doomed?

Hearing the boy's words, Song Shi couldn't help laughing.

"I can only tell you, 'not necessarily'." He chuckled and shook his head: "But for specific science popularization, when you go to the Silent Society, someone will naturally explain it to you. They will recommend a set of psychic skill configurations for you - for [Revelation], they are still very worthy of recognition in this regard."

"And it's not as exaggerated as you think."

Song Shi cast his eyes into the distance and stared at the volcano.

"This volcano has been dry for hundreds of years. If you want to permanently change the terrain, connect the earth veins, and transform it into an active volcano, you have to wait until at least the third ring. You see it erupting exaggeratedly now, but when the power I invested completely disappears, this volcano will slowly return to dead silence."

There was a little regret in Song Shi's tone.

No, this is also exaggerated!

"Speaking of which, there is another psychic skill that is also related to volcanoes. The third ring is called [Volcano]. I remember that the ritual is to enter the inside of a volcano when it erupts and experience the whole process."

"The effect is that you can accumulate and compress your own power repeatedly, and then burst it out in one breath. The performance is quite scary."

After staring at the erupting volcano for a while again, Song Shi stretched his waist and turned to walk towards the locomotive.

"Well, I've seen enough of Agalemaar. Do you want to watch it for a while?"

"Probably not."

"Then go pack up the tent, it's time to go."

Song Shi turned over and started the locomotive, and casually inserted the heavy killer into the side for storage.

"——It's time to separate."

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