Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 149 Ritual: [Rendering]

Psychic skills are never completely given by the Dao.

If one's own accumulation and talent are insufficient, even if the [Dayuan] Dao ignores the ceremony and directly gives the psychic a very precious psychic skill "Emperor Flowing Slurry", the latter will not be able to bear it, let alone use it, and may even be dragged down and collapse.

The same is true for the "ashes" sealed with zero element crystals that Song Shi got in the past.

This kind of psychic skill that is powerful enough and specialized in attack, ordinary Dayuan psychics will probably be seriously injured in an instant, or even completely burned to ashes if they directly start to engrave it.

——It's like a sharp weapon. Some people can control it as they please, and the killing power is amazing, while others can't use it at all, and may even hurt themselves in the process of swinging.

The sharp weapon is always the same, but there are differences between the holders.

That's why.

In a sense, "ritual" is a medium for communication with the Dao, and it is also a "proof" of oneself.

Prove that you have the qualifications, the ability, and the talent to obtain the desired or suitable psychic skills.

[Taotu] is more like a platform that records the life-long practice of those who have set foot on this path in the past. The accumulation of generations of psychics in this path has all settled here, laying the foundation for future companions.

Prove yourself through the "ritual", so as to index the psychic skills recorded in the Taotu, and then obtain this psychic skill with the help of the Taotu.

Although there are some exceptions, this is the effect of most rituals that aim to obtain psychic skills.

Song Shi sank his mind into the quiet lake.

At this moment, around him, after the first ten fire seeds fell to the ground, overturned large pieces of the earth in the dull tremor, and burst into cracks, everything became calm again.

No. Not calm.

To be more precise, while the surface of the crater is calm, earth-shaking changes are taking place deep in the mountain of this extinct volcano!

Ten fire seeds formed a ring and sank into the ground together, heading deep into the mountain.

Then, the two in the front bloomed silently, turning into strands of red slurry, spreading slowly in all directions along the existing cracks in the mountain, or melting a path.

Just like pouring a bowl of water slowly into a flower pot, the former will gradually submerge the entire flower pot along the intricate gaps between the roots and the soil.

——This is the ritual of the psychic skill [Rendering].

Use your own psychic energy to re-submerge this dead volcano, forcibly awaken it, and artificially create a new "volcanic eruption".

This is certainly not to condense a large ball of fire with all your strength, and then smash it directly into the volcano, or to make an explosion and be done with it.

Song Shi sat cross-legged in the center of the mountain pass. With the control of his will, as the first ten fire seeds, every time they went a certain distance deep, two would spontaneously bloom, opening up a way for the back, and at the same time spreading and submerging the geological layer at this height.

I don't know how long it has been.

When all the fires bloomed, the first stage of immersion of the dead volcano was completed.

Song Shi opened his eyes again.

But in the depths of his originally black pupils, a dazzling red-gold light appeared at this moment.

Invisible wind passed by.

Located in the deepest part of the volcano, the long-dead "heart" began to beat again.

There, with the influx of spiritual energy flames transformed from fires, the magma that had been dry for many years reappeared, and the hot blood flowed again.

Song Shi began to breathe.

Then, the entire dead volcano seemed to come alive gradually, and began to "breathe" with the rhythm of Song Shi's breathing!

In other words, this is the young man who is the second ring source, using himself as the source to begin to achieve a certain resonance between man and nature with the dead volcano, and then drive the latter to regain vitality.

If this "resonance" goes a step further, it can be called "harmony between man and nature", an outstanding skill or realm pursued by some ancient psychics.

Even Song Shi only fully comprehended "harmony between man and nature" when he was in the fourth ring in his previous life. From then on, he could use the environment and other favorable conditions at will to turn them into his own help.

However, with the current second ring of spiritual power, it is still too difficult to achieve the real "harmony between man and nature", so he can only settle for the next best thing and resonate at the moment.


Song Shi exhaled.

While maintaining the resonance of the environment, completing the delicate control of the spiritual flame inside the dead volcano to ensure that the volcano will not be directly collapsed or burned is also a big burden for him - mainly because it takes too long.

Compared with the various skills and control required to awaken the volcano, Song Shi believes that the biggest trouble of the [rendering] ceremony is the duration.

Because in a sense, this is a slow and meticulous work, and it depends on the psychic to keep grinding, layer by layer, piece by piece, to complete the rendering of the entire volcano.

Many times, the duration is the biggest problem, just like a person can easily hold on for ten seconds without blinking, but when this time is extended to twenty seconds, thirty seconds, or one minute, the difficulty will increase significantly.

Although this was not a difficult task for Song Shi, he estimated the time and sighed when he thought that he would have to wait for more than ten hours.



"This male protagonist is definitely the murderer. How come he only makes bad movies with a routine that can be seen at a glance?"

"His taste is really too bad."

"The special effects are okay, but how bad can the special effects of movies be now?"

Agaremar suddenly raised his head.

He paused the movie on his tablet, quickly climbed out of the compressed tent, and looked in one direction.

More than a day had passed since the man who looked not much older than him and saved his life, who called himself Song Shi, went up the mountain.

Before leaving, the other party said that he was going to "awaken" a dead volcano.

At this moment, Agaremar swallowed his saliva and subconsciously held his breath.

The volcano in the distance suddenly began to tremble, with a dull and violent roar, spreading in all directions.


At first, wisps of black smoke rose, and then these wisps of black smoke expanded rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a large amount of dust and ash rose into the sky, like a drop of ink dropped into a water cup, covering the nearby sky with a new color.


As if it could no longer be restrained, a touch of red gradually emerged from the seemingly endless dust and ash, and the overflowing magma overflowed the crater and spread up and down along the side walls. From afar, one after another red snakes were winding and swimming.

Then, the volcano erupted completely!

At the end of the sky, a large amount of magma and rubble cut through the dusty sky, dragging out a trail of tails under the huge kinetic energy and thermal energy, and throwing them into the surrounding land.

The whole world seemed to be in doomsday.

Even at such a long distance, Agaremar could still smell a pungent smell of sulfur, but he had no time to care.

Facing this natural disaster, as a [Revelation] psychic, his intuition made him involuntarily stand up, urging him to leave here as soon as possible!

"——There is no need to leave."

Agaremar looked to the side suddenly.

Song Shi's figure appeared in the distance, and after a few breaths, he came to the boy's side.

"Don't you want to take another look?" Song Shi turned around and looked at the volcano in the distance, admiring his masterpiece: "It's a rare experience to see a volcanic eruption at such a close distance."

"Even if it can be replaced by a simulated documentary, most of the simulations are still not 100%, and they are not as good as the real reality after all."

"Since you said so, of course I have to take a look."

Seeing Song Shi, Agaremar relaxed all of a sudden and simply sat on the ground.

"By the way, that"

"It's over."

Song Shi was still looking at the volcano, without looking back, and his tone was casual.

"I have already obtained the psychic skill [Rendering]."

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