Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 146 See you tomorrow

Agalemal was silent for a while, and then his expression suddenly relaxed.

"I see."

His tone became lighter, as if it had happened many times before. Pure "value" is far more trustworthy than so-called "morality", and he always firmly believes in this.

In this wasteland, if the person in front of me really behaves like a completely good person, I will be frightened.

Moreover, "the largest [revelation] psychic organization in the world", if you join it yourself, maybe no matter what, you will not be worse than you are now.

"I will remember your life-saving grace if there is any need in the future."

Agalemal paused, then suddenly fell to his knees with a thud, kowtowing to the young man in front of him.

Even Song Shi didn't foresee this scene and couldn't help being stunned. When the latter was about to kowtow for the second time, he reacted and pulled him up.

Song Shi frowned deeply and said in a deep voice, "What are you doing?"

Agalemal was also stunned.

He subconsciously glanced at Song Shi's black hair, then quickly took it back, and muttered: "I thought you didn't like others to kowtow."

Song Shi must admit it.

At this moment, he was choked by the other party.

"Whoever told you has the final say, it doesn't matter anymore."

Song Shi sat back again, pinched his brows, and sighed heavily.

"Anyway, don't worry about this. Do you have any questions to ask? We have to leave Shatu Town tomorrow."

"How should I get over to the 'Society of the Silent' you mentioned? I know you want to give me a map, but as you said, it's such a big organization. If I want to join it,"

"No need to join."

Song Shi replied: "In other words, as long as you can reach that area, someone will naturally come to pick you up - premonition, whim, divination, perception, there are many ways for those magicians to know the arrival of a fellow traveler."

"And as long as they appear in front of you, it means they are willing to accept you, and you can just follow what they say."


"Theoretically, the 'Society of the Silent' is a neutral organization, but you will know this if you listen." Song Shi's tone became serious for the first time: "Agalemal, there is absolutely no real person in this world. Neutrality – that’s what you have to remember.”

Agalemal nodded.

"But at least on the surface, the Silent Society is indeed quite neutral. Their headquarters is a space carrier, well, but the technology used is very special and different from the mainstream. This is not the point."

Song Shi leaned back slightly and looked at the ceiling: "In short, due to 'neutrality' and 'defense' reasons, the headquarters of the Silent Society is not allowed to enter the airspace of any country. It can only be located outside the borders of each country and specially designated as a stateless border. Area hovering. You can understand that this area is the territory of the Silent Society."

"All you need to do is reach this territory alive."


Agalemal repeated this word, his heart shaking slightly.

really! It’s not that easy to get into such a big organization! I am afraid--

But the next moment, Song Shi denied his conjecture.

"Don't think too much. The Silent Society is quite friendly to outsiders. What's more, you are also a [Revelation] and will not conduct any life-threatening tests."

Agalemal was taken aback and became even more confused: "Then what did you mean by alive just now?"

"We are on different paths, you have to go there by yourself." Song Shi said calmly: "Across most of the corporate alliance, across the wasteland - you don't think this is a garden outing organized by the middle school, do you? Eat, drink, and chat along the way. Play the game and reach your destination happily.”

"Either arrive at the Society of the Silent or die on the way. This is the third way." Song Shi looked at the other party and said in a calm tone: "What do you think, do you want to try another way?"

".how could it be possible."

Agalemal suddenly laughed. He met the young man's gaze and said word by word: "I will definitely join the Society of the Silent and become a powerful psyker like you."

Song Shi looked at the young man for a while and also laughed.

"I'll see."


When Agalemal woke up from his nightmare, he subconsciously glanced at the LCD clock on the wall. It was already midnight.

He subconsciously sat up, but when he turned his head and looked at the window, he was subconsciously startled.

On the side of the slightly open window, Song Shi sat in the shadow, raising his head slightly and looking out the window, as if he could glimpse the scene outside the motel through the partially opened glass window.

Seeing Agalemal wake up, he made a "shh" gesture.

Agalemal fell asleep instantly and immediately pulled out the pistol from under his pillow - he had brought it with him when he was in the casino during the day.

"——Is there a situation?"

He tensed his whole body, made mouth movements, and asked silently.

"So be it."

But Song Shi was the first to break the silence.

His voice was soft but clear enough.

"Wealth should not be exposed. During the day, when you come out of the casino with such a big bag, it will be difficult for people to not notice you." Song Shi said in a casual tone and pointed outside: "Wealth can be found in danger. Someone is ambushing near the hotel, preparing to advance in advance." Investigate the situation so that when we leave Sandtown, you can kill me, extract my prosthetic body, cut out my heart and lungs, and steal the money to make a good profit."

Agalemal felt a chill in his heart, and then he felt extremely regretful: "Damn it. I was stupid."

As someone who once made a living on the streets of Palose and stayed in Shatu Town for so long, he certainly understood this truth, but he was too shocked during the day, so he was a little confused and didn't react all the way.

He took a deep breath, slowly turned off the safety, and pointed the gun at the door.



Song Shi raised a finger and signaled the boy to shut up.

"I asked you to bring it out at that time, so what does this have to do with you?"

Agalemar was startled, and then he opened his eyes wide and realized something: "You"

"I came to Shatu Town, one is to replenish some supplies, and the other is to start from here and go to a dead volcano." Song Shi said: "Second, do you want to guess the reason?"

Thinking of the flames displayed by the other party during the day, Agalemar lowered his voice: "The ritual of psychic skills?"

"Yes, the ritual of psychic skills." Song Shi was mostly shrouded in shadows, and said leisurely: "Although in principle, the ritual of 'rendering' does not require dead people, but if someone insists on dying, there is nothing we can do."

He stretched and stood up.

"Agaremar, get some more sleep." Song Shi glanced out the window and said, "I can almost remember the auras of these people. By the end of tomorrow, they and you can set off."

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