Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 145: The Silent Society

When footsteps sounded outside the bar door, the bartender stopped wiping his glass.

The young man who left not long ago strolled in and sat back down at the bar under the scrutinizing gazes of the drinkers.

The only difference is that there is a young man behind him.

Rand people.

As one of the few bartenders and information dealers in Shatu Town, the bartender recognized the boy the moment he saw him. He even vaguely knew some inside information. This young man seemed to be a "psychic" who could help Lant gamble and make profits.

But looking at it now, the rand is probably...

Looking at the bag in the young man's arms and the blood all over his body, the bartender looked back and smiled again.

"Well your wine is ready."

"Give him a large glass of ice water and add more mint essence." Song Shi picked up the wine glass and motioned the boy to sit down: "The casino has a certain concentration of hallucinogenic gases and stimulants to adjust the atmosphere, but the inhalation Too much will still have an impact on the brain.”

As he said that, he turned to look at the bartender: "By the way, is there any hemostatic spray here? Please use it, the money will be credited to me."

The bartender waited for a while in the background and handed a bottle of healing spray with the Jade Pharmaceuticals trademark to the boy. The latter didn't waste any time and started spraying it himself.

"Personal suggestion." When the ice water was brought, the bartender lowered his voice and said in a tactful tone: "You should be a little more 'cautious' next."

In the bar, behind Song Shi, some people had already stood up and left.

"Is this a warning?"

"No, this is a reminder." The bartender said: "Hunting a tiger is not just about charging up with a spear and stabbing it to death."


Facing the other party, Song Shi raised his wine glass and chuckled, "Thanks for reminding me."

He drank it all in one gulp, then put the glass down, got up and took his seat.

"Agalemal, let's go."

The bartender watched the two people leave. After a while, he suddenly realized something.

The other party doesn't seem to have paid.


It is difficult for small and medium-sized gathering points like "Sand Town" to provide high-quality services on wasteland.

Even though the motel that Song Shi found was considered high-end in the town, when he actually checked in, the only praiseworthy thing about the rented room was that the environment was relatively clean, without the common needles, condoms, and yellow and blood-stained sheets.

"sit down."

Song Shi pulled up a chair and sat on it.

Agalemal hesitated for a moment and slowly sat down on the edge of the bed.


Staring at the other party, Song Shi pondered for a while, and finally said: "Do you know what path you are on?"

"[Revelation]. That's what it told me." Agalemal looked at his hands and said: "I also checked some information on the Internet. You are a psyker of [Great Source], right? ?"

"The second ring, Dayuan."

Song Shi nodded and confirmed the other party's question: "You can call me Song Shi."

"Do you have any living family, or somewhere to go?"

Agalemal shook his head, but his expression didn't change much, as if he was used to it.

"I was killed by Rand six months ago. He was the owner of the casino just now, the middle-aged man you killed. He saw me playing cards with others in Palos and guessed that there was something wrong with me." Agalemal laughed at himself He smiled and said: "At first he thought I had some unique cheating methods and planned to force him to find out. Then he realized that I actually relied on my psychic skills to make money."

"He knocked me unconscious and put me in a bag, stuffed some money into the border guard, and then tied me here."

Agalemal lifted up his shirt, and his chest and abdomen were covered with shocking scars, as if someone had left a mark on them with a hot iron: "I tried to escape several times, but never succeeded."

Resentment appeared on his face for the first time, and he gritted his teeth and said: "The most recent time I ran to the entry channel of Paloser, but Lant bribed the guard in advance, and the man directly detained me and handed me back! "

Song Shi's expression remained unchanged: "Where are your psychic skills?"

"Land is on guard. He brings several people to catch me every time." Agalemal took a deep breath: "And even if there is a 'delay', I can't always turn on the 'lucky'. Sometimes I escaped from Shatu Town by being 'lucky' at first, but I would be caught again 'unfortunately' due to various reasons."

Song Shi was not surprised.

Every path has myriad aspects and varies from person to person. There is no certain path or direction. Just like the great source of "water", the river of life that nourishes all things and the floods that destroy the earth are completely different existences.

But overall, [Revelation] is not particularly good at frontal combat.

The most critical thing is that the opponent is only in the first level, and even the first level of psychic skills is not full. When it comes to pure combat power, it is naturally far inferior to a character like Lant who has been transformed into a cyborg and holds weapons.

A temporary "lucky" cannot establish a long-term victory after all.

"-Three ways."

So Song Shi raised three fingers.

"Since you have nowhere to go, I can give you three ways."

Agalemal's expression tightened.

"First, go back to Palother. I know some people in the Enlightened Ones. You can join them."

"Are you an anti-corporate person?" He was stunned.

"Second, you follow me for the time being. I will take you to the next nearest city and you can start a new life on your own."

Agalemal said nothing.

"Item 3." Song Shi looked at the other person and said, "I will give you a map, and you can go to the 'Society of the Silent' yourself."

".Society of the Silent?"

Agalemal recalled for a while and confirmed that he had never heard of this name, so he asked: "What is that?"

"A group of psykers, an organization that has gathered the most [revelations] in the world.

"Explain it in words you can understand. You can think that it is an existence bigger than a giant enterprise... Only you can create such a thing."

Song Shi paused.

"Of course, it's certainly not within the borders of the corporate alliance."

"Not within the territory of the Enterprise Alliance?"

Agalemal thought that he had experienced enough today, but at this moment, he still showed a surprised expression.

Far outside the boundaries of corporate alliances, how far does this have to be? Thousands of miles? Thousands of miles?

After a while, Agalemal finally spoke: "Which one do you suggest I choose?"

"You make your own choice." Song Shiyan said concisely and concisely: "This will determine the direction of your life for a long period of time. How can you leave it to others to decide?"

Agalemal opened his mouth and was silent for a while: "Article 3."

He said: "I want to choose the third option."

"Is there a reason?" Song Shi asked with interest.

"My intuition tells me that maybe this is the best thing for me." Agalemal said, he paused: "I want to ask. Why did you save me?"

When he said these words, the young man raised his head for the first time and looked at the person in front of him.

"You can think that I did it on a whim. After all, it is not a difficult task and I don't have to pay anything. You can also think that I am upright and don't see sin and suffering, so I killed those people and rescued you."

"But - these are all too illusory. Even if they are true, it is difficult to win people's trust, let alone the first time we meet."

Song Shi sat up straight and pressed his hands together.

"So, if I say that I will go to the Silent Society in the future so that I can get help from someone I know, will this explanation be more acceptable to you?"

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