Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 263 Are you coming?

Chacoro stared at the young man for a few seconds.

He waved his hand and started "reversal" first, restoring the nearby shelves and goods that had been washed to ashes by the misfortune.

Then, he gestured to Song Shi, and the two of them walked among the shelves like a forest of iron.

"[Sui Shi] is not a problem." Chakoluo grabbed it in the air, took out an encapsulated data card out of thin air, and threw it to the other party: "The ritual process of this psychic skill is quite complicated, but the most important thing is The point is 'creativity'."

"The image of Suishi is 'preaching', but if you want to teach others the truth, of course you have to have a new and usable way to teach it."

"So, you need to make innovations recognized by the Tao, such as a special technique, expanding the use of a psychic skill, or even directly creating a new psychic skill. In short, as long as you prove your Creativity', [Suishi] basically got it - the other contents of the ceremony are complicated, but they are just time-consuming things, not difficult. "

"I can ask enlightened people to assist you in the latter, but you have to rely on yourself in the former. Song Shi, can you understand?"

Chacoro tilted his head slightly.

[Sui Shi], "In the beginning of Sui ancient times, who preached it——", image, ritual.

This series of information flashed in my mind, and in an instant, they were connected together, allowing my thoughts to flow smoothly.

"[Suishi], that's not how it is, it should be said to be that way."

Song Shi was a little stunned, and then he nodded to express his understanding.

——There are "shortcuts" to psionic energy.

Such as sophisticated meditation methods, customized practice sites, guidance from family elders or teachers, and even selecting spiritual skills for the "successors" in advance and spending resources to prepare rituals for them.

But if there is only a "shortcut", then the psychic will never be able to glimpse the scenery at the top of the road.

Just like the psychic skills he currently possesses.

For the first level of [Accommodation] and [Return to the Flood], if a high-ranking psionic person carefully corrects the tricks and teaches them step by step, as long as the person being taught is not hopelessly stupid, they will be able to get started quickly, complete the inscription, and successfully obtain this Two psychic arts.


[Boiling Blood], [Lighting Fire], [Embers].

These more powerful psychic skills leave no room for "tricks"!

Even if someone engraved the Zero Element Crystal in advance without setting any test, just like the [Ember] Zero Element Crystal that I got in Paloser - there is no need to consider the ritual, and the conditions for mastering it have also been reduced. .

But if the psyker himself is really not qualified, then even with these shortcuts, he still has no chance of obtaining [Ember]. If he had to obtain it by force, then he would be burned up by the [embers] and turned into ashes.

Unfathomable background, noble and respected identity, huge resource scheduling authority

For a psyker.

The help of these things may make it "strong", but after that, the only way to be "strong" above this, or even "extremely strong", is to prove it through your own way!

Want to get [Burning Blood]?

With a weak body, you can attack the stronger ones - if you can't do it, then you can't even hope!


Song Shi slowly exhaled: "What are the achievements of innovation?"

Regarding [Suishi], Chakoluo wanted to say a few more words, but when he saw the "innovative results", his expression became a little strange.

The man thought about the series of new things he had created, and suddenly felt relieved and gave up the idea of ​​giving some advice.

"Ah, my suggestion is that you should decorate the implant."

The words that were lingering on his lips disappeared, and Chakoluo turned to talk about other things. He nodded at the young man who put the data card in his pocket, with a subtle expression on his face: "What age is this? I really plan to live with a tablet in the future. A lifetime? Just communication is not convenient."

As he spoke, the man lifted his hair back and showed off the brain-computer interface on the back of his neck.

For a fifth-level psyker, this brain-computer interface is certainly not for improving computing power or adapting to prosthetics. There are not many implants in Chakoro, but overall they only have one effect, which is to assist in office work.

Including but not limited to information integration, online file storage, remote communication, task deployment, and personnel overall planning platform.

As the supreme leader of the largest anti-corporate organization [The Enlightened], Chakoluo has to deal with a lot of affairs every day. Without the assistance of these implants and the software installed on them, the efficiency of the Enlightened One's operation would be reduced.

Song Shi's answer was concise and to the point: "It won't be needed for the time being."

Hearing this, Chakoluo nodded and didn't take it seriously.

He gently stroked the cargo box with his hand, paused for a moment, and then suddenly spoke.

"Reversal is the spiritual power I achieved after entering the fifth ring." The man said slowly: "With 'reversal', most things now have a state of being indifferent to time to me. As long as I think, Even steel that has been completely rusted can return to its factory-new appearance in an instant.”

“Then, after I became thoroughly familiar with the power of ‘reversal’, I had a new idea, or try.”

The man raised his hand slightly.

"[Reversal] is certainly powerful. It makes me fearless of any harm, and it can also turn into destructive power that subverts everything. But it still has a shortcoming, or in other words, it is a natural rule, that is, it still needs to be used to cast [Reversal]. Consume my strength."

"——So, I tried to [reverse] myself."

"Not to reverse the injury or status, but to restore my strength through 'reversal', and then use this strength to maintain 'reversal'."

Song Shi uttered a word: "Perpetual motion machine."

"Yes, it is a perpetual motion machine." Cha Keluo nodded, then shook his head: "Everyone knows that the idea of ​​a perpetual motion machine is a paradox, and my idea is also an incredible paradox? So far, every attempt I have made has failed."

"But I still think it is feasible, so I will continue to try in the future."

When he said this, the man stopped for the first time.

"Overthrow the company's rule, seize the Casting Light City, establish a symbol belonging to the Enlightened, and show the lighthouse to the earth. In fact, I am not completely sure about these. Just like the 'paradox' I just told you, the only thing I know is that it must be feasible."

Cha Keluo turned around and stared at the person beside him.

"Song Shi, you asked me before when I was going to overturn this chessboard."

"I can tell you that my answer is now." The man looked into the young man's eyes and said resolutely and calmly: "Ten minutes ago, I made a decision. Soon, the Enlightened will launch the final war and sweep all traces of the company out of Zhuguang City. The only thing I can reverse is the present, and the future is not something I can know."

"The only future that can be known in advance and clearly visible is one, that is, to do nothing - so I will practice it with the Enlightened."

"Song Shi."

The man stretched out his hand to the young man, and his eyes, which were gentle in the past, seemed to have a boiling fire flowing in them at this moment, bursting out with a bright light that almost burned people's minds.

He said.

"Will you come?"

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