Song Shi leaned against the wall and looked at the lapis lazuli in front of him.

The latter was suspended in mid-air. Under its control, the robotic arms in this logistics workshop rose and fell one after another. In a series of crackling sparks, they quickly dismantled the damaged parts of the fuselage, replaced components, and even painted them. A brand new layer.

"Your omnics are quite convenient."

Song Shi stuffed a few pills into his mouth, chewed them up and swallowed them. He tilted his head and commented: "You don't need to stay in the ICU if you're injured. You can repair it by yourself."

"Correct, but not quite."

Lapis commanded a robotic arm to disassemble his own vector engine group. Due to the recent super power overload, most of the structure had melted down. Between the two directions of "repair" and "replacement", it thought for a while and chose to add another item to the electronic purchase list and sent it to Enlightenment's logistics department.

"The parts you see that I replaced are just my 'equipment', my 'equipment', or in other words, they are the parts that belong to [Omnic Machines]." Lapis Lazuli replied calmly: "But I belong to [Omnic Machines]. Transcendence's extraordinary organs cannot be directly replaced or repaired in this way, and they still need to take time to slowly repair themselves. "

"Moreover, omnics are not like what most people think, and the body can be replaced and reconstructed at will. After we have 'self-awareness', the 'body' has also become one of the anchor points for maintaining self-awareness. Can you humans be able to Can you add a prosthetic body at will?”

"Of course. Generally speaking, in terms of restrictions in this aspect alone, omnics are still looser than us humans."

Lapis Lazuli ended its answer with this sentence, it asked: "Where are Myron and the others?"

"They are all lying in the ICU."

Song Shi answered quickly: "I helped evaluate it, and it's actually fine. It's not too bad."

If classified by "injury", then it can be said that the four people were seriously injured. As soon as they were brought back to the base by Chakoluo, a large number of medical personnel who had been on standby swarmed up and carried them into the intensive care unit.

But those injuries that looked horrific were all recoverable. No irreversible, permanent damage was left.

It's serious, but if you stay in the ICU for half a month, you'll basically get better.

If that doesn't work, Chakoluo's "reversal" can be used as a last resort. As for why not "reversal" now, Song Shi also understands the other party's thoughts.

For psykers, no, for anyone.

——Scars are training and a source of strength.

Just like "bones" that are broken or shattered and then restored again, they will be stronger and more powerful. As long as Myron and others can get over the current serious injuries, they will become the cornerstone for their further progress.

"By the way, have you thought of a new name?" Song Shi suddenly laughed. He looked at the other person up and down and said leisurely: "Omnic Nova, the Destroyer of Bordeaux, the Gravity Maker of きわめてrisk険の" is popping up on the Internet now. There are quite a few names, which one do you want to choose?”

Temporarily conceal the identity of [Meteor] Atal, and first build up a reputation in the name of "Lapis Lazuli". When he takes the leadership of the omnic group in the future, he will use his true identity as a trump card.

This is Lapis Lazuli's plan now.

——As a former follower of [Yao Xing San], he is one of the elders of the liberal revolution.

When it comes to legitimacy and authority, looking at the entire omnic community today, there are probably few who are stronger than it.

As if it was an illusion, Lapis Lazuli's body flashed when he heard this series of names.

It was silent for a while and said calmly: "The priority of this task is not high. There is no rush now. I will decide which nickname to promote and create momentum after discussing with the Enlightenment Propaganda Department later."

It stops talking.

Because Song Shi suddenly became quiet and turned his head slightly, as if he heard someone speaking in his ear. After a few seconds, he nodded: "Okay, I got it."

"Lapis Lazuli, please take your time to recover from your injuries."

Song Shi's back left the wall, he casually took a carving knife from the workbench next to him, waved it towards the omnic, and then walked out of the workshop: "I want to go see Chakoluo, and I happen to have some I want to ask him something.”

"Have a good trip," Lapis said.

".Next time remember to say, 'Bon voyage'."

Song Shi sighed.

Ten minutes later, following the looming but persistent aura, Song Shi arrived at a remote factory without the need for electronic navigation or other people's guidance.

Push the door open and enter.

This factory building probably functions as a storage warehouse. Boxes with the brand logo of "Denglan Equipment" are placed firmly on the metal shelves, forming an iron-gray jungle. Automatic forklifts shuttle between rows of beam shelves, unloading goods silently and steadily.

And in the center of the factory.

Chakoluo stood majestically with his hands behind his back.

"You are so energetic?" The man looked a little regretful: "I thought you would come here on crutches this time."

"If you had taken action half an hour later, you might have actually seen me on crutches."

Immediately afterwards, Song Shi pointed out something unceremoniously: "But if I hadn't killed the third link [Balance] by force, as long as it was five minutes late, at least one of Myron and Sui Yinghong would have died."

"So, thank you very much?"

Chakoro spread his hands and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

"The gratitude of the dignified 'rebel' seems to be indeed valuable." Song Shi also spread his hands, and then he also laughed: "Should I feel very honored?"

"Is your black flame psychic skill a gift from the Tao?"

Chakoluo took out his hand and took a few steps forward: "My impression seems to be that there is no record of this psychic skill. Are there any good things hidden in your [Dayuan] path?"

"Well, that's it." Song Shi seemed to think about it seriously before saying, "Just understand it this way, it's not a big problem."

"There is still a little problem."

But Chakoluo looked serious and shook his head.

“It’s something I’ve never seen before, so I’m quite curious.”

The man smiled and extended his right hand.

He said: "—Come for a while?"

Song Shi answered quickly.


The next moment, black flames suddenly bloomed, rushing like an angry tide, sweeping violently in all directions!

Even before it was touched, just the passing of the foehn wind caused the nearby shelves to begin to collapse like melting snow, and the shipping boxes on them were reduced to ashes as they fell.

Song Shi's pupils were once again filled with darkness, with a glimmer of red gold.

And from that line of red gold, all the emotions from the previous moment faded away, leaving only pure ferocity.

Song Shi clasped his right hand, and the outline of the heavy sword was formed in an instant. The flames of disaster flowed like water satin, and the black flames swirled around the blade, and it slashed towards Chakoluo!


Just when he was about to be chopped down, Chong Shi stopped.

It's not that you have to stop at any point and be merciful, but there are five fingers grabbing the blade and holding it tightly. The fluctuation of spiritual energy disappears for a moment, restraining all the destructive power in the palm of your hand.


The rising flames of disaster seemed to have no impact, and even the corners of Chakoluo's clothes were not burned with any holes. However, the man's expression clearly looked a little strange, and he pondered for a moment.

"First transform the mind, and then use it as firewood. It's a very novel idea." Chakoluo carefully felt the black flame in his palm: "However, the requirements for the user in all aspects are very high. If you are not careful, your own mind will be damaged. Will be burned, the control of psychic energy, the maintenance of self-will, the skills to control the flow of power. No, even the priority of these things can be put aside first. The most important thing is to have enough hatred and anger to promote."

"What an extreme thing."

"But because of this, the destructive power it brings is extremely astonishing. Even the mind of a psyker may not be able to withstand the bombardment for too long. And in this state, driven by overflowing hatred and anger, you burst out The killing power will also be improved. Well, it is indeed not unfair for Wu Chi to lose so quickly."

Chakoluo commented: "Excellent psychic skills and pure killing ability. Unfortunately, the requirements for use are a bit too high. What is it called?"


Chacoro nodded and let go of his hand.

Chong Ji quickly turned into a stream of flames, swaying and submerging into Song Shi's body. The latter closed his eyes for a moment, and when he opened them again, the darkness had disappeared.

"What do you want to ask?"

"First of all, of course it's my 'Sui Shi', and secondly..."

Song Shi's smile had a hint of expectation.

"When are you going to lift the chessboard of Casting Light City?"

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