Song Shi walked slowly in the corridor.

The light above his head was pure white as before, and the alloy door in front was completely open, showing a green "passage allowed" icon.

In the next moment, Song Shi suddenly turned the Steel Crow and slashed diagonally to the side!


In the "air" that was originally empty, a touch of iron suddenly emerged and wiped towards Song Shi's neck, but the Steel Crow arrived first and intercepted the iron color, and even pressed it back with one blow!

Seeing this, the iron color retreated without hesitation and disappeared again.

"High-frequency weapon"

Looking at the outer blade of the Steel Crow, Song Shi raised his eyebrows slightly at the few tiny cracks that appeared after just a touch.

Then he looked at the surroundings that became empty again.

Optical camouflage? No, it's a more advanced equipment

"——Full representation mimicry device."

Song Shi judged the equipment held by the other party, including optical camouflage, thermal imaging shielding, odor isolation, and electromagnetic wave concealment. The "full representation shielding" mimicry device is comparable to the advanced equipment of the "invisible cloak" in fairy tales.

[High-frequency weapons], [full representation mimicry device].

Identify these two keywords and think of the information provided by the Enlightened One.

So, Song Shi showed a look of understanding: "Senior Executive Specialist, Caroline Surrey. It turns out that you have been in charge of garrisoning here. No wonder I haven't heard much about you."

In addition to these two equipment, the other party also implanted an advanced neural acceleration prosthesis called [Hurricane IT Type], which can greatly improve reflex ability and thinking speed, but the other party has not yet activated it.

At this moment, when Song Shi looked around, someone was also watching him.

Like a giant gecko, Caroline stuck to the ceiling with a magnetic adsorption device, holding the high-frequency wavelength dagger [Butter Cut] in reverse, and cast a glance at the attacker not far away.

Don't look directly.

Even if there is a full-representation mimicry device [Panmot Lizard] camouflage, it can theoretically block most detection methods, but Caroline knows that some people's so-called intuition and perception are unreasonable-even if they are seriously asked, they often look serious and give inexplicable answers such as "there is a murderous intention".

The woman couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

——The outline of the person in front of her was reflected in her pupils.

In the burning of the red-gold flame, the other party's original disguise was completely burned, revealing a young, even immature face.

However, with the other party's expression of joy that was difficult to hide, and the thick crimson that almost completely submerged and stained the white coat, the original immaturity had already been completely submerged in it.

The young man held the steel crow, lowered the tip of the knife, and walked slowly in the corridor.

One after another, scarlet footprints spread behind him, dragging out winding bloodstains.

Listening to the communication channel that fell into complete silence, Caroline knew that the troops that had originally gone to intercept were probably annihilated and became the blood flowing on the enemy's body.

The nearest batch of armed personnel had been destroyed, and the remaining troops farther away were still gathering and changing equipment - no, those guys probably had a deliberate delay in their hearts.

".How did you break through the gate?"

The woman's voice suddenly sounded, echoing in every corner of the corridor, making it impossible to hear the sound and determine the location.

"Song Shi. Is this your real name?"

"I've read your file. You have two second-ring psychic skills. You are at the lower stage of the second ring."

"I admit that 'Embers' is indeed a powerful psychic skill, but at the lower stage of the second ring, your 'Embers' should not be able to burn the alloy gate, at least not so fast."

In the battle not long ago, the institute had blocked the aisle in advance and used the alloy gate to carry out physical isolation, trying to trap the person in front of him, but the other party burned a way out with psychic flames.

Caroline's tone was full of confusion:

"So, why?"

"Yes. Why?"

Song Shi tilted his head. When the liquid mixed with blood, coolant, engine oil, etc. gradually dried up, the discomfort caused by the clothes began to increase significantly.

So, the young man tore off the white coat, and the flames immediately gushed out, turning it into ashes all over the sky.

"Let me ask you a question. When a fire is about to go out or is not strong enough, what will you do?"

Without giving the other party time to answer, Song Shi spoke directly.

"Two methods, add firewood or build a stove."

"But both of them require "abundant resources". The former requires a sufficient amount of firewood, and the latter requires materials for building a stove and knowledge of how to build a structure."

Song Shi said leisurely: "So, there is a third method."

"You can blow directly into the fire, so that the flames will rise and grow rapidly in a short period of time, but the moment you stop blowing because you are exhausted, the fire will quickly go out, and because of the sudden strong flame, the firewood that might have been enough to burn for ten minutes will only be enough for three minutes now - this is a temporary solution, and it is even close to exhausting the resources."

"The same is true for psychic flames. In other words, the use of psychic energy can also be like this."

"As long as you can grasp and maintain the delicate balance between the two, your 'flame' can burn beyond your current limit, just like the psychic skill Embers you mentioned."

Caroline was shocked.

She even felt an incredible feeling in her heart.

As a senior executive, she had fought with Xu Tong. That guy was also the second ring [Dayuan], but he had never used or mentioned this technique. Maybe now she knew how Xu Tong died at the hands of the person in front of her.

"Well, there is one more thing."

Song Shi looked around and gently dragged the steel crow, making a slight tremor on the alloy floor.

"It is actually quite reasonable to divide the ranks according to the number of psychic skills mastered."

"After all, the promotion of psychic power is like building a layer of building blocks. Each layer needs to be carefully placed. Most psychics cannot master psychic skills in one breath. After they master a psychic skill, they must follow the steps and advance to a certain level of psychic realm again before they can master new psychic skills."

"Otherwise, their 'building block tower' will be overwhelmed and collapse."

".What do you want to say?"

Caroline had a bad premonition.

She adjusted her posture slightly, indicating that the mimicry device "Panmot Lizard" was running stably, and the "Hurricane IT Type" neural acceleration prosthesis could be activated at any time. The "Butter Cut" held in reverse showed a uniform iron color from the high-frequency vibration.

"There is something to say about the classification of ranks."

"But there is no need to tell you."

At this moment, the forging flame surged, Song Shi suddenly lifted the steel crow horizontally, and the whole person turned into a red tide, slashing towards the upper right ceiling!

"——Found you."

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